American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation News
JULY 2019
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE presidentmessage
Dear Colleagues:

Chris Zink This month, the ACVSMR is looking for a few good Diplomates. Check out the announcement in this newsletter and consider nominating yourself or other colleagues for the open positions on the ACVSMR Board of Directors or one of the Committees.

We are requesting nominations for Vice President from the equine field. This is a great opportunity to really make a difference in the future of the College, because after a year as Vice President, the individual moves to the position of President-Elect and then President. The two years of experience on the Board of Directors prior to becoming President help you learn and understand the ongoing issues with which the College is dealing and develop/hone your leadership style to be able to effect changes in the inner workings of the College.

Lest those of you with a canine bent feel left out, we are also looking for a Canine Regent member of the Board of Directors. This individual should have a focus on canine sports medicine. In this position, you provide advice from your own experience and vote on all issues before the Board of Directors. We are a very collegial group, so consider joining us!

There are also four open positions on committees. The Public Relations and Marketing committee is seeking one new committee member with a canine practice focus. This is a large and very active committee that plays an important role in the solvency of the College.

In addition, the Continuing Education committee is seeking three nominees - one canine and two equine. One of the equine members would preferably be working in academia so that they would have a solid background in research and experience reviewing abstracts.

Please give strong consideration to joining the leadership of the ACVSMR. You will be on the ground floor of decision-making and can have a significant impact on the future of the College.

Of course, there are also substantial recertification points available for contributing as a board or committee member - a well-deserved acknowledgment of your service.

See this newsletter for further information on submitting an application - they are due July 31, 2019.

Finally, just a reminder that we've changed our Facebook and Instagram posting rules to allow authorship notice to encourage members to submit material for posts. Please see the article below for complete details.

As always, be sure to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am here to help.

All my best,
Chris Zink_s signature 

Chris Zink, DVM, PhD
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation  
President, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Submit Nominations for Board of Directors and Committee Positions by July 31st!nominations

ACVSMR is seeking nominees for open Board of Directors and committee positions. Serving on the Board of Directors or a committee provides significant points toward diplomate recertification and the opportunity to take an active part in the College.
Open Board of Director Positions


1. Vice President - Seeking nominees that have an equine specialty.


2. Regent - Seeking nominees that have a canine specialty with a sports medicine focus.


How to Submit Your Application for the Board of Directors:
Each Board of Directors candidate must be nominated by two active diplomates in good standing. Self-nominations will not be accepted. All nominees will be required to submit a letter of intent that includes why they are qualified or desire to be a member of the Board of Directors, a description of prior service to the College, and a current curriculum vitae. Please email these documents to .
Deadline for submission of application materials is July 31, 2019.

Open Committee Positions


1. Public Relations and Marketing Committee - Seeking one new committee member with a canine practice focus. 

  • Canine (1)

2. Continuing Education Committee - Seeking one canine and two equine committee members, one of which is preferably an equine surgeon from academia that also has a solid background in research and experience with reviewing abstracts.

  • Canine (1)
  • Equine (2)
How to Submit Your Application for Committee Membership:
All nominees will be required to submit a letter of intent that includes why they are qualified or desire to be a member of a specific committee, a description of prior service to the College, and a current curriculum vitae. Please email these documents to .
Deadline for submission of application materials is July 31, 2019.

Call for Abstracts abstracts

ACVSMR Annual Educational Meeting, hosted in conjunction with the ACVS Surgical Summit
Friday, October 23, 2020
Washington, D.C.

ACVSMR is dedicated to fostering research in sports medicine and rehabilitation topics by once again providing you an opportunity to present the results of your work at our special session at the annual ACVS Symposium. At least one author must be prepared to register for the conference and be available to present at their assigned time. Each prospective presenting author may submit a maximum of three abstracts for consideration.

Three canine and 3 equine abstracts will be selected for presentation based on the two-step process. An honorarium and single day registration will be provided to each of the winners which may be graduated based on their final rank.

