Registration is Open for the SEL in Afterschool Cohort
for 2021-2022
At the heart of our field is the need to build positive relationships, create quality learning opportunities, and contribute to lifelong thriving outcomes for our youth. The profound way these values are connected within the field of SEL is the core of the ACROSS NH Social and Emotional Learning in Afterschool Cohort.
Participation in the cohort will include a monthly 3-hour virtual work session and a post-meeting implementation assignment. Each program will have access to an ACROSS NH consultant to support the completion of SEL implementation assignments. 
Click here or on the flyer for session details. To register for this free cohort go to Eventbrite. If you have question, please email Cathy Hazelton at [email protected].
Here is What Participants Said About Last Year's Series:
“This was an amazing course and very eye opening. I think I could probably take this multiple times and come away with something new and different each time.”

“I was truly honored to be part of this first SEL training series. The series was well-planned and each session was exceptional.”

“This was one of the best classes I have ever taken. It was full of relevant content. Participants were engaged in the classes. Concepts learned were easily put into practice. It was professionally presented.”
Resource Introduction Trainings
A Guided Resource Walk to "A Guide to Social and Emotional Learning for the Afterschool Professional," Monday, September 20th 10-11am: Presented by Abigail Blodgett. Register in Eventbrite. You will receive 1 hour of Professional Development. For out-of-school time directors, leaders and staff. This training will be held on Zoom.
A Guided Resource Walk to "A Suspension and Expulsion Prevention Policy Guide for New Hampshire Afterschool Programs," Monday, September 20th 11:15am-12:15pm: Presented by Abigail Blodgett. Register in Eventbrite. You will receive 1 hour of Professional Development. For out-of-school time directors, leaders and staff. This training will be held on Zoom.
If you have questions about these trainings, or you would like to request a Resource Introduction Training for your program, please email [email protected] or call (603) 206-6848.
Coming Soon: Multi-Session SEML Series
Social, Emotional and Mindful Learning Cohort
  • 5 sessions
  • For out-of-school time administrators, directors, leaders, and staff
  • 15 hours of Professional Development
  • Dates TBD, beginning in Winter 2022
Dear NH Out-of-School Time SEL Community,
It’s the time of year when we have welcomed back our children to our programs. While programs are busily adding growth to old connections and fostering new ones, helping children with the ins and outs of new routine, and providing enrichment to their afterschool hours, I wanted to pose the following questions for reflection:
  • Do the children and youth in our programs feel like they belong?
  • Why is belonging important for all people- children/youth, families, staff, administrators- to feel?
  • How do we know who feels like they belong and who doesn’t?
I have been hearing this sentiment echoed amongst professionals who work with children/youth in various environments, “What will we all need- children, families, staff, administrators- coming into a new year after the endless changes we have and are managing due to the COVID-19 pandemic?” I am sure that this would be no small discussion to get to the bottom of it. The components of this September Snip, Clip, and In-A-Snap sections focus on one human need that is always relevant, and I can imagine especially after the tremendous upheaval we’ve all been through, the need to feel that we belong.
What does your program do or wish they could do to talk about belonging? To establish and restore belonging? I would love to hear from you!
Abigail J. Blodgett, NH ASMP
ACROSS NH SEL Project Coordinator
What Does Belonging Look Like in a School Setting?
In this clip from Edutopia, hear about the importance that belonging has in a school setting.
Consider what ways belonging is impactful to children and youth in afterschool time:
  • How might a program participant’s sense of belonging impact their program engagement?
  • How might a child/youth who does not have a sense of belonging think, feel, and behave?
  • How might a child/youth with a strong sense of belonging think, feel, and behave? 
A Me and a We
Sally Boardman, Master of Philosophy in Psychology, discusses the human need of belonging in this
short blog and brings forward the idea that forming identity, “the self,” involves how one connects with others and has a sense of belonging within the group. Visit to read the entire blog.
The Journey of "Belonging"
Dr. Kelly-Ann Allen and Associate Professor Peggy Kern take the time to highlight the importance of belonging across the lifespan in a blog post from Psychology Today. In this blog, they briefly touch on belonging through the lens of different parts of the human lifespan and explain the importance the role belonging has in each of our lives. To read the entire blog, go to
Listen to “A Little Spot of Belonging”
Using books with kids will always be a handy way to introduce SEL topics to our children and youth. Did you know that many authors can be found reading some of their works aloud on YouTube? In some cases, people have gained permission from the authors to read their books aloud. Have you considered reading a book that could be shared with the children/youth in a way that is different than a single group read aloud? Listen to this reading of Diane Alber’s “A Little Spot of Belonging” below. Use this resource to introduce the topic to the children in your program. Or use this for inspiration to create your own read aloud video!
This guide seeks to support afterschool programs with the development of policies that seek to include all children and youth. Research shows many positive outcomes from participation in afterschool programs that intentionally address growth in personal and social skills.
Social and Emotional Learning takes place in all contexts that children and youth participate: their homes, schools, out-of-school time environments, and communities. The field of afterschool’s commitment to Social and Emotional Learning can make a profound difference in the lives of the young people served, and in the adults who guide them.
If you would like to request a printed copy of one of these guides, please email [email protected]. Quantities are limited.
Abigail J. Blodgett, NH ASMP & ECMP
Social and Emotional Learning Project Coordinator
ACROSS NH, a project of SERESC
165 South River Road, Unit F
Bedford, NH 03110
Art by Mercy, 12 years old
ACROSS NH is a project of the Southeastern Regional Education Service Center (SERESC) and is funded by the Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration. Our goal is to provide statewide technical assistance and professional development opportunities to afterschool providers to support their work in creating high quality, innovative programs for schoolage children.