January 3, 2023

Happy New Year! Let's all look forward to great year ahead!

Member Highlight: Podcast

Paying Student Teachers in Nebraska

EduTalk Radio podcast highlights Dr. Dan Schnoes, Executive Director, ESU #3 in Nebraska as he talks about the school districts in his region paying student teachers a stipend as a means of recruiting new teachers into their classrooms.

Visit Podcast

Dive into the

Business Strategy Framework:

Three Opportunities to Learn Big

Why get started now? ESAs are Getting Results!

Results of the Business Strategy Framework, reported by ESAs who have used the strategy:

  • Program growth from $50K to over $2M annually in only one program area in one agency.

  • Revenue growth from $28M to over $40M in entrepreneurial activities over 5 years.

  • Increased competence of program staff to make wise investments and other business decisions.

If you want to grow your organization and your team, now is the time to get involved. There are several workshop formats to choose from, and enhanced opportunities as well!

Visit our Website to Register

Use your voice to determine the AESA 2023 Federal Advocacy Agenda by attending the virtual committee meeting!

Each year, members of the AESA Federal Advocacy

Committee work together to formalize AESA's Federal

Legislative Agenda.

Membership of AESA's Federal Advocacy Committee is comprised of one AESA member representative from each state. The representative to the committee is selected by the ESAs of that state. The AESA Priority Agenda represents the federal advocacy work that focuses on ESAs specifically. This is the

meeting to set the legislative agenda! It is important that your state is represented!

Each state is invited to send one voting representative who must be a member of AESA. (A state may send more than one member to this important meeting; however, only one vote per state.)

More Information


JANUARY 24 & 25, 2023

1-4 PM (Eastern)


US Department of Education Office of Safe And Supportive Schools Announces Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant

The Office of Safe and Supportive Schools is excited to announce that over $99M in

funding is available for the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program. This program is designed to increase mental health support for children and youth in schools by providing training and creating pathways into school-based mental health fields and high-need LEAs.

A technical assistance webinar for prospective applicants will be provided on January 11, 2023, prior to the application deadline. Webinar information is available here.

Congress approved the FY2023 Appropriations package on December 23.

This week's legislative update briefly summarizes education-related items.

Read summary of education related items here
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