Please download the abstract submission guidelines for complete details. Please direct questions to Dr. Jennifer Brown, CE Committee Chair, at

Submission Deadline: Midnight Pacific Standard Time, USA, January 31, 2020

Join Us October 18 for the ACVSMR Business Meeting and Lecture Track at the ACVS Surgery Summit in Las Vegasacvs 
ACVSMR Business Meeting and Lunch

The ACVSMR Business Meeting will be held Friday, October 18, 2019, in Las Vegas, Nevada, in conjunction with the ACVS Surgery Summit.

All ACVSMR diplomates and residents are welcome to attend. The ACVSMR education sessions will break for lunch at 12:30 pm, and attendees are encouraged to visit the exhibit hall for a complimentary box lunch (voucher required) and return for the business meeting.

ACVSMR Lecture Track phoenix 

ACVSMR is pleased to present its lecture track for its annual Educational Meeting on Friday, October 18, 2019, at the ACVS Surgery Summit in Las Vegas.

Registration for the ACVS Surgery Summit is now open!
To register or learn more about the meeting, please click here.
ACVSMR residents are eligible for the resident rate for the ACVS Surgery Summit. Please select that option at registration.  
Friday, October 18, 2019 - ACVSMR Special Session
8:00 am
Keynote: From deserts to mountaintops: Exercise in extreme environments
Michael Davis, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVSMR

9:30 am

ACVSMR Scientific Abstract Session
10:15 am
Treatment failure with use of autologous stromal vascular fraction cells for gracilis fibrotic myopathy in two German Shepherd dogs
Ilan Frank, DVM

10:35 am
Long-term outcome in horses undergoing interspinous ligament desmotomy for overriding dorsal spinous processes
Kara Brown, VMD

11:00 am
Internet survey of risk factors for injury in flyball dogs
Christina Montalbano, VMD, CCRP, CVA

11:25 am
Effects of therapeutic ultrasound on carpal range of motion and lameness in osteoarthritic horses
Brady Stutzman, BS

11:45 am
Estimation of concentrations of 3-acetyl-11-keto-b-boswellic acid and 11-keto-b-boswellic acid in Boswellia serrata supplements formulated for humans and pets
Erin Miscioscia, DVM, CVA

12:10 pm
Water treadmill exercise alters limb joint range of motion, but prolonged water treadmill training does not alter on-land kinematics
Persephone Greco-Otto, BSc

12:30 pm
Lunch - ACVSMR Business Meeting

ACVSMR Canine Track  
ACVSMR Equine Track
1:45 pm
SMR year in review - Research and hot topics in sports medicine and rehabilitation
Samuel Franklin, DVM, PhD, DACVS-SA, DACVSMR; Joe Wakshlag, DVM, PhD, DACVN, DACVSMR
No foot, no horse: where we've been, where we are, and where we need to be
Sarah Sampson, DVM, PhD, DACVS-LA, DACVSMR

2:15 pm
Exercise-induced gastritis in working dogs
Michael Davis, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVSMR
Use of bisphosphonates in athletic horses
Michael Schoonover, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA, DACVSMR

2:45 pm
Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) in the working dog: Awareness and atraumatic disease management
Bovine sports medicine
Michael Schoonover, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA, DACVSMR

3:15 pm

4:00 pm
Heat injury in the working dog: considerations, conditioning, and performance
Effects of swimming on cardiorespiratory function in horses
Samantha Franklin, BVSc, PhD, DACVSMR

4:30 pm
Acclimatization of the canine athlete
Rider effects on respiratory function
Samantha Franklin, BVSc, PhD, DACVSMR

5:00 pm
Diagnosis and management of injuries of the digit - the conservative approach
Jennifer Brown, DVM, DACVSMR
Ski asthma and respiratory immune function in horses
Michael Davis, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVSMR

5:30 pm
Surgical management of injuries of the digit
Exercise-induced arrhythmias in horses
Samantha Franklin, BVSc, PhD, DACVSMR

ACVSMR Instagram page Send Us Your Photos for Our New ACVSMR Instagram Account! instagram

We are pleased to announce that we have started our Instagram account under the name VSMR.official. Load the application Instagram on your smart phone, and then like our publications.

More over, we need your stories and pictures. Since Instagram is made to have a more visual content, you can send a small video clip or a couple of pictures with 2 to 5 lines of text to explain your case, announce a meeting, or also share some fun pics of your everyday practice.

