Vehicle Electrical-Electronics
Troubleshooting Newsletter
Veejer Enterprises Inc., Garland, Texas USA
(972) 276-9642 / [email protected]
WELCOME to our new subscribers!

New Series!


Part 1

"Vehicle Voltage & Ground Circuits"

What is advanced electronics training?

This has become a hot topic of discussion in the vehicle education industry with all the new vehicle electronic technologies and electric vehicles rolling off the assembly lines. Tech schools are asking what electronics training do we need to offer?

Well, it depends on what job you want to do after the training.

What is the goal or objective in seeking advanced electronics training? As a vehicle service technician it's pretty obvious that your goal is to become the best tech in your shop fixing electronics problems. You don't want to become an engineer, just be the tech that everyone calls on when an electrical-electronic problem stumps everybody else.

In our industry today, you sign up for electrical training and sometimes wonder what level of electrical training is being offered. Is it going to be too basic or too advanced to comprehend and get the maximum benefit?

Here's the problem. There are few options for electronics training in the vehicle service industry and a lot depends on where you live, when the training is being offered, can you invest the time, can you afford it and so on? Is the training what some people call Level I, Level II, or Level III? Where do you fit in?

It's like trying to assemble a big jigsaw puzzle when all the pieces are piled high on the table. Your task is to pick up the pieces and put the puzzle together. Good luck!

The advanced electronics training I am offering is not a bunch of pieces that go into the puzzle someplace. I am offering advanced electronics training that shows you how to put the pieces of the electronics puzzle together into a clear finished picture. Don't focus so much on the pieces of the puzzle until you have the "big picture." Then you will know where all the pieces (training) you already have fit in the big picture.

Advanced Electronics Training, Part 1, lays the foundation for advanced electrical-electronics training following a step-by-step process. This is accomplished by showing you how the electrical-electronics system of a vehicle functions. What happens to changes in voltage? How does current flow through the system and why do I need to know that? How are circuits connected to the electrical-electronic  system? What are the most important things to consider beginning to troubleshoot a vehicle's electrical-electronic system.

Part 1 covers electrical system troubleshooting procedures for any make or model vehicle, whether it's automotive, truck, or heavy duty equipment. This training also applies to watercraft, motorcycle and aircraft electrical systems. They all follow the same electrical-electronic system pattern. If you understand this system you are beginning to learn how to troubleshoot any electrical-electronic circuit on any type of vehicle you may encounter. Part 1 of this new series gives you an overall picture of a vehicle's electrical-electronic system so you will know how to arrange all the pieces of the electrical (training) puzzle you have acquired thus far.

In a few months I will announce Part Two which builds on the advanced electronics  training offered in Part 1 to show you how you can troubleshoot any electrical – electronic problem on any kind of vehicle. This troubleshooting training will show you what to do even if you don't have a schematic diagram on hand. You can still troubleshoot the circuit and find the problem. It's easy when you know how!

BUY NOW To order Part 1 - $68.00 plus s/h. Fully illustrated with over 33 schematics and schemations, 50 pages.

Electrical Webinars are brief explanations of specific auto-truck electrical-electronic circuits with
"how-to-troubleshoot" these circuits!

Webinars with Vince sharing his expertise are under one hour long.
A handout is provided for each webinar to keep your notes as we study schematic diagrams and troubleshooting of various circuits.

Eight webinars are completed with more to come.
Webinars follow a logical educational progression of an auto-truck-H.D.
electrical-electronics troubleshooting training program.
Webinar W001 is free to view!

Electrical repair is easy when you know how!
Vince presents essential electrical-electronics training topics from his vast archives of electrical-electronics training materials developed over the last 38 years. Seminars are conducted live in classroom style using a Power Point presentation which is narrated by Vince. Each webinar focuses on a particular topic covering the operation, testing and troubleshooting procedures of various auto-truck-H.D. electrical-electronic circuits. Webinars follow a logical progression of an electrical-electronics training program.
Attendees print out a copy of the webinar handout beforehand to be ready to take notes as Vince explains the webinar material in a Power Point style class. Attendees keep their handouts and take notes to follow through hands-on application of the training procedures presented.
Webinars are first presented live, are no more than 1.0 hour in length and recorded. Technicians may attend the first live presentation. Each webinar is then edited for future viewing. Q&A sessions follow each live seminar but are not included in the final edited webinar recording. 

