510 N Caveman Boulevard, American Fork, Utah 84003

Front Office 801-610-8800

Counseling Office 801-610-8801

Attendance Office 801-610-8802

Finance Office 801-610-8803


Hello Cavemen,

I read a quote recently by John D. Rockefeller that I really loved.  “The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.”  A lot of things in life are not very glamorous - being on time, showing up to classes and meetings, doing homework every day, saying a kind word to others, etc. - they are common.  However, doing these common things uncommonly well means we are developing habits that will support us when we encounter a day or time in which we feel less motivated.  When we do the common things really well, they help us achieve success in academics, athletics, performing arts, and pretty much any aspect of life.  I hope as we work through the final 12 days of quarter one, we all do hard things by focusing on the common things and work to do them uncommonly well!

PROUD to be a Caveman!

Melody Apezteguia

Assistant Principal


IT'S SHOWTIME...Watch Cave Creative HERE.

This weeks Cave Creation was by Mr. Robertson on Involving Yourself. Watch it HERE.

American Fork High School WEBPAGE. Check it out!


  • Attendance
  • Cell phones
  • Academic integrity
  • And more!

Click HERE to read the handbook.


Marisa is the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) 2023 Teacher of the Year. She is being awarded for quality and innovative teaching, service to the profession and to the community, participation in professional development activities, and advocacy for your program and Japanese language education as a whole. Marisa will be honored at the ACTFL convention in Chicago in November. 


Julie is the Utah Science Teachers Association (USTA) - Teach FX Student Discourse Awardee. This is an award given to a teacher who engages students through discovery and equitable discourse in the classroom. Julie was honored on Friday at the USTA conference. 


We want you to be aware before you send your junior high aged child to a high school football game. Friday Night Football is a lot of fun at American Fork High School and around our great state. The games are a popular hangout spot for junior high students to socialize, but we and other schools have seen an increase in negative social behavior (fighting, inappropriate touching, vandalism) among the junior high students, who hang out near the field. We realize that it is not realistic to ask for parents to accompany their junior high aged student to the game, but it's important that you know the risk. We also want you to know what we are doing to increase safety. There will be more police presence in the area where younger teens hang out. We are also adding fencing and signs so that these learning adolescents can stay in spots that have better light. They will be escorted from the game if they are seen in the restricted area or don't have a stamp on their hand from the gate. Please help us in having a conversation with your child about appropriate behavior before they attend a high school football game this Friday.


We appreciate the tremendous support at our football games. Because of a large turnout at each game, we have noticed an increase in patrons coming on campus during school hours and leaving blankets to save seats. Anyone saving seats with blankets etc. will have those removed prior to the game. Gates open at 6 p.m.

AMAZON "Give Back"

Last year, the wonderful employees at Amazon served our school by providing supplies and manpower to re-landscape a portion of the south side of the old gyms. 

This year, Amazon employee Aaron Ashton contacted AFHS again and asked Creative Writing teacher Mr. Beeson what he needed for his courses. Mr. Beeson told him he needed journals for his students. "I need high-quality, hardbound, sturdy, robust journals so students can document their precious lives." 

Mr. Ashton and Amazon delivered BIG! 140 beautiful journals arrived 2 weeks later (along with other items for the classroom including tape and super glue).

"It is such a blessing to work with people like Aaron Ashton," said Mr. Beeson. "Aaron is a former student who utilizes Amazon's "give back" initiative. He chooses to give back to schools! I love it. He is amazing. Amazon is amazing. These journals are amazing." 

2023-24 EVENTS

Nov 11 Sadies Dance

Dec 6 Light Night

Dec 15 Multicultural Assembly

Feb 3 Rocky’s Dance

Feb 16 Spirit Rally

March 9 Preference Dance

April 27 Prom

May 17 Cavestock

May 22 Graduation 9 am BYU Marriott Center


American Fork students are the greatest! For the past several years we have had our amazing students come on their lunchtime to freely give of their time and talents for those in need.

Once a week during the lunch hour, we meet in the library. Our students knit hats, make teddy bears, make jump ropes and other toys, and weave sleeping mats for displaced persons. All of our donations are given to local and international charities to those in need including refugees, the homeless, and those in natural disasters.

This program is run by parent volunteers, and all students are welcome to come help make the world a better place. If you would like to participate, join us in the library every Monday during the lunch hour. Parents who would like to participate email Jill Brown at [email protected]



College Week starts next week! October 2 -5! Seniors will have the opportunity to apply to college for free with our college reps and all other students will have FLEX options and scavenger hunts to do! All students participating in College Week activities will earn PLINKO tickets for prizes during lunch! Check your email for details and the schedule!!