We welcome your ideas and posts about sports medicine and rehabilitation, and we ask that you also direct your clients to this account for additional information.

Please send your photos, stories and ideas for posting to Philippe Benoit at as Instagram Coordinator for ACVSMR.

ACVSMR Facebook page We've Changed Our Facebook and Instagram Posting Rules facebook

To encourage members to provide material for our Facebook page and Instagram account, the rules for publishing on these sites have been changed. Now we allow authorship notice on these media, the name of the publisher and his or hers affiliations can be mentioned.
This is a great way to publish a little case report or add some photos of a rehab process with a short explanation while gaining acknowledge in the community for this work! You can then add the post from the ACVSMR site to your social media to show you are an established member of ACVSMR.
We are pleased to have more than 3,800 followers on Facebook. If you have not done so already, please like the page and link to your business page.  
Posts can be send to Rob van Wessum at for Facebook and Philippe Benoit at for Instagram. 

Available Residency Position residencies

ACVSMR is pleased to share news of available residency positions. Please see our Available Positions section below for additional information about internships and jobs.
Canine Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation ACVSMR Residency, Twin Cities Animal Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Burnsville, Minnesota - Twin Cities Animal Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine is offering an ACVSMR residency position in 2020. Located in the Twin Cities metro (ranked in the top 10 places to live in the US), this program aims for excellent clinical and technical competency. Research is also strongly supported. Our clinic sees over 45% sporting dogs. The resident will have training in diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound, interventional procedures, (e.g. preparation/administration of PRP), and orthoses and prostheses (including modifying devices). Resident compensation includes health insurance, dues, and licensing fee. Registration and expenses are covered for continuing education. For more information, please email or visit

Diplomates: Be Sure Your Email Address Is Currentemail

Email is our main way of reaching the membership, and we want to make sure we can contact you about membership and other issues directly affecting you, as well as news from the College. We do not give your email out to third parties.

Please help us out by taking a moment to log in to the Diplomate Area of our website to make sure your preferred email address is listed in our system and your contact information is up to date. Thank you!

Help Build a Resource Library for Veterinary Students! library

The public relations committee of ACVSMR is hoping to develop sports medicine and rehabilitation student clubs in veterinary schools. We are conducting a survey of all U.S. veterinary schools and are planning to establish contact with advisors of existing clubs. In addition, we will be reaching out to faculty at the remaining schools offering assistance in developing student clubs.
For our organization to be most beneficial to these student clubs, we are now requesting that ACVSMR diplomates help us to create a library of resource materials. These can include case reports (canine and equine), webinars, and videotapes of clinical conditions with diagnosis, etc. We will make these resources available to student club advisors for use in club meetings, crediting those who have supplied the resources.
We expect interest to be high and are hoping that you will support us in this effort by helping to build our library. Please contact Dr. Linda Blythe, Thank you!

Drs. Sherman and Debra Canapp Lecture in South Africacanapp

In June, diplomates Drs. Sherman and Debra Canapp traveled to South Africa to lecture on soft tissue injuries, diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound, and stem cell/PRP therapy. They were invited to lecture by the National Veterinary Clinicians Group at the Cape Break conference in Cape Town.
Dr. Sherman Canapp
Dr. Sherman Canapp (above) and Dr. Debra Canapp (pictured at the top of the newsletter) lectured in June in South Africa.

Send Us Your Photos and Success Stories! photos

Send us photos from your activities! Have you been involved in a recent canine or equine competition? Do you have a success story about a patient to share? Did you recently present at a sports medicine or rehabilitation-related conference?

Help us spread the word about rehabilitation and sports medicine by sharing photos and success stories of your activities! Please send your photos with captions and success stories to We will acknowledge you and/or your practice in the credits of each photo. Thank you!

Send in photos to ACVSMR

ACVSMR model release form Model Release Form
We also have created a model release form that your clients can sign to give permission for ACVSMR to publish their photos.

Download the model release form.

Please email completed forms to Dr. Kenneth Bruecker at

Join the ACVSMR Speaker Registry! speakerregistry
Thank you to the ACVSMR members who have volunteered for our speaker registry. We invite all interested members to register so that we are able to recommend canine and equine speakers for upcoming meetings.

