Hey Hey,
If you're free tonight, OCYR could use your help in supporting the Costa Mesa City Council as they look to take great strides to cut back on excessive government spending on pensions that have damaged state and local governments nationwide.
We ask that our members meet at the Costa Mesa City Hall at 6:00 p.m. and to wear a black shirt in solidarity with the council as they become our local model of government reform. Also, there is strength in numbers and we urge you to bring a friend.
Costa Mesa City Council Meeting
Where: Costa Mesa City Hall
77 Fair Dr. Costa Mesa, CA
When: Meeting begins @ 6:00 p.m.
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TONIGHT: OCYR @ Costa Mesa City Council Meeting
May 17th: Meet & Greet with Allan Mansoor @ Wahoo's, Fashion Island
May 24th: OCYR May mixer @ Landmark Steakhouse, Corona del Mar
July 28th: OCYR Summer Event @ Location TBA
August 4: OCYR ATF Day @ Location TBA
Meet & Greet with Asm. Allan Mansoor
OCYR would like to invite our members to a meet and greet with Assemblyman Allan Mansoor on Thursday, May 17 at Wahoo's in Fashion Island. Assemblyman Mansoor has been a strong supporter of OCYR over the years and a fighter for conservative principles during his first term in the State Legislature. This is a free event for members and their guests. We would urge all of our members to come out and bring a friend to learn more about Assemblyman Mansoor, his ideals and why we need to help keep him in Sacramento.
To learn more about Allan please visit his website. Click Here
When: Thursday May 17, 2012
401 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, CA
Cost: Free to everyone!
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See you there!
Justin Smith Orange County Young Republicans