Action Alert - January 6, 2025

Hello Montana,

The 2025 Legislative Session is here! Legislators and Lobbyists have flocked to Helena from all over the State and the halls of the Capitol are bustling again.

It's only day one, but we already have opportunities for the public to comment on two bird-related bills! 

As a reminder, in each Action Alert we highlight:

  • Key pieces of legislation that need immediate action;
  • Contact information for relevant legislators;
  • How to submit comments to critical committees and before key votes.

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We have one bill to oppose on Thursday and one bill to support tomorrow: 

OPPOSE: House Bill 57 would remove California Quail and Gambel’s Quail from the exotic species list and classify them as Upland Game Birds, a title reserved for Ring-necked Pheasant, Gray Partridge, Wild Turkey, Chukar, and our native Grouse and Ptarmigan.

SUPPORT: House Bill 73 repeals a section of law that authorizes livestock and poultry owners to kill predatory birds, in conflict with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

How to participate remotely in the Montana legislative process

If you would like to testify virtually on a bill, you must register 2 hours before the hearing. To do so, create an account on the Montana Legislature's "Participate" page and follow the on-screen prompts to register for your chosen hearing.

Participate- Montana Legislature

House Bill 57

Designate quail as upland game bird

Sponsored by Rep. Paul Fielder (R- Thompson Falls)


Hearing scheduled House Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 1/9 at 3:00pm Rm 172

Montana Audubon Position


California Quail and Gambel’s Quail have been designated feral species for years and Montana Audubon petitioned to have both species listed as exotic in 2011. Since then, FWP has prohibited their “possession, sale, purchase, exchange, or transport” in Montana. This bill would reclassify them as Upland Game Birds, set bag limits, end the open season, and allow for the birds to be farmed and released. An established California Quail population already exists in the Bitterroot, suggesting the birds could successfully breed in other parts of Montana.

Action Needed

Please click here to send an email to the committee and encourage them to VOTE NO on House Bill 57! 

If you would like to testify virtually on this bill, you must register by 1:00pm on January 9th. Be sure to select the option to message the “Legislator”, and scroll to select your legislator.

You can also include a personal message about how the State of Montana should not open the door to releasing exotic bird species in Montana.

Or contact the House Fish, Wildlife & Parks committee directly: 

Hinkle, Jedediah (R) - Ch - Belgrade - (406) 992-1686 -

Hinkle, Caleb (R) - VCh - Belgrade -

Cohenour, Jill (D) - VCh - East Helena - 406-431-0912 -

Byrne, Ed (R) - Big Fork - 406-871-6001 -

Deming, Lee (R) - Laurel - 406-671-2508 -

Duram, Neil (R) - Eureka - 406-471-2356 -

Fielder, Paul (R) - Thompson Falls - 406-210-5943 -

Fitzpatrick, Chip (D) - Crow Agency -

France, Tom (D) - Missoula - 406-396-5085 -

Gregg, Randyn (R) - White Sulphur Springs - 406-290-4407 -

Isaly, Jamie (D) - Bozeman - 406-209-2568 -

Karlen, Jonathan (D) - Missoula - 406-851-9226 -

Maness, Shannon (R) - Dillon - 406-925-3604 -

Marler, Marilyn (D) - Missoula - 406-544-7189 -

Millett, Tom (R) - Marion - 406-212-3613 -

Parry, Gary (R) - Colstrip - 406-749-0543 -

Running Wolf, Tyson (D) - Browning - 406-845-2115 -

Schubert, Lukas (R) - Kalispell - 406-609-6099 -

Seckinger, Joshua (D) - Bozeman - 4065996604 -

Sharp, Tracy (R) - Polson - 406-407-2197 -

Staff: Maxwell Parson (LSD), Rm 171, 444-1285

Clerk: Katie Reeves, Rm 451, 444-4861

House Bill 73

Repeal law authorizing killing of eagles or predatory hawks and owls

Sponsored by Rep. Jamie Islay (D- Bozeman)


Hearing scheduled House Agriculture 1/7 at 3:00pm Rm 137

Montana Audubon Position


This bill repeals language that allows poultry and livestock owners to shoot predatory eagles, hawks, and owls, bringing Montana statute in line with Federal law. The State of Montana does not have authority to authorize take of eagles, hawks, or owls by private citizens.

Action Needed

Please click here to send an email to the committee and encourage them to VOTE YES on House Bill 73! 

If you would like to testify virtually on this bill, you must register by 1:00pm on January 7th. Be sure to select the option to message the “Legislator”, and scroll to select your legislator!

You can also include a personal message about the importance of protecting our native eagles, hawks, and owls.

Or contact the House Agriculture committee directly: 

Mitchell, Braxton (R) - Ch - Columbia Falls -

Miner, Russel (R) - VCh - Great Falls - 406-899-4514 -

Carter, Bob (D) - VCh - Missoula - 406-788-0089 -

Baum, Denise (D) - Billings - 406-208-0345

Darling, Julie (R) - Helena - 406-471-4125 -

Griffith, Alanah (D) - Big Sky - 406-624-3585 -

Klakken, Shane (R) - Grass Range - 406-217-6107 -

Kmetz, Greg (R) - Miles City - 406-853-1636 -

Lynch, Jennifer (D) - Butte - 406-491-7523 -

Nikolakakos, Melissa (R) - Great Falls - 406-223-2380 -

Oblander, Greg (R) - Billings - 406-652-3553 -

Romano, Melissa (D) - Helena - 406-461-0340 -

Smith, Frank, (D) - Poplar - 406-942-0615 -

Thane, Mark (D) - Missoula - 406-552-3957 -

Thiel, Morgan (R) - Sidney - 406-480-6271 -

Tilleman, Eric (R) - Cascade -

Wirth, Zack (R) - Wolf Creek - 406-750-5852 -

Staff: Laura Sherley (LSD) Rm. 111, 444-4408

Clerk: Emma Bowar, Rm 468, 444-4876

Thank you for supporting Montana's birds, wildlife, and the habitats they rely on through your vital civic engagement!

Yours in Conservation,

Peter Dudley

Montana Audubon

Policy & Conservation Ranching Specialist

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