If you are interested in joining the speaker registry, please send an email to Dr. Jennifer Brown, chair of the Continuing Education Committee, at with your contact information and topics of interest. 
AUGUST - OCTOBER 2019 presentations
Diplomate Presentations in the Next 90 Days  
Diplomates: Please send details of any upcoming lectures and workshops that you will present to our newsletter editor Dr. Kenneth Bruecker at These lectures qualify as continuing education for diplomates pursuing recertification.

AVMA Convention in Washington, DC
August 6 - Lectures: Matt Brunke
Topics: Introduction to Veterinary Rehab; Pain Management: The Fundamentals; Managing OA: Beyond the NSAID; My Patient Sways Like Marilyn Monroe, But She's a Newfoundland: Hip Dysplasia

Workshop on Neurologic Diseases of the Horse in Lexington, Kentucky
August 9-11 - Lectures/labs: Kevin Haussler, Sherry Johnson
Topics: Anatomy of Equine Axial Skeleton: From Nose to Tail; Rehabilitation of Horses with Neurologic Disease; Equine Chiropractics; Neuro vs. Lame Wet Lab

Canine Rehabilitation Institute course in Wheat Ridge, Colorado
August 16-20 - Lectures/labs: Kristin Kirkby Shaw
Topic: Canine Rehabilitation Veterinary Nursing

August 19-21 - Lectures/labs: Hilary M. Clayton
Topic: Demonstration of Technical Sportswear to Improve Riding Precision

August 30-September 1 - Lectures/labs: Chris Zink, Janet Van Dyke
Topic: Canine Sports Medicine

VetPD course in Ocala, Florida
September 6-7 - Lectures/labs: Erica McKenzie
Topic: Equine Muscle Conditions - Diagnostics, Therapeutic Strategies & Performance Enhancement

VetPD course in Snohomish, Washington
September 6-7 - Lectures/labs: Andris Kaneps
Topic: Sports Horse Medicine & Orthopedics

Canine Rehabilitation Institute course in Wheat Ridge, Colorado
September 6-10 - Lectures/labs: Janet Van Dyke, Kristen Kirkby Shaw
Topic: Introduction to Canine Rehabilitation

AOVet masters course in Glendale, Arizona
September 11-13 - Lectures/labs: Mary Sarah Bergh, Kenneth Bruecker, Nina Kieves, Denis Marcellin-Little, Steve Martinez, Dirsko von Pfeil
Topic: Canine Sports Medicine Traumatology

Canine Rehabilitation Institute course in Wheat Ridge, Colorado
September 12-14 - Lectures/labs: Chris Zink
Topic: Canine Sports Medicine

PennVet Working Dog Practitioner course in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
September 20-22 - Lectures/labs: Matt Brunke
Topics: Rehabillitation and Sports Medicine Examinations on Various Working Canines (Military, Guide Dogs, Etc.)

Canine Rehabilitation Institute course in Wheat Ridge, Colorado
September 27-28 - Lectures: Kristin Kirkby Shaw
Topic: The Business of Canine Rehabilitation

September 27-29 - Lectures/labs: Matt Brunke
Topics: Canine Manual Therapy (Modules 3 and 4) Including Massage, Joint Mobilization, Palpation

VetPD course in Ashland, Virginia
October 4-5: Lectures/labs: Elizabeth Davidson
Topic: Back, Sacroiliac & Pelvic Problems of the Horse

University of Tennessee/Northeast Seminars courses in Raleigh, North Carolina
October 5-9: Lectures/labs: Matt Brunke
Topics: CCRP Rehab Course Modules 3 and 4 on Physical Agent Modalities and Therapeutic Exercise; Designing and Implementing a Rehab Program

Canine Rehabilitation Institute course in Westminster, Colorado
October 11-13: Lectures/labs: Felix Duerr
Topic: Orthotics and Prosthetics in Canine Rehabilitation

ACVS Surgery Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada
October 16 - Workshop/dry lab: Kenneth Bruecker, Steven Petersen
Topic: Limb Alignment Osteotomies to Manage Patella Luxation
October 16 - Workshop: Sherman Canapp
Topic: Advanced Canine Sports Medicine & Regenerative Medicine
October 19 - Lectures: Sherman Canapp, Debra Canapp
Topics: Orthobiologics for the Treatment of Tendinopathies: Evidence Based Medicine (S. Canapp), Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Monitoring Tendons Treated with Orthobiologics (D. Canapp)

