ACRP Journal Club | Suncoast Chapter ACRP 2020
Journal Club Meeting: Webinar
Suncoast Chapter
The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) Suncoast Chapter relies on great local professionals who are committed to growth and mentorship.
The main goal of our meetings will be to discuss the most recent topics on the minds of research professionals such as topics on the ACRP “Online Community” forum. This month’s topic is:

“How can ACRP’s CRC Competencies be used?”
by Wendy Duncan, RN, B.S.N., CIP, CCRA
Target Audience:
ACRP members and prospective members.
To provide feedback on how to make this better for you and others, please email the ACRP Suncoast Chapter Board at or enter feedback in our survey .
This Month's Date & Time:
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Date: January 28, 2020
Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm ET
Location:  GoToMeeting
Web-conference:  Computer, tablet or smartphone.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.  No microphone on your computer to join the discussion? NO PROBLEM! You can log in to the meeting via both your smart phone and computer to eliminate potential long distance costs. 

You can also dial in using your phone.  United States: +1 (786) 535-3211  
Access Code: 959-690-709 

Please note that by logging on to the event, you acknowledge and accept to have your name and contact information might be shared with and/or visible to  the speakers, other attendees and/or other Florida ACRP Chapter board members.

First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:  
Contact hours:  1 Contact hour can be obtained by signing on to the ACRP chapter website: . (You can attend the discussion by calling in but you must attend via the webinar link to be eligible for CE credit.)

To receive contact hours: The local chapter will not be responsible for issuing contact hours but ACRP or SOCRA Members may get a certificate of attendance upon request.

Cost: There is no cost to attend the meeting. Contact hour/CE pricing is posted on the website. There will be no charge if you are a local Suncoast Chapter member .

Refund Policy: The ACRP Suncoast Chapter does not provide contact hour refunds.

Level:  Basic to Intermediate