Face to Face CE Classes:

October 20 - Last Day to Drop Without a "W" (Fall & Full year classes)

October 21 - Tuition Due

Live Interactive CE Classes:

October 31 - Last Day to Drop With a "W"

QUESTIONS OR HELP: See Tessa Simpson in Room 44B ([email protected])


AP students taking the AP exams You MUST make sure you are signed up in  myap.collegeboard.org  using the join code specific to your class. PAYMENTS for the exam are due by Oct 4.   The FIRM deadline is Oct. 18.

Students on Free or Reduced lunches, You need to get a printout from Amy in the lunchroom and take that to the finance office when paying for your exams. This is how the reduced/waived exam fees are applied. Any questions please see Mrs. Forry in room 44A or email [email protected] 

Counselor Assignments for 23-24 School Year:


A-J: Laura Shelley ([email protected])

K-Z: Stacee Sneddon ([email protected])

Juniors and Seniors:

A-C: Kristine Brown ([email protected])

D-Ha: Shantell Shoell ([email protected])

He-Mi: Bree Toone ([email protected])

Mo-Sl: Lisa Cuff ([email protected])

Sm-Z: Liana Brown ([email protected])

Secretaries - Stephanie McBride, Emily Hadlock (801-610-8801)

Other Resources:

Registrar - Lisa Blacker ([email protected])

College Access Advisor - Kennadey Brailsford ([email protected])

Psychologist - Alicia Stephens ([email protected])

Speech - Greg Young ([email protected])

Speech - Leanne Williams ([email protected])

Social Worker - Tanner Hone ([email protected])


Please contact Monique Forry in room 44A. The following are days and times to test. 

-Before school (B Days only) 7:30 am-7:45 am

-After school T,TH,F 2:15 pm-3:15 pm

-Wed 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

-Students enrolled in ESO classes can take tests during class time or after school. 




We know from ancient writings that flowers were important in the daily lives of the ancient Greeks & and Romans. Flowers and flower petals were commonly scattered on the ground during festivals and were used to make wreaths and garlands. The wearing of wreaths, or chaplets, or as we now call them, flower crowns, on the head and garlands around the neck was quite common. The wreath was a symbol of allegiance and dedication, and they were often awarded to honor athletes, poets, civic leaders, victorious soldiers, and other heroes. Garlands and wreaths were worn at weddings and used to decorate interiors and exteriors of homes, statues, and graves. Wreaths were so important that books were written about the proper etiquette for wearing them as well as about the appropriate flowers and foliage, their symbolism, and various styles.


AFHS Career & Technical Education Department will be naming a U.S. Presidential Scholar Nominee in October. Students must have a Career Pathway focused in Health Science, Information Technology, Manufacturing, or Engineering. All candidates will be able to list Skills Certificates, Internship experience, CTE Student Club awards/leadership, high GPA, and ACT scores. Top candidates will also have experience outside the classroom showing ingenuity, creativity, and problem-solving. This could be the solution to a real-world problem or the development of a new product, good, or service. This is one of the nation's highest honors for high school students and we are PROUD of all our AFHS Nominees! Qualified students should make contact by October 1st with one of the following: CTE Teacher - Alexa Webb CTE Pathways Specialist - Melissa Brady Internship Coordinator (both located in Advocates Office)



Athletic Ticketing for Games- We will continue online ticketing for game purchases. There is a new system (Go Fan) for ticketing. More information to come.


AFHS competed in the annual Undoukai or Japanese Sports Competition. Besides AFHS, Skyridge, PGHS, MVHS, Lehi High School, Payson, Salem Hills also participated.

In the sports competition students competed in different events such as tug-o-war, ball toss, relay, etc. Students also had to speak with Japanese native speakers and practice how to write Chinese characters or Kanji.

Students also participated in the Art and Cosplay Contest. AFHS got first and second place in the art contest (Evie Morris and Erin Morris). For the cosplay contest, AFHS got third place with Sakura Burton getting the prize.

This annual competition happens every Fall at Skyridge High School and it has been a very fun event for all schools. Way to go Cavemen!

GIRLS WRESTLING: American Fork Girls Wrestling is looking for new wrestlers to join their ranks. All are welcome regardless of experience. There are no tryouts and anyone who has an interest can join. Contact Coach Cazier with any questions. 