A sign-up link for each live webinar presentation is sent by email to everyone on Veejer's Newsletter Email List. After registration to attend a live first-time webinar, a confirmation email is sent which contains a .pdf copy of the webinar handout. Print out a copy to take notes during the webinar.

If you missed the first live presentation of a webinar you can purchase a past webinar and study when it is convenient for you. We will send you a handout by email to print out and a link to the recorded webinar. The link to watch a purchased webinar is good for 7 days and may be viewed as many times as desired during the 7-day period. Repetition helps retention!

Shop Owners:
Use these webinars to give your employees a brief but valuable session of electrical-electronic troubleshooting training with Vince. Purchase a webinar and print out copies of the webinar handout for each tech. Then host a one-hour shop meeting and watch the webinar as techs follow along in their personal copy of the handout and take notes. The webinar link remains active for 7 days. Each purchased webinar is like having Vince as a guest electrical trainer in your shop for a week. Show the webinar numerous times to pick up missed points. Share the webinar link with your technicians so they can study the electrical training at home during the same 7-day period.

Teachers & Instructors:
Use these webinars to give your students short bursts of electrical-electronic troubleshooting training with Vince. Purchase a webinar and print out copies of the webinar handout for each student. Watch the webinar in the classroom as students follow along in their copy of the handout. The webinar link remains active for 7 days. Show the webinar numerous times to pick up missed points. It’s like having Vince as a guest speaker in your classroom for a week. Call Vince if you have other requirements.

SIGN UP HERE to join the free newsletter email list if you are not already receiving Veejer’s newsletter. Once signed up you will automatically receive announcements when new webinars are scheduled with a link to attend an online presentation.

Learn more about our Webinars CLICK HERE
The electrical book every tech needs!
"Vehicle Electrical Troubleshooting SHORTCUTS"
The HOW-TO ELECTRICAL BOOK, over 250 pages with loads of schematic diagrams and step-by-step electrical test procedures to follow, for the beginner or the professional technician. Actual DMM and Current Clamp readings are given in critical vehicle electrical-electronic circuits and what to do next if a voltage or current reading is too high or too low.

Service technicians for auto, truck or heavy equipment need practical on-the-vehicle electrical troubleshooting training like this. Learn how with SHORTCUTS. It's easy once you know how.

All you need to perform the troubleshooting of auto/truck electrical circuits explained in "SHORTCUTS" is a DMM and Current Clamp. Technicians learn the secrets of the "pros" in electrical repair.

Become the "go-to-electrical tech" in your shop with "SHORTCUTS."

Begins with quick review of essential electrical principles relating to vehicle applications (Sec.#1). Next, the correct way to use a DMM is explained and what the volt-amps-ohms ranges mean when autoranging, how current clamps work when used correctly. The Diode Test feature is explained (Sec.#2). How circuits work (Sec.#3). How to test a battery 3 ways in less than 2 minutes (Sec.#4). Quickly identify why a vehicle has a cranking problem (Sec.#5). In Section #6 test the generator charging system in 60 seconds with just a DMM. How to tell if a generator is producing proper charging voltage under all conditions and what to do if not. Also learn how an on-board computer controls a generator's charging voltage. In Section #7 learn how to read schematic diagrams.

Each of the 7 Sections is followed with a review test and answers. Includes several step-by-step electrical test procedures to use in vehicle electrical system repair to quickly identify electrical problems.

CLICK HERE to read more about "SHORTCUTS."

To order a copy of "SHORTCUTS" for $98.00 (plus shipping) CLICK HERE
Teachers order the complete SHORTCUTS PowerPoint Presentation CLICK HERE

More Electrical Training!
Multiple Battery Packs
in 12V & 24V Systems"
Batteries can be connected in series or parallel for high energy battery packs. Batteries in parallel create a high energy 12V system or in series for a high energy 24V electrical system. Each battery arrangement presents its own unique problems in battery testing and troubleshooting procedures.

This publication explains how to quickly diagnose and troubleshoot multiple battery packs and avoid mistakes. Learn what are the problems with batteries connected in series or parallel and how to test each battery pack to identify a weak or dead battery in the pack. Learn how to gain maximum battery pack performance and longer service life. Total 29 pages fully illustrated step-by-step.

BUY NOW for $69.00. View in .PDF on screen. Print out your own copy.
Please allow 24 hours to receive your PDF by return email.