Companion Regenerative University in Annapolis Junction, Maryland
October 25 - Lectures/labs: Sherman Canapp
Topic: Sports Medicine Workshop

Vet PD course in Stillwater, Minnesota
October 26-27 - Lectures/labs: Carol Gillis
Topic: Ultrasound of the Mid-Distal Limb & Stifle for Equine Practitioners

VetPD course in Ringoes, New Jersey
October 26-27 - Lectures/labs: Betsy Vaughan
Topic: Ultrasound of the Equine Upper Limb, Neck, Back & Pelvis

Available Positions

Diplomates: Please send us details of any job opportunities, residencies, or internships at your facility. Please limit all postings to 100 words or less and submit them to our newsletter editor Dr. Kenneth Bruecker at

Note: All postings will be listed for 3 months and then removed unless we are notified that a posting should be repeated. Please notify us if a position is filled.

Available Residencies

Please see the available residency postings listed above. Additional internships and residencies in sports medicine and rehabilitation may be listed at

Available Internships
Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Intern, Veterinary Orthopedic and Sports Medicine (VOSM) Group, Annapolis Junction, Maryland - This program is directed towards either individuals who are interested in expanding their fundamental rehabilitation and sports medicine knowledge, or looking to pursue a residency in the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (traditional or alternative tracks). This program is designed to serve the successful applicant as a sub-residency, and enhance their qualifications and competitiveness for subsequent application to formal residency programs. This service places a strong emphasis on didactic training (surgical rounds, journal club, rehabilitation rounds) as well as support for clinical research. To learn more, see the VOSM Careers page. To apply, please email cover letter, CV and references to Alyse Carter,

