Advocacy Alert from Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry
Help LMM Take Action
Thank you to everyone who advocated on behalf of LMM and our program participants in the last federal relief bill known as the CARES Act.
Your efforts paid off. The bill included more than $12 billion in funding for critical
housing and shelter programs that directly benefit LMM, like the Emergency Solutions Grant and the Community Development Block Grant. The bill also included several
beneficial programs to help nonprofits like LMM continue to "do the work" during this challenging time.
Congress is beginning work on its fourth federal relief bill to reduce the impact of COVID. It's important that our voices continue to be heard in the process.
1. Contact your senators and representatives today and demand robust resources to ensure the housing stability of people experiencing homelessness and low-income renters during and after this crisis. This includes increased funding for Emergency Solutions Grants which help to reduce census in emergency shelters and support homeless prevention. It also includes $100 billion for rental assistance. Rental assistance is critical to keeping people in their homes after moratoriums preventing eviction and foreclosure end. TAKE ACTION
2. Nearly all LMM program participates are eligible for Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Urge Congress to increase benefits for SNAP and keep food on the tables of everyone in our community who is struggling to make ends meet. According to the Greater Cleveland Food Bank, even a modest 15% increase to SNAP benefits could mean an extra $20 per week for a single parent with two children - enough to purchase a loaf of bread, lunch meat, sliced cheese, yogurt, and fresh fruit for a week's worth of lunches. TAKE ACTION
Thank YOU for taking action that will allow LMM to continue to serve the community in this time of great need.