NorWest Links
Mobile Health Services
Employment Opportunities

NWCHCs Service Delivery Philosophy




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At this time, if we do not hear from you, you will continue to receive emails for a period of time. You will need to Opt In - in the future, to continue on our email list.


New Anti-Spam Legislation Q & A


Q - What is the purpose of our communications?
A - NorWest Community Health Centres maintains

an email list to communicate with you monthly

about news, programs, health information,

and supports for your well-being.


Opt out

Click here to OPT OUT

You will then be removed from our mailing list.



Q - I want more information, where should I look?



A - Please click on the following link:  






NorWest Community Health Centres
       525 Simpson Street
Thunder Bay, P7C 3J6
Call Jodi at 626-7856 for Thunder Bay Program Information