All Things, All Saints'
December 8, 2022
#TBT ADVENT III 2010 Photo Credit: Susan McCall
Saturday, December 10
5pm in the Chapel
Sunday, December 11
8am in the Church
9am Formation & Education
in the URBANO LIBRARY (Church Office)
In Saint Barbara
In the Chapel
10am in the Church
Sunday, December 11
A Conversation
with the Author
following the service
in St. Barbara Rooms
All Saints' welcomes
The Rev. Gayle Fisher-Stewart
Priest and Author of
Black And Episcopalian
Rev. Gayle was the Editor of Preaching Black Lives (Matter) and recently served as the interim rector at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC. Prior to becoming ordained, she served with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington DC, and later taught at the university level while consulting with local and federal government agencies. She lives in Maryland.
with Advent Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 11
5pm Service
Reception Following
Music by the Choir & Choristers
of All Saints’ Church
Join us for this traditional seasonal favorite
highlighting the beauty of choral music and the spoken Word.
Just click on the icon for our Facebook Page or our YouTube Channel
10am Holy Eucharist ONLINE
LIVESTREAM on Facebook & YouTube
Premieres at 10am, but you can watch anytime after
ALSO, Use this link on Sundays in church for following the bulletin
Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24
3:30pm Christmas Eve Children’s Liturgy with Holy Eucharist
Children and Family Ministries hosts a Christmas Eve service specifically geared toward children and families. The retelling of the Nativity Story is based on Godly Play’s “A Children’s Liturgy for Christmas Eve.”
6:00pm Christmas Lessons & Carols
with the Choristers of All Saints’
8:00pm Prelude |8:30pm Festival Eucharist
with Full Choir & Orchestra
10:30pm Prelude |11:00pm Festival Eucharist (with incense) with Full Choir & Orchestra
A Musical Offering to the Christ Child
The two late Christmas Eve Services will begin with a half hour of prelude music. Celebrate with us as the choir of All Saints’ offers traditional music, congregational carols, and music from the French Baroque period for choir and orchestra to celebrate the coming of the Light of the World. Preludes will begin at 8:00pm and 10:30pm.
Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25
10:00am Holy Eucharist
Watch for the coupon in this Sunday's bulletin and put in the offering plate or email your requests to with XMAS FLOWERS or XMAS MUSIC on the Subject Line. Put your donation check (with same note as subject line) in the offering plate. Do all this by 4pm on December 19 to be in the Christmas Bulletins.
If, by reason of illness or infirmity, you would like to receive your Christmas season Communion at home, in the hospital, or in a nursing care facility, please notify the Church Office.
We welcome donations on Christmas of new, unwrapped toys given to Iglesia Episcopal de San Pablo, to be distributed to their children for Epiphany, a traditional gift-giving time in the Hispanic community.
Holiday Schedule Changes:
No 8am Service on December 25.
No 5pm Service on December 31.
No 8am service on January 1.
THANK YOU to the 159
who have made their pledge:
Thank you for your prayerful consideration
to support All Saints’ for 2023.
Our goal is 100% participation.
No amount is too small.
For those of you who are still discerning,
we join with you in prayer and thanksgiving.
We hope you will join your friends by participating
in the financial support of our community
and its ministry in Christ.
Just as all are welcome at God’s table,
all are needed to do His work.
Pledge Cards are available in the narthex/lobby,
+ beautiful Episcopal liturgy
+ glorious music
+ livestream & online services
+ on-going pastoral care
+ educational & formational programs
+ mission-driven service
to local agencies & organizations & individuals
+ fellowship connections
A Reflection from Chesirae Valentine
Our New Director of Parish Life
Christmases for my family were never celebrated in church. Instead, my mother would take my brother and me to different places: one year the Oregon Zoo, another to the airport, sometimes the beach, often the Portland Art Museum. That was my favorite. Though my mother would always ask — regardless of where we were — “What do you see?” my favorite place to look was the art museums. I would wander the long halls and exhibits, watching people observe the paintings and watch the paintings reflect the people. I grew up understanding line, color, form and composition as my literal mother tongue.
I became fluent in the unique language of beauty as my mother would stop to explore the specific symbolism of a work or as I would ask about a strange color I noticed. Those hours were more sacred to me than any religious service I had attended; under the museum’s cathedral ceilings I found my own holy place. Whereas most of my friends were learning the difference between mortal and venial sins, I was learning the distinction between impressionism and pointillism. When they took their first communion, I took my first digital x-ray of an underpainting; we all learned that the most beautiful works still account for mistakes in the process of becoming.
