Assertive Engagement Newsletter 

August 2022


There have been some big changes in the Assertive Engagement world!

First, we want to take a moment to honor Robin Easton-Davis. As the AE Initiative Coordinator, she and the team took in person trainings virtual during the pandemic. Countless hours were spent redesigning graphics and curriculum, and developing new ways to deliver the content. She is still with the county but is now focusing her efforts in the pre-K world. We will miss her knowledge and perspective, as well as her adorable animals in the Zoom background.

With the transition from Robin to a new team, we strive to continue the great work all AE staff and supporters have done before us. Our goal moving forward will be to bring new content, in innovative ways that meet the needs of our learning community.

The Assertive Engagement Team,

Rhea & Helen

The New Team!

Rhea Graves

Rhea has been working for Multnomah County for nearly 7 years. Most recently, Rhea served as the Training Coordinator in the Joint Office of Homeless Services (JOHS) and as a critical member of the AE facilitation team that took in person trainings virtual.

Rhea is a passionate organizer, community advocate, and facilitator using all of her lived experiences as an Afro-Indigenous, woman from Portland to develop curriculum and hold space for critical conversations that speak to diverse audiences.

She comes to the Assertive Engagement team with a love for connecting with people and developing processes that ensure a more equitable world for all.

Helen Vank

Helen is a brand new county employee, but has been working in partnership with county programs for more than 15 years. 

She spent 8 years as a SUN Site Manager with Metropolitan Family Service before her time as Program Quality Coordinator for Community Schools and Program Manager for Hunger Relief and School Youth Advocates at MFS. Youth development, equity in education, and access to nutritious food for all have been focus areas throughout her career.

Helen contracted with the county to support AE training after completing the Train the Trainer program in 2017 and was a key part of the team that brought trainings to the virtual space in 2021. Helen brings to the team her sense of humor and love for facilitation design.

"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears."

Nelson Mandela

A New Hope

In Assertive Engagement we talk about how important it is to hold hope for ourselves and for the people we work with. If someone doesn't have hope that something can change, it's difficult to take the steps necessary to make those changes.

We believe that the learning that happens in AE inspires a more racially just, compassionate community. For a long time we've hoped everyone who wanted to could access the AE training and concepts. With a pandemic, transition in staff, and the effort it takes to facilitate a four day training, the demand for AE training has always surpassed our training capacity. 

Hope is not just a thought or a wish, hope is action.

With that in mind we are taking action to make the training more accessible by developing self-paced video modules so more people can take the training on their own time. We know that not everyone can commit to the 4 day training and not every work environment offers a quiet place (with solid internet) where participants can focus on the live virtual learning.

We hope that these new video modules will offer the flexibility for folks to learn when and where they can. We also know AE is best absorbed in a community of practitioners; we will offer skills practice sessions where folks can practice the skills and discuss the concepts they have learned in the video modules.

We hold hope that this effort increases access to client-centered approaches grounded in empathy that honor people as the experts in their own lives.

We are working diligently on this project, look for more information later this fall!

Upcoming virtual training opportunities


  • Day 1 Tuesday, October 4th, 9am - 2pm
  • Day 2 Thursday, October 6th, 9am - 2pm
  • Day 3 Tuesday, October 11th, 9am - 2pm
  • Day 4 Thursday, October 13th, 9am - 2pm

Register here


  • Day 1 Tuesday, November 8th, 9am - 2pm
  • Day 2 Thursday, November 10th, 9am - 2pm
  • Day 3 Tuesday, November 15th, 9am - 2pm
  • Day 4 Thursday, November 17th, 9am - 2pm

Registration opens Sept. 26th

**Please note staff must be able to attend all the training sessions to complete the training. Space is limited.**

Community of Practice

For folks who have taken the AE 101 training and want to keep the conversation going and explore AE topics and skills at greater depth.

  • September 22, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
  • October 27th, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Sign up here to join our community of practice email list.

Question of the Month

What gives you hope? What has helped you get through uncertain times?

Subscribe to the AE Newsletter below