Available Jobs
DACVSMR or Board-Eligible Rehabilitation Veterinarian, Shoreline, Washington SOUND Veterinary Rehabilitation Center is growing! SOUND is partners with Animal Surgical and Orthopedic Center and proudly locally owned and operated. Together we are the premier orthopedic, sports medicine and rehabilitation center in the Pacific Northwest. Join a staff of 4 rehab DVMs, including 2 DACVSMR, 7 DACVS (two are double boarded), one PT, 2 certified rehab techs and 6 rehab assistants. Equipment includes CT, diagnostic ultrasound, needle and traditional arthroscopy, 3 different PRP systems, ESWT and a full rehab gym with 2 UWTM. Our team culture is outstanding and there is no place more beautiful to live. Compensation is competitive and includes full health benefits, generous CE and vacation time, and more. For more information please email
Department Chair, Department of Clinical Sciences, Ithaca, New York Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine seeks an exceptional leader to serve as the next Chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences. The successful candidate will be a board-certified veterinarian (DVM or equivalent); recognized for research, clinical, and teaching excellence; leadership; scholarship; have a sound vision for the future of the department; and the skill to lead and advance a clinical and research-oriented department. Application review will begin on July 15, 2019, and will continue until the position is filled. For full position details and to apply, visit:
Credentialed Technician with CCRP/CCRA Certification, Stamford, Connecticut Cornell University Veterinary Specialists (Stamford, CT) seeks a credentialed technician with CCRP/CCRA certification (or desire to work towards it). We are a dynamic SMR Service fully integrated into a VECCS Level I Specialty facility. The SMR caseload includes in-hospital ICU/ER cases, orthopedic surgical post-ops, Neurologic cases, all specialty in-house referrals and busy outpatient appointments. We service pets, athletes, and working animals! UWTM, all modalities, CT/advanced diagnostics, and acupuncture service. This candidate will focus on client/patient relationships, directly provide care under the direction of our board-certified SMR Specialist, collaboratively coordinate schedules, and provide rehabilitation plan instructions to clients. Please email
Medical Director (DVM, ACVSMR) *Signing Bonus*, Northern Virginia Veterinary Surgical Centers Rehabilitation (VSCR), a full-service physical rehabilitation and pain management practice in Northern Virginia, seeks an experienced full-time Medical Director. Requirements: DVM with 5 years + experience, Diplomate ACVSMR preferred and CCRT or CCRP certification, with a minimum of 3 years of experience if not ACVSMR diplomate. This position based in Vienna, VA with additional coverage in Leesburg and Winchester. Competitive salary, paid CE, generous benefits package that includes health/vision/dental, 401(k); paid vacation; ** signing bonus of $5,000! ** Apply online here:
Veterinary Acupuncturist / Veterinary Rehabilitation Practitioner, Sherman Oaks, California Full/Part-Time or Relief Veterinary Acupuncturist/Veterinary Rehabilitation Practitioner (CVA or CVA & CCRT/CCRP eligible or certified) Qualifications: Excellent client communication skills, minimum of 2yrs veterinary experience or veterinary internship completed and training/coursework/experience with acupuncture, pain management, orthopedics or rehabilitation therapy. Requires: DVM or VMD,State of CA license, DEA license. If you are interested in working with our dedicated and compassionate team, please send your resume to Dr. Joanne Bak at Pacific Animal Wellness Rehabilitation Center (PAW REHAB) is a state-of- the-art veterinary facility dedicated to physical rehabilitation therapy for pets.  
Full-Time Veterinary Rehab Technician, Sherman Oaks, California PAW REHAB (Sherman Oaks, CA) is seeking a full-time veterinary rehab technician. We are a veterinary clinic which specializes in physical rehabilitation and acupuncture for pets. 2+ years of veterinary clinical experience preferred - including: patient care, restraint, common animal diseases and veterinary medications. Applicant should also be knowledgeable in canine anatomy. We're looking for candidates who love client interaction and education. Should possess strong communication skills. RVT, CCRP, CCRA or VTS in rehabilitation or pain management is preferred. We offer competitive pay and benefits for full-time employees. Contact: Joanne Bak DVM, CCRT at  (818) 847-7299
Veterinarian - Rehabilitation Medicine, Kirkland, Washington - Seattle Veterinary Specialist, a BluePearl Veterinary Partner in Seattle, WA, affiliated with BluePearl Veterinary Partners, is seeking a full time rehab clinician (CCRT). Our hospital is looking to grow and develop a new service for our location. We have neurology and surgery on site and would like to expand case load to include referrals. We have a under water treadmill, cold laser, shock wave, rehab work space for land exercises, & currently have it staffed with a rehab (soon to be certified) technician. A clinician trained in acupuncture would be a plus! For more information, please visit our careers page at:
DACVSMR or Board-Eligible Candidate for Associate Clinician, Oneida, New York - Oneida Veterinary Associates, an ambulatory based equine practice, is seeking a DACVSMR or board-eligible (residency completed) candidate for a full-time Associate Clinician. The Associate would join the practice owner who specializes in reproduction with an additional strong focus in Internal Medicine and take over the lameness caseload. The practice serves one of the largest breeding farms in the Standardbred industry. A short-range goal is to build a small clinic/hospital. We offer an extremely competitive compensation package commensurate w/experience, along with paid vacation, CE stipend, full health benefits, malpractice insurance, professional membership dues, retirement, fringe benefits. An interest in ownership is desired, but not necessary. Interested and qualified candidates should forward a letter of intent, CV and three DVM/VMD references (at least one DACVSMR) to Dr. Michael Miller at
Veterinarian - Rehabilitation Medicine, Orange Park, Florida - BluePearl of Orange Park is seeking a full time licensed Veterinarian with CCRT or CCRP certification. We are looking for a highly motivated, team-oriented therapist who will continue to grow our rehabilitation department and work with our skilled specialty team that includes a certified rehabilitation technician. Expectations include diagnosing and managing individualized treatment plans; communicate directly with referring veterinarians, as well as in-house surgeons and neurologists. Our rehabilitation department is equipped with therapeutic ultrasound, therapeutic laser, land treadmill, underwater treadmill and many other rehabilitation modalities. To learn more or to apply please go to
Recent Publications publications 
Diplomates and residents, please send your recent publication information to Dr. Kenneth Bruecker at so we can announce it here.
To see publications from previous months, visit the Publications page of our website.
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