My point is this: I grew up knowing that the most important thing in the world was learning how to see beauty. Though my mother was the painter, my grandmother taught me the hues of flowers, how to name and cultivate even the most delicate blooms. My aunts -- one a dairy farmer, the other a model -- collected fabrics simultaneously, creating the warmest quilts made from the most brilliant designs, worlds away from one another.
There is no beauty in the world that my family does not revere, no beauty that does not make my family pause and be thankful for the world we live in. My cousin, the most practical and hard-headed man you are ever likely to meet, still stops every morning on his way to the milking parlor to watch the illuminated mist fall from mountains to fields, a wave of gray to misty gold falling on wide, quiet green. Perhaps this is the reason we each hate the darkness in the world, the ugliness each of us has been exposed to -- how can we be beautiful, with such ugliness present?
But I often think of those underpaintings I once x-rayed, the way shadows are laid down before the light and color. The way the darkness gives the light depth and structure, something to work against. Though my family may disagree, this is not different from religion. Beauty in Christianity is found in the communal discernment of hope, of relationship, and of resurrection, true, but that beauty is heightened because these are created in the midst of ugliness and suffering. The Incarnation that we will celebrate this Christmas is so radical precisely because it teaches us that there is nothing so secular that it is not sacred, nothing so dark that light cannot permeate it. All creation is dignified, sanctified, and beautified by the fact that God chose to become a part of all creation. So when we look, there is nothing created that is not worth our sight, our consideration, our hope. Beauty reminds us to look at the world with the expectation that God is present within it: with people who look like you, with people who look like the neighbors, with the drought-ridden land and even the dirty dishes.
We often consider Advent a time of waiting and preparation solely for Christmas – a busy but ultimately unexciting time. But we often forget the moments of sharply beautiful scenes – the bright, unwavering light of the Advent candles; the cream and blue vestments, the music that gives voice to our weariness and longing for peace and justice. But more than any of these, I think of the conspiracy of grace that Adventide reveals for us: the gossamer hope of God choosing to live, connect, and love all creation as a human being, and all for our sake.
This Advent, I pray we may cultivate a keener sight, one that can distinguish the beautiful riot of God’s presence even in the broken and lonely parts of our lives, so that we hold to the hope that – no matter how desperate or disastrous things are – God was, is, and will be with us.
Pray. Learn. Serve. Connect.
Morning Prayer Weekdays!
Tuesday through Friday
9am on Facebook
You are always invited to join Pastor Emilie, Deb, Lowell, and Jim in the ages-old tradition of daily prayer for ourselves and others,
every Tuesday-Friday at 9am.
Adult Formation 2022
Sundays 9am in St. Barbara
December 11 and 18: Advent Series on Family
During the season of Advent, join Deacon Patrice and All Saints’ Day School counselor Ashleigh Miller as we focus on the family. Learn about the epidemic of loneliness in American households, managing the loving care of elders who need practical assistance, supporting the development of your school aged children, and ideas for managing the generational conflict that can come to the surface during the Holidays. In this series there will something for all families, so please join us Sundays at 9am through December 18.
In-Person Rosary Prayer
at 9am in the Chapel
All Saints' Rosary Prayer Online
Every Sunday
on Facebook & YouTube
Premieres at 9:15am
but you can view anytime after.
Children & Youth Formation
Youth shopping for Angel Tree gifts this past weekend.
SUNDAYS at 9am:
for Children through Grade 5
in the Urbano Library (in the Church Office)
CLASP & Youth grades 4-12
in the Youth Room
in the Church Office.
We began costume fittings on Dec. 4 and will finish them on Dec. 11. Your child must be present in order to participate on Dec 11. We will have rehearsals for the pageant on Dec. 18 and at 2:00pm on Dec. 24. We also need children and youth ages 10 and up to serve as narrators for the pageant, as well as participant helpers. Narrators and helpers must be able to be present on December 18 and 24. We also need adults to help with the costume fittings and supervision during
rehearsals. The Christmas Pageant service takes place at 3:30pm on Christmas Eve. If you or your child are interested in being part of this very special tradition, please email Mrs. Dawn Trueblood at
Youth Confirmation 2023
Youth Confirmation preparation begins January 15th! If you are a student in grades 7-8 (or above), or if you know someone who is, it is not too early to sign up for Confirmation class! This year, the youth Confirmation class will meet on Sunday mornings during the 9am education hour.
