Age-Friendly North Jersey Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 3:

April, 2023

Photo of about 20 adults in two rows in a conference room.

Older Americans Month is Coming

May is Older Americans Month. This year's theme from the Administration on Community Living is "Aging Unbound."

  • Click here for logos, activity ideas, graphics, and more.
  • Send us your plans, flyers, and photos from Older Americans Month for promotion in an upcoming newsletter.
  • Check out last year's AFNJ Padlet for inspiration.

Let's Check Out New Developments:


Advocates Offer Insight, Advice on Developing More Inclusive Practices

There isn't just one mold or model to copy when trying to ensure a program or event is welcoming to people of all ages and abilities.

That was the message of the “Accessibility in Virtual Programming” online presentation that Age-Friendly North Jersey co-hosted with several partners. Read More

Image showing how to enable captions in Zoom.
Click to watch program recording

Let's Celebrate!

Age-Friendly North Jersey Invited to the White House

Photograph of six women of different ages and races.

Julia Stoumbos from The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, along with other leaders in community-engaged work, were invited to share their perspectives at the "Communities in Action: Building a Better New Jersey" event at the White House on March 29. According to Julia:

"It was a good opportunity to talk about the community-level changes our alliance and other organizations have been working toward and to hear from leadership at the federal government level, as well as local elected officials and community leaders, working to improve people’s everyday lives. Our state has strong advocates for social justice and equitable economic opportunities who advised the administration on the policy changes that could enhance their work, and by extension, enhance the ability of all New Jerseyans to affordably age in supportive community settings."

Age-Friendly North Jersey Members Testify at the New Jersey Age-Friendly Advisory Council's

Blueprint Listening Sessions

Logo for New Jersey Age-Friendly Advisory Council

We are proud of the many Age-Friendly North Jersey members who provided written and oral testimony to inform the state's Age-Friendly Blueprint. Each testifier shared the accomplishments of their age-friendly efforts and the needs of the particular services areas and populations they work with, and we coalesced around the need for systematic investment in communities to be the leaders of age-friendly work.

Watch the first listening session here
Watch the second listening session here *This link contains more AFNJ testimony than the first*
Click here for a sample written testimony from AFNJ members

The Hub for Aging Collaboration at Rutgers School of Social Work Begins Formal Launch

The Hub for Aging Collaboration at Rutgers had its first formal launch event at the Careers in Aging Week Network and Lunch Event on March 29. Thanks to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI-RU) for hosting in their beautiful building!

Learn more about the Hub
Photo of the Rutgers Hub for Aging Collaboration table decked out with swag, and three people standing behind the table representing the Hub.

Send us your news for future newsletters!

Let's Meet

Wednesday, April 19

10 to 11:00 am, Zoom

Ambassadors for Age-Friendly Communities

*Hosted by the New Jersey Age-Friendly Collaborative's Local Accelerator Group

*Open to the public

Age-friendly work requires dedication, diplomacy, and energy; finding and building local ambassadors can make all the difference. Join us to learn from successful efforts in South Orange and Westwood.

Register Here.

View Flyer Here.

Thursday, May 11

3-4:30 pm, Hybrid

Engaging with Your Local Government through Municipal Committees

on Aging

*Co-hosted with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Rutgers

*Open to the public

*Speakers will be on Zoom; option to attend in-person watch-party in New Brunswick

Register Here.

Let's Grow

Here are some upcoming opportunities:
  • Mackenzie Scott has launched a Yield Giving Open Call for funding for mid-sized community-focused nonprofits. Register to apply by May 5; applications are due June 12. Learn more.

  • Justice in Aging is hiring a Director of Operations. Learn more.

  • Register for New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well's 2023 Annual Conference in New Brunswick on June 9. More information.*

  • The 2023 NJ Planning and Redevelopment conference will be on June 21-22 (remote) and June 23 (in-person in New Brunswick). More information.*

  • The New Jersey Public Health Association's annual conference is on April 21 in Trenton at Mercer County College Conference Center. More information.*

  • LeadingAge New Jersey and Delaware's 2023 annual meeting will be on June 20-22 in Atlantic City. More information.*

  • Generations United is hosting the 22nd Global Intergenerational Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 26-28. More information.

*Indicates that at least one AFNJ member will be a speaker at the

 listed conference.*

Let's Learn Together

  • The video recording from our March 21 co-hosted program on Accessibility in Virtual Programming is available. Watch here.

  • April is Earth Month! Learn from this Mather Institute report about the ways older adults are "going green." Read here.

  • Spring is in the air! AARP has published a toolkit on creating and maintaining community gardens for sustainable, inclusive, and intergenerational communities. Read here.
Check out our Padlet to view more articles, discussion posts, upcoming events, job opportunities, and other curated resources.

Let's Keep in Touch

Speech bubbles in varying shapes and colors.
More on Age-Friendly North Jersey

An alliance of leaders strengthening
communities for all ages
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Logo that says "The Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation" in blue.
Logo that says "Grotta Fund for Senior Care" in red and black text.