A robust learning program is planned at this year's Summer Leadership Conference!
Here is a closer view of just a small portion of what you'll be discussing with your colleagues:
ESAs Leaders of Transformation Within Their School Districts:
Real-Time Data May Not Be Fast Enough
Rory Peacock, Deputy Executive Director, Technology Services, ESC Region 11 (Texas)
Data is driving decisions in our ESAs and school districts more and more every day. Real-time dashboards can provide a wealth of information, but there is more than just having the data at your fingertips.
Escaping the Student Data Trap: Using Implementation & Systems Data to
Drive Equitable Services
Wanda Cook-Robinson, Superintendent, Oakland Schools (Michigan); AESA Foundation Board Trustee; and Past-President AESA Executive Council.
Being responsive to trends in student data is a popular strategy, but far too many times these strategies fail to produce the intended results. Shifting focus to systems and
implementation data positions ESAs to deliver the equitable services our schools
There is much, much more! Networking, thought leadership, problem-solving! Join us this summer in Cincinnati!