As students prepare to make their own mature commitment to their Christian faith and to the Episcopal Church, we will read and discuss the Gospel of Mark together, learn about the baptismal covenant and different practices of prayer, discuss with All Saints' clergy and adult mentors how our faith influences our daily lives and actions, and participate in service projects, both within the church and in the wider community. Students and their families are encouraged to attend the Eucharistic service after class on Sunday mornings.
Students will be confirmed by Bishop Jennifer Reddall at All Saints' Episcopal Church in May, 2023. The registration fee is $100 (scholarships are available). For more information or to sign up, contact Chesirae Valentine at
All women are invited every Friday at 9:30am on Zoom. BYOC (bring your own coffee)!
Click here and follow the instructions on your screen to join.
Meeting ID: 899 7988 3593
Passcode: 411001
Questions: contact Joyce Moderow
All men are invited every Thursday at 8am on Zoom. BYOC (bring your own coffee)!, Click here and follow the instructions on your screen to join.
Meeting ID:871 2079 2718
and Password: 169888
contact Tom Walker at
For young adults in their 20s and 30s,
a new opportunity to be in community together.
First meeting December 20 at 6:30 PM.
Have a cup of Joe with Jesus & maybe even a donut hole . . .
along with a chat with your All Saints' Family on Sundays in the Narthex/Lobby before and after the 10am service
Vestry Candidates and Diocesan Delegates Wanted
The Governance Committee is in search of candidates interested in serving on the 2023 Vestry. The Vestry is the lay governing board of All Saints’ Church. This is a big task as Vestry Meetings are the place where decisions about upcoming actions of the parish are made, reports of on-going work are given, and the welfare of our church community is assessed. If you are interested in being considered as a candidate please contact Junior Warden, Tim Daly at
The Governance Committee is also in search of candidates interested in representing All Saints’ at the 63rd Arizona Diocesan Convention in the fall of 2023. This is an important opportunity for our parish to provide input on the direction of the Arizona Diocese through elections, resolutions, and canon changes. If you are interested in being considered as a candidate, please contact Junior Warden, Tim Daly at
Opportunities to Reach Out
We Need Your Cookies!
All of the Angel Tree children have been taken, the gift cards have been purchased and the only thing left is cookies. We need lots of cookies! If you plan to do your holiday baking before December 16, please consider baking some extras for our Angel Tree Families. All cookies need to be delivered to St. Barbara -- in a ziplock bag, or airtight container -- anytime on December 16, or before noon on December 17.
Angel Tree Update
If you selected an Angel Tree child or a gift card tag from the tree, thank you!! All gifts need to be delivered to the church (wrapped or unwrapped) on or before December 11. If you have any questions, please contact Lora Villasenor
If you love to wrap Christmas gifts we have a job for you! Mark your calendars for December 13 from 4-8pm in St. Barbara to help wrap gifts for our Angel Tree children. Stop by for an hour, or stay the entire time, any/all help is welcome and needed. Pizza and drinks are on the house. For more information contact Lora Villasenor
Maryland Garden Angel Gifts 2022
PLEASE HELP! There are still tags on the tree that need gift givers!
Many of these dear residents next door have little or no local family, and spend the holidays in the confines of the facility.
Please take a tag or 2 from the Christmas tree in the narthex/lobby on Sunday and shop for a little extra joy for a neighbor this Christmas! Don't forget to sign your tag out on the sign-out sheet near the tree, and bring back your gift, wrapped and tagged, by December 12. Again this year, use the tag specifying the resident’s name, gender, and size. We are asking for purchases of a sweat shirt & pants combo, or a lounging outfit that is comfy, along with some socks, and anything fun you would like to add. Just think “comfort and joy.” Your gifts will put smiles on all the residents' faces.
Christmas Eve & Day: Toy Collection for Iglesia de San Pablo
Our brothers and sisters at Iglesia Episcopal de San Pablo are counting
on our generosity, cheer, and abundance of good spirit! Bring an unwrapped, new toy to any of our four Christmas Eve services or our Christmas Day service. Toys may be placed under the Giving Tree or in any of the red outreach bins in the narthex (lobby) of the church anytime from 2pm on Christmas Eve to 11am on Christmas Day!
