STEP 1: Pay your dues on the ACRA member portal. All ACRA members dues must be paid no later than Friday, September 9 to provide enough time for the member to complete the verification form, ASC order form, and payment transaction with Aspen Skiing Company prior to the super early deadline on September 16.

Log in to the member portal with your email on file for your ACRA membership. You can request to "send forgot password" on the portal landing page.

STEP 2: Complete the ACRA verification form on our website indicating how many ski passes you need this season for eligible owners/managers/employees (must work a minimum of 20 hours per week during the winter season, receive a W2, and whose primary winter residence is in the RFV). You will need to designate your contact who will manage the Chamber ski passes for your business.

Once ACRA verifies your dues and all outstanding invoices have been paid, we will confirm your eligibility with Aspen Skiing Company for the Chamber Ski Pass Program. Members with anniversary dates through December 2022 must pay their dues by Friday, September 9 to be eligible for the super early deadline pricing.

STEP 3: ACRA will provide you a link within three business days to the digital Aspen Skiing Company SmartSheets order form. Fill out the order form, including the total number and type of passes your business wishes to purchase, as well as your preferred method of payment, and click SUBMIT. You must review and agree to all guidelines, including the Chamber Ski Pass Audit, to be eligible for the discounted Chamber passes.

STEP 4: The designated business representative will receive details from Aspen Skiing Company based on the selected payment method. The representative needs to pay ASC for the passes prior to the September 16 super early deadline to secure the super early pricing. If you do not pay ASC prior to that deadline your ski pass pricing will increase to the next pricing level.

Additional questions? Contact Sarah Reynolds Lasser at
(970) 920-7185 or
Aspen Chamber Resort Association |