The UMass ADVANCE team is pleased to announce the seven faculty who are the inaugural winners of their College’s Faculty Mentoring Award for 2020. Their mentoring ensures that faculty members excel in their careers, and creates a more inclusive environment at the university.
ADVANCE Program has disseminated resources, tools and training on best-practices for excellent faculty mentoring and created this award to recognize the vital role faculty serve in mentoring their colleagues. Funded by the dean of each college, it provides the winners with $250 and recognition for the very valuable work that they do.
Camille Cammack, senior lecturer in the department of teacher education and curriculum studies.
Professor Cammack has played a central role in developing an important mutual mentoring group and ensuring that teacher licensure programs in the School of Education are well supported and structurally sound.
Caitlyn Butler, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.
Her mentoring regarding collaboration, grant proposals, and teaching and mentoring, profoundly impacts her colleagues through both formal and informal interactions.
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
John Higginson, professor of history.
Mentees describe his thoughtful engagement with their work, his practical support for their publishing, and his consistent generosity of spirit, while always advocating for diversity and inclusion.
College of Natural Sciences
Maureen Perry-Jenkins, professor of psychological and brain sciences and director, Center for Research on Families.
Helping initiate and co-leading a mentoring group for new faculty in PBS, mentoring a wide array of senior colleagues, as well as running the CRF Scholars program, she not only supports her colleagues, but leads them to become great mentors themselves.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Angela De Oliveira, associate professor of resource economics and Chancellor’s Leadership Fellow.
Her generous mentoring allows her colleagues at the university and in the discipline more broadly develop research agendas, form networks and connect with collaborators, engage effectively in leadership, teach new classes, understand tenure processes, and live balanced lives.
Isenberg School of Management
Mila Getmasky-Sherman, professor of finance.
Her mentoring includes helping faculty develop their research portfolios, ensuring that they can access critical datasets, providing support for teaching, and encouraging them as they develop roots in the Valley.
School of Public Health and Health Sciences.
Elizabeth (Liz) Bertone-Johnson, professor of epidemiology and chair of the department of health promotion and policy
Professor Bertone-Johnson is a generous mentor to her colleagues in SPHHS, including in areas such as grants development, research collaborations, promotion and tenure, as well as in how to navigate the university.
Get Involved with UMass ADVANCE
- Participate in a Workshop
- Become an ADVANCE Faculty Fellow
- Apply for a Mutual Mentoring Team Grant
- Apply for a Collaborative Research Seed Grant
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