Donate to Nourish Phoenix (formerly ICM)
Nourish Phoenix serves the working poor with food, clothing, and other basic necessities. Nourish Phoenix has seen a sharp increase in the number of clients reaching out for support, and there is a particular shortage of personal hygiene products (soap, body wash, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste) and cleaning products like laundry detergent. They also always need non-perishable, protein-rich food, nutritious children's snacks, clothes and shoes (particularly men's and children's), and baby care products. If you can help, bring your donations to church at any time, and place them inside the NourishPhoenix cupboard inside the front door of the sanctuary. (Where we used to put ICM donations) Donation items need to be in a bag or a box. They cannot accept anything that is ripped, stained, or dirty, or is larger than a microwave.
If you or a family member are struggling with a short term health crisis, are welcoming a new baby, or have faced a serious loss, the Meals of Mercy feeding ministry is here with a hot meal to give you the strength to get through. If short term meals support would be a blessing in your life, please contact Deacon Patrice Taylor at 623 242-4692 or If you’d like to join us in feeding the body of Christ here at All Saints’ please contact Lois Francis at or call her at 602 214-0675. Contact Deacon Patrice for more info about the program at
Need Prayers? Use the DOK Request Cards!
Do you have a need for prayers that will be anonymous? These can be for concerns, illness, celebrations or whatever your heart carries. Fill out the blue card on the Welcome Table. One of the Daughters of the King will retrieve it and a message will be sent out to the chapter about your request, so each member can pray for you. The Order of the Daughters of the King’s pray daily and include those prayers that are requested. If you have any questions about the prayer cards or the Order of the Daughters of the King, please call Pit Lucking at 602-481-1674, or email
This week, we pray for our beloved friends and family who have died.
May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
to everyone who has sent in their pledge. It really means so much, especially now.
Three Ways to Keep Current:
1. Sending your personal check to: All Saints' Church, 6300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012
2. Use your bank's
online bill-pay
3. Through our secure, online system, REALM.
Call the Church Office and we can walk you through the process easily.
to view this week's readings and commentaries from Church Publishing.
DECEMBER 4, 2022
DECEMBER 4, 2022
A big thank you to all our members who have celebrated memorials and special occasions through altar flower dedications with a donation of $100 or more. It is one more way we enhance our worship to the glory of God.
Please provide ample time for the request, with a minimum of 2 weeks before the date you want to commemorate. Send your dedication information to Nanette Towsley at and either mail the check made out to All Saints’ with “altar flowers” on the memo line, or put in the offering basket at services.
All Saints’ Legacy Circle
We can always thank God for the many blessings God has given us. And it is a gift to our family and friends when we ensure that our wills are up-to-date, and our affairs are in order. We encourage you to consider remembering All Saints’ Church in your Estate plans, by joining our Legacy Circle. The process is simple and there are information packets in the narthex. Please call Gary Quamme in the Church Office for more information.
Planning on purchasing ANYTHING on Amazon?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support All Saints' every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to All Saints’ Episcopal Church. Bookmark the link: to support us every time you shop.
So far, those of you who have used AmazonSmile have contributed $1,931 to All Saints', at no additional cost to you.
To view or print
this full-color 56-page
review of All Saints' in 2021,
Your comfort, safety, and health are most important.
Our Current Protocol is MASK OPTIONAL.
If you have reason to wear a mask, please feel free to do so.
Otherwise, we look forward to seeing your smile.
You get an award for getting this far! It's almost as big as the New York Times. Well, maybe not. Just so many things going on here at All Saints'. Advent, Christmas, Guest Preachers, Outreach Opportunities . . . something for everyone.
Our PACC-911 Pet Adoption Event last Saturday may have been cut short by the rain, but lots of pets found new homes and many in the pipeline. Thank you to all who visited or volunteered. It's always a fun time for everyone.
Join us this Saturday at 5pm in the chapel, Sunday 8am in the church and 10am in the Church. Our Livestream will be at 10am on both Facebook and YouTube, although you can view it at any time after as well. Share your comments so we can keep improving the process.
Thank you for allowing us to be your source for meaningful worship and an ever-present light of Christ in the world -- wherever you may be. May God bless you.
Faithfully yours,
Nanette Kryske Towsley
Your Director of Communications
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