"Hands-On" Electrical Training
Use "live-circuit" repetitious troubleshooting practice to learn to troubleshoot electrical-electronic circuit problems with fool-proof accuracy! Yes you can because this training method works!

Anyone can learn how circuits work, how circuits fail and how to test any circuit.
Practice troubleshooting live circuits with real-world electrical problems
and develop your electrical troubleshooting skills.

Repetition troubleshooting of electrical problems develops troubleshooting techniques to find the problem in any circuit on any vehicle because all circuits fail the same number of ways regardless of vehicle make and model. It doesn't matter the type of vehicle or who made it. Use the same initial troubleshooting method we call "The Texas-Two Step" and find any electrical problem in any circuit on any vehicle. See your self-confidence grow in electrical troubleshooting because you troubleshoot electrical problems the same way on a vehicle as you do with these electrical circuit board trainers. Find the electrical problem in any electrical circuit in any vehicle. Yes - you can - no doubt about it!

These electrical training kits provide "fool-proof"
hands-on electrical-electronic circuit troubleshooting!
We are discontinuing our hands-on electrical-electronics training program
(5 Kits, H-111A, H-113, H-115, H-116 & H-200).
Take advantage of our offer at a 25% discount as we close out our inventory.

Don't miss out! Once these kits are all gone - it's over!

Below is a description of each circuit board trainer.
Begin Hands-On electrical training with . . . .
The Starter Kit, H-111A
Live circuit board electrical trainers teach step-by-step electrical troubleshooting curriculum that shows students/technicians how to find electrical problems with a DMM. The Starter Kit, H-111A explains how circuits work; how to test circuits with a DMM; how circuits fail and how to troubleshoot any electrical circuit on any vehicle and find the electrical problem.

The only way to learn electrical troubleshooting is by repetitious troubleshooting practice of a live circuit with an electrical problem inserted. Insert problems following instructions with answers in the Instructor Guide (H-IG111A) to develop electrical skill and self confidence with hands-on practice troubleshooting 32 live electrical problems.

Students/technicians use a comprehensive workbook (H-WB111A) for guidance through the training program.

Order extra H-WB111A workbooks CLICK HERE.

Learn more about The Starter Kit H-111A CLICK HERE.

To see H-111A demo on YouTube type in "H-111A vince" in YouTube search bar to view most recent version video. 
Next the .....
DC Motor Circuit Troubleshooting Trainer H-113
The DC Motor Module, H-113 is connected to the bottom of the Power Board (H-PCB01) from the Starter Kit H-111A. Workbook H-WB113 has 71 pages fully illustrated with places to record all your troubleshooting steps.

You will learn how DC motor circuits work and how a DC motor circuit fails. You will practice measuring voltage and electron current in DC motor circuits. We show you how to use an analog and digital ohmmeter to test these new brush less DC motors. We also show you an innovated way to use a DMM's Diode Test to evaluate a brush less DC motor. You will study all the ways a DC motor circuit fails, step-by-step, and the DMM troubleshooting techniques that reveal the problem.

You will insert 37 electrical problems, one at a time, and practice troubleshooting the circuit. Then there are 5 advanced problems, some with multiple problems which are easily found now that you know how. You will also troubleshoot short-to-ground and short-to-voltage problems. Never struggle with a DC motor problem again.

Learn more about the H-113 program CLICK HERE.

To order extra H-WB113 workbooks CLICK HERE.

To see H-113 demo on YouTube type in "H-113 vince" in YouTube search bar to view most recent version video.
Then ...
Relay Circuit Troubleshooting Trainer H-115
The Relay Circuit Module, H-115 is connected to the bottom of the Power Board (H-PCB01) from the Starter Kit H-111A. Workbook H-WB115 has 116 pages fully illustrated.

You will learn how relay circuits work and how relay circuits fail. You will learn a simple "click" or "no-click" method to troubleshoot a relay circuit and quickly find the problem. You will learn about the problem with the electromagnetic field when it collapses and how this is compensated to prevent damage to sensitive computer circuits. You will learn how to check the spike suppression diode inside the relay using an analog and digital ohmmeter - what works and what doesn't work. You will learn the advantages of diode and resistor spike suppression used in all relays connected to computers.

