Promote Health. Build Community. End HIV and AIDS.

We know that it's been a while since you heard from us! We're sorry!

We've missed sending our newsletter regularly, but the good news is that we're bringing it back! From now on, you can expect a monthly update from us about all the exciting things happening at ACT. Stay tuned!
Together Towards Zero
Join us on World AIDS Day, December 1st, for ACT's Together Towards Zero Brunch! Celebrating Positive Women of the World. Embracing Solidarity. Committing to a Toronto free of HIV!

📅 Friday, December 1, 2023
⌚ 10:00am – 12:30pm
📍 Toronto Region Board of Trade, 100 Queens Quay E., 3rd Floor

You definitely won't want to miss this opportunity to make an impact.
Four-Day Office Opening Survey
Since June of 2023, ACT has been closing its office to the public one day a week: in the summer we closed on Fridays, and as of September we are now closing on Mondays. The reason for closing on these days was because we were not seeing many people physically coming into the office. We want to hear from you about whether or not this has created challenges for you, as well as your preferences (if any) for a day in which the office isn’t open. The deadline to complete this survey is until November 30th, 2023.
Community Health Forums
In October's Community Health Forum, Aaron Clarke, ACT’s Gay Men’s Community Education and Resource Coordinator, sat down with infectious diseases specialist Dr. Darrell Tan.

Dr. Tan has done incredible work in the field of HIV, including writing Ontario’s official guidelines for PrEP usage. For our forum, Dr. Tan shared findings from his study called PRIMP: a PrEP Implementation Project. We are thrilled to have been able to collaborate with Dr. Tan for this forum! If you missed it, please visit ACT’s YouTube page.

On Monday, November 6th, Aaron will speak to Luna Matatas, a sex educator and pleasure specialist.

On Wednesday, December 13th, join us live and in-person for our next Community Health Forum and hear from HQ’s Dr. Kevin Woodrow as he details research updates in HIV in 2022. 
New ACT Website
We're thrilled to announce that ACT's brand-new website is now live! Sandbox Software Solutions have developed the site as part of their Amplifying Good Program. It features a modern, dynamic, and mobile-friendly design, making it easily accessible to everyone.

With the new website, you can find information about all of ACT's programs and services. You can also use the new events page to keep up to date about any events going on at ACT that you might be interested in.
Meditation Group
Starting Tuesday, November 14th, ACT will hold a free weekly, four-session meditation group led by a licensed yoga and meditation instructor. This group is for gay, bi, queer and trans men - regardless of HIV status - but open to nonbinary individuals who feel comfortable in such space. Open to all ages. Lunch will be provided as well.

For more information or to register, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or call us at 416-340-2437 ext.226.
Body Image Group
Join us at ACT for an 8-week Body Image Group! Starting November 23rd, this group for gay, bi, queer and trans men  - regardless of HIV status - will explore topics like self-image, self-esteem, confidence, dating and sex!

For more information or to register, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or call us at 416-340-2437 ext.226.
Día de Muertos
In partnership with Latinos Positivos, ACT commemorated Día de Muertos on November 2nd. Together, community members set up an ofrenda (offering) in memory of loved ones we have lost. Participants brought their own photos, mementos, and the favourite foods and snacks of their loved ones to invite their presence. There was also face painting of calaveras (skulls) and we crafted paper cempasúchil (flowers of the dead) to beautify the ofrenda. The event was a celebration in the company of the living and the dead, as we enjoyed homemade tamales and churrado while listening to music and sharing songs and stories about our loved ones.
Stay Connected
Find the most up-to-date info on ACT programs and services as well as HIV, sexual and mental health info on the ACT website. You can also follow ACT on FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn.

As a service user, volunteer, staff member, or donor, we would also love to hear from you. Is there something you'd like to see in the newsletter?
Drop us a line at [email protected] or again, find us on social media at any of the buttons below.