Marching Band Competition Season Has Begun!

The annual AFHS Marching Band Family Show was held on September 11th. This was

the first time that families and the community watched the entire competitive marching

band show. 7th-9th grade band students from American Fork Junior High joined the

Marching Band on the field at the start of the show for a special performance. Thank you

to everyone who came out to support the AFHS band program!

The marching band also performed their show during half-time of the AF Homecoming

Football Game on Friday, September 15th.

The first judged competition of the year was the Nebo Tournament of Bands. It was

held at Payson High School on Saturday, September 16th. The results for 6A Open

Class were as follows:

Outstanding Color Guard: American Fork High School

Outstanding Percussion: American Fork High School

Outstanding Visual Performance: American Fork High School

Outstanding Music Performance: American Fork High School

1st Place: American Fork High School Score: 84.013

2nd Place: Westlake High School Score: 80.475

3rd Place: Davis High School Score: 79.087

The Oquirrh Mountain Competition was held at Herriman High School on Saturday,

September 24th. The results for 6A Open Class were as follows:

Outstanding Color Guard: American Fork High School

Outstanding Percussion: Cedar Valley High School

Outstanding Visual Performance: American Fork High School

Outstanding Music Performance: American Fork High School

1st Place: American Fork High School Score: 88.313

2nd Place: Westlake High School Score: 86.025

3rd Place: Skyridge High School Score: 85.675

Upcoming competitions:

Sept. 30th - Bridgerland Band Invitational at Utah State University 9:15 p.m.

Oct. 7th - BOA Arizona Regional Flagstaff, AZ 11:00 a.m.

Oct. 14th - Davis Cup Davis HS 8:15 p.m.

Go Band!

Library Contest Winners:

Lilly Arnold won an autographed copy of Heartless by Marissa Meyer! Congratulations Lilly!

Katelyn Christensen won an autographed copy of Cinder by Marissa Meyer. Congratulations Katelyn!

Scott Youngberg won an autographed copy of Gilded by Marissa Meyer! Congratulations Scott!

Xander Ellwood is the winner of the Library M&M contest. He guessed 3,990 M&’M’s and was only one off! Congratulations Xander!

Eleanor Borget won a large jar of M&M’s for guessing two M&M’s off from the winning answer. Her answer was 3,991 M&M’s. Congratulations Eleanor!


Fall workouts for Track and Field start next Monday, Oct. 2. We will meet on the track at 2:45 pm each A day (Wednesdays maybe earlier but TBA). These workouts are for those athletes who want to join the spring track team who are not participating in a fall sport and want to start working out early. These workouts are greatly beneficial to help increase speed, agility, endurance, and event technique. These workouts are specifically for sprinters, hurdlers, and jumpers but all are welcome. Please contact Coach Myrup with any questions ([email protected]). You may also join our team Remind Group by texting "@aftrack24" to the number 81010 (athletes only). Parents that want to be on the group text "trackpar24" to the number 81010 (parents only).

SOFTBALL:  Open field is every Wednesday, 4:00-7:00 pm, on the softball field. 


The Girls Tennis Team battled it out on the first day of the state tournament held at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City on Thursday. The team battled in the first round and each won their respective matches to advance each position to the Quarterfinals. The Cavemen represented in their Quarterfinal matches and advanced two positions to the semifinals on Saturday, Olivia Bishop (3rd Singles) & Emma Cowie/Lindsy Knight (2nd Doubles). As it stands right now the Cavemen are tied for second place going into the last day of the tournament! Way to go girls!! We had some excellent support at state and are P.R.O.U.D. to be Cavemen!! Matches kick off at 9:00 am Saturday morning at Liberty Park.


1st Singles

Round of 16: Sophia Leavitt def. Blaney (Herriman) 6-0, 6-2

Quarterfinals: Johnson (PG) def. Leavitt 6-0, 6-2

2nd Singles

Round of 16: Claire Griffin def. Rindlisbacher (PG) 6-1, 6-3

Quarterfinals: George (CC) def. Griffin 6-4, 7-5

3rd Singles

Round of 16: Olivia Bishop def. Kearns (Farmington) 6-0, 6-3

Quarterfinals: Bishop def. Dunyon 6-2, 6-0

1st Doubles

Round of 16: Olivia Tingey/Liberty Hardy def. Mcconkie/Provost (Fremont) 6-4, 6-1