You will study the many ways a relay circuit can fail and the proper troubleshooting approach that leads you quickly to the problem - either the relay is defective or there is a problem in the circuit supporting the relay. You will troubleshoot a total of 75 relay circuit failures, step-by-step, that just about covers everything that can happen in a relay circuit. Never be whipped by a relay circuit problem again.

Learn more about the H115 program CLICK HERE.

Order extra workbooks for H-WB115 CLICK HERE.

To see H-115 demo on YouTube type in "H-115 vince" in YouTube search bar to view most recent version video. 
And the .....
Wire Harness Troubleshooting Trainer H-116 
Connect the first 3 Electrical Troubleshooting Trainers (H-111A, H-113 and H-115) into a Mini-Electrical System called the "M.E.S." with the H-116 Wire Harness trainer shown below at the left.
Learn to troubleshoot electrical problems where a wire harness circuit problem can affect perfectly good circuits. This is known as "electrical systems troubleshooting." Never replace a wire harness again after learning these electrical trouble-shooting principles and completing up to 115 electrical system problems to develop advanced electrical troubleshooting skills. Learn to tell if the electrical problem is due to a defect in the wire harness or in individual circuits.

For more information about The Wire Harness Troubleshooting Trainer H-116 CLICK HERE.

Order extra H-WB116 workbooks CLICK HERE.

To see H-116 demo on YouTube type in "H-116 vince" in YouTube search bar to view most recent video version.
Finally .....
CAN Bus Circuit Troubleshooting Trainer H-200
The CAN Bus trainer H-200 simulates 2 areas of CAN Bus circuit troubleshooting that cause major problems if overlooked.  

1. Problems in the CAN Bus network wiring between nodes. This training program explains what happens when 120 ohms or 240 ohms is measured at DLC pins 6 and 14. Also explained is why 60 ohms at DLC pins 6 and 14 does not verify all Bus network wiring and what to do about it with 20 practice network wiring failure problems.

2. Problems with low B+ and poor ground circuits to nodes on the network are easy to identify. Explore this topic and then practice troubleshooting 24 individual electrical problems with low B+ or bad ground connections to various nodes.

Learn more about the CAN Bus Troubleshooting Trainer H-200 CLICK HERE.

Order extra workbooks H-WB200 CLICK HERE.

To see H-200 demo on YouTube type in "H-200 vince" in YouTube search bar to view most recent version of the video. 
Teachers / Trainers / Instructors
Save on PowerPoint Presentations of Hands-On Electrical Kits

A special offer for 5 PowerPoint presentations, one of each of the 5 hands-on electrical trainers, H-111A, H-113, H-115, H-116 and H-200. Each PowerPoint follows the student workbook page-by-page for each specific electrical trainer and provides talking points on screen to help teachers emphasize important points. Last frames are designed to help teachers manage the hands-on troubleshooting sessions and keep track of class activities completed/uncompleted troubleshooting problems.

Save 40% by purchasing all 5 Power Points at one time
Retail $1334.00. Now buy with a 40% discount for $799.00 BUY NOW

A CAN Bus Training Publication!
"Some Things They Don't Tell You About
CAN Bus Troubleshooting"
Explains the importance of the 60 ohm network. Why 120 ohms? Why 240 ohms? Describes different ways to detect the presence of CAN Bus data. Page 11 explains the CAN Bus Transceiver network that connects every node to the CAN network and how to test a node's transceiver circuit with an ohmmeter (analog or digital) to confirm it is good or bad. Full color illustrations show a VOM or DMM displaying the correct reading for a good CAN Bus Transceiver circuit test. See how to use a DMM's frequency measurement test to evaluate CAN Bus activity.

BUY A PDF COPY $59.00 (Read Only) Please allow 1 work day to receive PDF copy.

BUY FULL COLOR PRINT COPY $89.00 plus s/h.

2 Laminated Electrical Flip-Charts
Every vehicle that comes in the shop has at least one battery, two major ground circuits and a generator (alternator) charging system that operates all electrical and electronic circuits on the vehicle. A component failure or a bad connection in one of these essential electrical components or circuits could have a profoundly negative affect on a vehicle's overall electrical system, engine performance and overall drivability!

Problems in a vehicle's primary electrical system are often overlooked and seldom tested resulting in wasted man hours and parts changing that does not resolve the drivability problem. Problems can be quickly identified and corrected but should never be overlooked due to failure to test the circuit properly.

