ACTS Houston Newsletter
New Retreat Manual
In July 2019, ACTS Missions released the new Retreat Manual. The Retreat Manual replaces the old Director’s Manual. New Retreat Manuals can be obtained by attending a local Retreat Training or ordering them from the ACTS Store, 210-525-9360.
The Spanish version of the Retreat Manual will be available very soon.  The Chapter will notify Facilitators once it is released.
ACTS Missions expects all retreats after January 1, 2020 to follow the new Retreat Manual.

Retreat Registration
Don’t forget to register your 2020 parish’s retreats on the Houston Chapter website.
Openings on Houston Chapter
The Houston Chapter has openings for Secretary, Spanish Mission Lead, Follow-up Coordinator and Fundraising.  If interested in one of these roles, contact David Peters, Director, .

New Core
Congratulations to Epiphany of the Lord, whose initial Core was installed October 19 th . Thanks to St. Edith Stein for missioning Epiphany.
Did You Know?
St. Jerome has hosted 100 ACTS Retreats since it began!!!
See the Houston Chapter website for the current list of training opportunities.
             Reminder: Adult Retreat Training is required for Directors, Co-Directors and Spiritual Companions AND Core Members.
Core Training is required for Core members within six months of starting Core membership.
Spanish Retreat Training is now available online.
Teen ACTS Training
Teen Retreat Leadership must attend Teen ACTS training. If Teen Retreat Leadership missed the October 19 training in Houston, they must attend training prior to the retreat in 2020. Contact Rand Pombier for more information,

Newsletter Signup
If you know someone who would like to receive periodic newsletter updates, please direct them to the Chapter website to register for the newsletter.
ACTS Mission Houston Chapter
1127 Eldridge Parkway PMB 300-405, Houston, Texas 77077
email: / website: