People for Life Email Update

November 28, 2023

Legislator Info

Urge Sen. Laughlin: Vote NO on HB1786

The Pennsylvania state House of Representatives has approved a bill (HB1786) that provides cover for abortionists who harm women while doing "reproductive health care" (i.e., killing babies, etc.) in other states. The bill, in effect, makes Pennsylvania a sanctuary state for the abortion industry.

HB1786 was recently passed in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives by a vote of 117-86, with only one Democrat voting NO and 16 Republicans voting YES.

You can read this appalling legislation for yourself, but the following passage illustrates the bill's purpose well enough.

"A court of record of this Commonwealth shall have no authority under this section to order service upon any person for any matter in a tribunal outside of this Commonwealth involving the provision or delivery of reproductive health care services."

The bill also places the same constraints on the executive branch of the state government.

Please thank these Erie area legislators for voting NO on this unconscionable legislation: Jake Banta (R) | Timothy Bonner (R) | Lee James (R) | Kathy Rapp (R) | Brad Roae (R) | Parke Wentling.

Click here for contact information for all of our NW PA state legislators.

This ridiculous--and dangerous--legislation is now under review by the state Senate Judiciary Committee. We stand of chance of stopping HB1786 in the state Senate before it gets to Governor Shapiro's desk where it can expect a signature, with fanfare, from this extremely pro-abortion governor. But the vote could be very close.


Please urge state Senator Dan Laughlin (or YOUR state senator) to vote NO on HB1786. Out of state abortion providers should not be given special protections--should not be given sanctuary--within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!

[email protected]

Sen. Laughlin's messaging web form

District Office

1314 Griswold Plaza

Erie, PA 16501

(814) 453-2515

Capitol Office

Senate Box 203049

Harrisburg, PA 17120-3049

(717) 787-8927

March for Life Bus Trip

Registration is now open for People for Life's 51st Annual Bus Trip to the Washington, DC March for Life.

Since our last Email Update, a very kind underwriter has come forward with a donation large enough to reduce the $90 actual cost per seat all the way down to $65.

Register online via Constant Contact or feel free to register by sending your payment to PEOPLE FOR LIFE; P.O. Box 1126; Erie, PA 16512 or by visiting PEOPLE FOR LIFE in-person at 1625 W. 26th St., Erie.

Please include your name, address, phone number and email address, and include a name for each additional person that you want to register.

We will leave Erie at 11 p.m., Thursday evening, January 18 and arrive back in Erie at approximately 1:30 p.m., early Saturday morning at approximately 1:30 a.m., depending on weather and traffic.

Additional Information is available on our website.

Follow the March for Life Bus Trip on Facebook.


If you would like to help cover all or part of the cost of a bus seat for a deserving pro-life individual who is unable to come up with the $65 bus fare, we would welcome your donation. Marchers are also responsible for Metro fare (about $10) and the cost of meals during for the 24-hour-plus adventure. There are a variety of ways to donate. Use the PayPal button on the front page of; call (814) 459-1333 with your credit or debit card number or swipe your card in-person; mail a check, or just drop by People for Life.


Download the Bus Trip Poster in PDF format to print and display.

Download the Bus Trip Poster in JPG format to use on social media.

Share the Facebook event listing on your Facebook profile.

Pro-Life Breakfast

Hear and meet Notre Dame University Law School Professor Sherif Girgis at People for Life's 46th Annual Pro-Life Breakfast on Saturday, January 13!

An Oxford University Rhodes Scholar, Professor Girgis served as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, Jr. He is the author of several books, one on Marriage issues, and is currently completing a PhD in Philosophy at Princeton. Read his bio on the Notre Dame website.

Reservations are $26 for teens and adults, and $18 for ages 3 to 12. There is no cost for younger children.

Additional information is available on our website.

Mail reservation payments to People for Life; P.O. Box 1126; Erie, PA 16512 and please include your address and a name with each additional reservation. Online registration is also available. Tickets will be mailed as soon as your payment is received.

By the way, we heard from Congressman Mike Kelly last evening. The Pro-Life Breakfast is on his calendar.

Follow the Pro-Life Breakfast on Facebook.


Download the Pro-Life Breakfast Poster in PDF format to print and display.

Download the Pro-Life Breakast Poster in JPG format to use on social media.

Share the Facebook event listing on your Facebook profile.

Pro-Life Breakfast Business Sponsors

Do you own a business or have a professional practice? If so, please consider being an advertising sponsor for People for Life's 46th Annual Pro-Life Breakfast on January 13, 2024.

Sponsor-advertisers will be included in the Breakfast program. A complimentary online listing will also be available.

Register your business sponsorship online or download the mail-in form.

Work of Art

This sand sculpture is titled "Gestation." This amazing work of art depicts an even more amazing work of art, a pre-born child growing in her mother's womb. The artist, Fergus Mulvany, created the sculpture on the beach at Treasure Island, Florida.

We posted this picture on the People for Life Facebook profile, where it is getting a enthusiastic response: 181 reactions and 15 shares, so far.

The picture was taken by Maria Cannon, who happens to be our point of contact at one of our pro-life educational booth venues, the Lake City Fire Company Carnival. Maria very thoughtfully tagged it to us on Facebook.


1625 W. 26th St.

Erie, PA

(814) 882-1333

[email protected]

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