The Anglican Church in North America
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"And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."
Ezekiel 36:26 (ESV)
In the very early 1960's, the Gretsch Company made a beautiful guitar known as an "Anniversary" or "Annie".
Over the years, Annie was played in a variety of places, and was, at times, abused. Eventually, she was no longer cherished. Various owners stripped, repainted, used abrasives against her fragile skin and finally left her to languish in a beaten-up case.
Eventually, she was purchased from a large pawn shop in Texas and given to Carolyn Sword's late husband, Gene. For years, Gene held on to Annie, wanting to restore her, but also sensing that she needed more than he could provide. She needed a Master Restorer who could tenderly coax her back to health. She needed someone who understood how she was created and, also, how she was misused. She needed a very special person who could help her sing again.
Weeks before Gene's death, in 2013, he asked me to find a new owner for Annie. He had only one stipulation. Her new owner needed to be someone who appreciated who she was and who she could be again.
To make a long story shorter, I found a chat room for Gretsch enthusiasts and, eventually, was introduced to Huw Price. Huw is a professional writer. He lives in England and purchased Annie to restore her. If you would like to follow Huw's account of his on-going relationship with Annie, click HERE.
If you hadn't already gathered from the quote from Ezekiel above, many of us share a lot in common with Annie. Although we were beautifully and wonderfully made, life has taken its toll on us. We, too, may have been used and abused by those who did not understand or care that we were created to sing a special song. Over time, our voice has weakened or our song silenced. We sit alone and forgotten doubting that we will ever sing again.
Like Annie, we need a Master Restorer. His Name is Jesus. He knew us in our mother's womb and He knows the trouble we've seen. He desires to lovingly remove what is damaged, give us a new heart and spirit, and restore our song.
In Huw's capable hands, Annie will soon play beautiful melodies again. In Jesus' extraordinary hands, so will we.
Your brother in Christ,
To hear
Fr. Chris'
Sunday sermon, click
The heavy downpours of rain this week have made a party at the Thetford's back yard a soggy proposition. We have decided to postpone the picnic until a later, dryer date.
Plan to bring your clean, crushed aluminum cans to church on Sunday, May 29.
Betty Scott
will receive your cans and take them to the recycling center for processing. All proceeds from the recycled cans will be deposited into our Building Fund.
Recognizing blessings and being thankful for them change our perspective and our lives. When we share them with others, they can have a transforming effect as well. This column is designed to give you, as a church member, a forum to express the way God is working in your life and those areas of your life for which you are thankful.
From Dixie Spears:
I am thankful for the sermon being recorded so that we can listen to it when we miss a Sunday and even when I sometimes feel like I want to hear the sermon over.
From Cheryl Ide:
Last week at work was much less stressful, thanks to prayers from Christian brothers and sisters at church the week before. Since we are to thank God in all things, perhaps we can thank God for the recent opportunities to pray for those who are experiencing illnesses and surgeries. These situations give us more opportunity for community-praying and finding ways to help.
From Janey Waters: Fr. Chris' sermon was insightful, challenging, and lovingly spoken. We must always strive to live, constantly, in the Spirit. When we do so, we stay prepared to do Kingdom work while, also, doing it with His strength, wisdom, and perspective. The second spark was when the entire community gathered when I asked for prayer for Chris when he was in physical pain. I love our church family and the faith you bring! A special thanks to Gary Ernest for stepping in and running an errand for Chris, and for Melissa Crutchley for running home to let out our dog, Toby, before returning to our wonderful lunch and Prayer Team meeting!
From Deacon Jean:
All of Sunday was a blessing for me. Fr. Chris' sermon was particularly meaningful for me and the picture of trying to walk up a descending escalator as what we do when we don't walk with the Lord has stayed with me and made me know that I don't want that to be a picture of my life. The praying and sharing with each other during the prayer team training was also a joyful blessing.
From Fr. Chris
: Last Sunday was exceptional, except for that part about my blood pressure dropping and needing to rest while Fr. Brad concluded the service. I absolutely hate feeling ill and becoming an inappropriate center of attention on Sunday mornings. That attention needs to be reserved for Jesus. But I can tell you that being tended to in such loving ways by all of you was a deep and abiding blessing. Thank you for your love and concern. Cramps that keep me from breathing properly can never be predicted, but your kindness and understanding is something on which I always rely.
May 29, 2016
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Altar Guild |
T. Spears |
First Lesson |
M. Anich |
Second Lesson |
B. Scott |
Chalice |
K. Black |
Prayers |
T. Spears |
Acolyte |
B. Scott |
Oblationers |
M. McLean/S. Parker |
Greeter |
D. Spears |
Refreshments |
D. Spears/T. Spears |
Friday Devotional |
No Devotionals During Summer |
Prayer Team |
K. Black/J. Skelton |
Children's Ministry |
B. Van Deventer/T. Hickey |
A/V Crew |
K. Black |
June 5, 2016
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Altar Guild |
M. McLean |
First Lesson |
R. Anich |
Second Lesson |
B. Christel |
Chalice |
M. Crutchley |
Prayers |
K. Crutchley |
Acolyte |
T. Spears |
Oblationers |
J. Skelton/D. Spears |
Greeter |
M. Martin |
Refreshments |
L. Thetford/M. Van Deventer |
Friday Devotional |
No Devotionals During Summer
Prayer Team |
F. & B. Christel |
Children's Ministry |
B. Van Deventer/T. Hickey |
A/V Crew |
K. Black |
May 29, 2016
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Altar Guild |
J. Chamberlain |
Lay Reader |
Y. Vaughan |
Chalice |
Y. Vaughan
Prayers of the People |
M. Boone |
Oblationer |
D. Garrison |
Bread |
J. Gallery |
June 5, 2016
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Altar Guild |
B. Garrison |
Lay Reader |
J. Wyllie
Chalice |
R. Smith
Prayers of the People |
M. Boone
Oblationer |
T. Chamberlain |
Bread |
J. Gallery |
- "Pennies from Heaven" Building Fund Project: Call Betty Scott if you have large quantities of aluminum cans to recycle and she will gladly pick them up. Please bring smaller quantities of cans to the church so she can collect them there.
Our Mission Statement Is: "REACH, TEACH, PREACH JESUS!" Approved by the vestry of the Anglican Church of Saint Paul on August 23, 2007 |
Our Vision Statement Is: The Anglican Church of Saint Paul will become a church united in love, growing spiritually through small groups of individuals studying God's Holy Word, praying for one another and the blessing of the church, and working towards the goal that the Lord's "salvation may reach to the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 49:6) Approved by the vestry of the Anglican Church of Saint Paul on February 17, 2011 |
Our Core Values The following scriptures summarize our church's Core Values: OUR PRIORITY - First of all, seek God. "... seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33) OUR DIRECTION - Come out of the wilderness to the LORD and beckon others to join us. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) OUR PURPOSE - Be healed and become a place of healing and peace. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27) OUR REMINDER - In all things, it is the LORD who gets the glory. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty." (Zechariah 4:6) OUR REWARD - Keep our eyes upon the prize. "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it." (Revelation 2:17) Approved by the Anglican Church of Saint Paul Vestry on August 23, 2012 |