The American Community Survey is America's premier source of data on critical issues including education, employment, housing, and more. As a crucial component of American democracy, it is vital that we strengthen and invest in the ACS.
In spite of its crucial importance to our communities, the ACS is less familiar to many than the decennial census. To uplift the importance of the ACS, The Leadership Conference Education Fund and Census Counts has designated August to be ACS Awareness Month.
This August, we uplifted the importance of the ACS through a two-part webinar series about the ACS, social media posts, and a new set of informational resources to support your outreach. As ACS Awareness Month draws to a close, The Education Fund compiled all the resources that were developed to create awareness about the ACS and its impact on our communities.
Please share these resources with your networks, and let us know about any events or other outreach tools that you’ve developed on the ACS.
We look forward to continuing this important work with you.
The Leadership Conference Education Fund, in partnership with Census Counts (a collaboration between The Education Fund, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, NALEO Educational Fund and National Urban League) and States Count Action Network (a joint effort led by The Education Fund and State Voices)