Quarterfinals: Caldwell/Stevens (PG) def. Tingey/Hardy 6-2, 2-6, 6-3

2nd Doubles

Round of 16: Emma Cowie/Lindsy Knight def. West/West (Layton) 6-2, 3-6, 7-6(4)

Quarterfinals: Cowie/Knight def. Clark/Christensen (PG) 6-7(3), 6-3, 6-4

Team Standings after Day 1:

1. Skyridge (30pts)

2. American Fork (22 pts)

2. Layton (22 pts)

4. Lone Peak (19 pts)

5. PG (17 pts)

6. CC (16 pts)

7. Bingham (14 pts)

8. Davis (13 pts)


Girl's soccer played Skyridge and came up with a big win, 5-1. It was Senior night. We are so PROUD of these Seniors! The team has secured a great spot in the tournament and we wish them good luck!

Photos compliments of Tyler Staten at tylerstaten.com/sports/

Photos compliments of John McKenney and can be viewed HERE


Come support the football team at their game against Pleasant Grove HS! Gates open at 6 pm.

Photos compliments of Tyler Staten can be viewed at tylerstaten.com/sports/



August 25 - August 9

Fri, Sept 29

Girls XC at Mesa, AZ

Blood Drive 7 am - 3 pm

Sat, Sept 30

Girls XC at Mesa, AZ

Tennis State Tournament at Liberty Park

Boys Volleyball Open Gym 10 am - 12 pm

Mon, Oct 2 - College Application Week

BR: Wasatch Winds 6-9 pm

Tue, Oct 3

HOSA Fall Leadership Conference (CTE)

ED Rising Conference (CTE)

Varsity Golf Region at Old Mill 10 am

Volleyball at LPHS 3:30 pm

Girls/Boys XC Region III Championships 3:30 at - Art Dye Park

Wed, Oct 4 

HOSA Fall Leadership Conference

UASSP Secretary Conference

Golf Region at Talons Cove

Thu, Oct 5 

1st Round Soccer Playoffs (BYE)

Golf Region Old Mill 10 am

Volleyball at LHS 3:30 pm

JV/Soph Football vs Westlake 4:30 pm


Marching Band in Flagstaff, AZ

Varsity Volleyball at Cache Valley Challenger 

Football at WLHS 7 pm

Sat, Oct 7

Marching Band in Flagstaff, AZ

Varsity Volleyball at Cache Valley Challenger

Mon, Oct 9

Golf State at Old Mill

Tue, Oct 10

Golf State at Old Mill

2nd Round Soccer Playoffs (Home Sites)

SkillsUSA Leadership Conference (CTE)

TSA Fall Leadership Conference (CTE)

XC Divisional at Lakeside Park 12:30 - 2:30 pm

Volleyball vs Skyridge 3:30 pm

Wed, Oct 11

Educators Rising Fall Leadership Conference

Orchestra Fall Concert 6 pm

Thu, Oct 12 - Picture Retakes

Soccer Quarterfinals (home sites)

Volleyball at PGHS 3:30 pm

JV/Soph Football at Skyridge 4:30 pm

Fri, Oct 13 - Pictures Retakes

Winter Guard Auditions 4-7 pm

Football vs Skyridge 7 pm

Sat, Oct 14

Marching Band at Davis TBD

JV Volleyball Utah County Classic Tournament

Mon, Oct 16

Tue, Oct 17

Soccer Semifinals at Zions Bank Stadium

Volleyball vs Westlake (Senior Night)

Wed, Oct 18 - Last Day of 1st Term

Thu, Oct 19 - Fall Break

Fri, Oct 20 - Fall Break

Soccer Finals at American First Stadium

Football 1st Round (home sites)

Sat, Oct 21

Mon, Oct 23 - Fall Break

Tue, Oct 24 - Term 2 Begins

Visit Calendar



Exciting new research opportunity for teens!

We are in the process of studying the experiences of youth (ages 14-18) participating in an online course. If you know of youth in this age group who might be interested in participating, please feel free to share the attached informational flyer (Spanish and English versions). The flier includes an email for interested participants to contact. This opportunity is open to youth ages 14-18 throughout the US. Thank you again for your help and participation, and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

BYU Positive Psychology Lab


We've got an amazing lineup of art classes, academies, studio time, gallery shows and more led by a group of wonderful local artists. Whether you prefer pen to paper or brush to canvas, check out the offerings for children, youth and adults at americanforkarts.com/visual-arts.