There are two versions of FIRST THINGS FIRST (14V one battery or 14V dual battery). Each includes a test procedure for vehicles with a "SMART-CHARGING SYSTEM" where the charging system voltage drops to 13.xx volts when the on-board computer confirms the battery has reached full charge. You can't overlook this process when diagnosing drivability problems! It's easy if you know how!

Teachers: Ask about our FIRST THINGS FIRST
Tech School Training Program.
The "Pro" version tests a single battery 14V electrical system version with the primary electrical system connections clearly shown. At the left is the illustration used in FIRST THINGS FIRST-Pro for each test step.

The DMM test leads are shown connected to the vehicle for each test measurement step which is explained and the correct DMM reading is shown in the DMM's display.

The test steps, 1, 2, 3, etc., and the illustration for each test step along with the text explaining each test step includes what to check if the DMM reading is too high or too low.

The 14 test steps can be completed in less than 5 minutes with a little practice.
$89.00 per laminated copy plus s/h BUY NOW
The "-2" version is for testing a dual battery 14V electrical system with the primary electrical system connections clearly shown. At the left is the illustration used in FIRST THINGS FIRST-2 for each test step.

The DMM test leads are shown connected to the vehicle for each test measurement step which is explained and the correct DMM reading is shown in the DMM's display.

The test step, 1, 2, 3, etc., and the illustration for that test step along with the text explaining each test step includes what to check if the DMM reading is too high or too low.

The 18 test steps can be completed in less than 5 minutes with a little practice.
$99.00 per laminated copy plus s/h BUY NOW
Teachers / Trainers / Instructors
Incorporate FIRST THINGS FIRST into your school's electrical curriculum

Provide students with a guided tour of a vehicle's primary electrical system consisting of the battery, generator and voltage and ground circuit following
step-by-step electrical tests with a DMM.

A School Package is available designed to teach FIRST THINGS FIRST-Pro in a classroom setting to help students grasp the concepts and benefits of FIRST THINGS FIRST-Pro without burdening them with a lot electrical theory. There is a student workbook and PowerPoint presentation that covers the essential electrical concepts needed to perform FIRST THINGS FIRST-Pro on vehicles. A teacher using this program can adjust the program material to get students performing the test procedure "hands-on" within 2 hours of instruction, then return to the curriculum to complete the essential concepts and review electrical test readings obtained. Call us for more information.
HEV Book
Essential AC Electric Theory & Basic Circuits
of Hybrid/Electric Drive Vehicles

This training manual is written for technicians who have a good grasp of DC electricity and digital circuit principles, especially technicians who have completed "The" Vehicles Electronics Training Course, a 60 lesson home study program in vehicle electronics (See Below).

Chapter 1 of this HEV Book provides essential training in AC electric theory in language automotive and truck technicians can understand without the need for a degree in mathematics or electronics.

Chapter 2 of this HEV Book covers some of the electrical circuits and high power solid-­state components that make HEVs a viable alternative to the gasoline engine. Discussion on topics such as DC/DC converters, battery packs and their new technology, AC or DC motor drive and regeneration during decell and braking bring understanding to the complex technologies of HEVs used by various manufacturers.

Buy a .PDF Copy for $69.00 and print a copy. BUY NOW
(Please allow 1 work day to receive the email with book attached.)

Order a Printed Copy for $89.00 plus s/h. BUY NOW
"The" Vehicle Electronics Training Course in 60 Lessons
In English and Spanish On-Line
Register on-line for access to all lessons and print out any lesson any time.
One time fee of $249.00 for life-time access to the 60 lessons.

Start with basic electronics and move through how vehicle circuits work and how they fail with instructions on how to find any circuit problem. Covers theory and circuit analysis of lighting circuits, DC Motor circuits, solenoid circuits, relay circuits, how diodes work, spike suppression diodes are explained, how transistors work and how to tests them, test vehicle sensor circuits connected to on-board computers and how the on-board computer controls actuators. Learn how to test on-board computers and how they fail.
Many helpful sub topics included in the 60 lessons.

To order printed lesson booklets in USA CLICK HERE.

To order printed lesson booklets to ship Internationally CLICK HERE.
English only in printed booklets.
Vince Fischelli / DIrector of Training
Veejer Enterprises Inc. Garland Texas, USA
Phone: 972.276.9642 / Fax: 972.276.8122
Email us: [email protected]
Main Web site:
60 Lesson Vehicle Electronic Course Web Site: