Let's Check Out New Developments:
Sustainable Communities Can Be Age-Friendly Ones Too
Age-Friendly North Jersey and Sustainable Jersey share many of the same strategies and goals, so much so that a marriage between movements seems written in the stars. Even better, it's written into an “action step.”
In March, Sustainable Jersey created a new incentive program for municipalities to adopt “Community Design for All Ages” programs and policies.

With thanks to Tanya Rohrbach, Anne Heasly and Colleen Diskin

Highlights from our Gathering in Garfield
We had a wonderful time at our first in-person gathering since early 2020, with much thanks to our Generations for Garfield hosts.

The photo on the left shows our "speed networking" activity, in which we shared our accomplishments in brief, on-one-on networking sessions. Our group photo below shows off our new swag: hats and reusable bags with the Age-Friendly North Jersey logo!

We missed those who were unable to attend, and hope to be able to host another safe in-person gathering soon.
Let's Meet
Tuesday, August 23
Community Design For All Ages Action: Webinar Watch Party with live Q & A
Hosted by the NJ Age-Friendly Collaborative's Local Accelerator Group, with live
Q & A with leaders from Sustainable Jersey and NJFuture.
September 15
You are invited to our first NJ Age-Friendly Virtual Fair: A showcase of NJ's age-friendly communities, from the neighborhood block to statewide and allied efforts.
Let's Grow
Here are some upcoming opportunities:
Calling all social workers in Bergen and Passaic County who work with older adults! Rutgers School of Social Work would love to hear more about your experiences in a virtual focus group.

Contact Lauren for more information, and share this flyer with your networks!

Find out about opportuni-ties for local leaders to support older adults with American Rescue Plan funding. Guidance provided by AARP and consulting firm Funkhouser & Associates.
Let's Learn Together
Upcoming webinars, workshops, and other learning opportunities:

  • The Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey (SHA-NJ) has released a comprehensive Toolkit for Municipalities to enhance inclusion of people with disabilities.

Check out our Padlet to view more articles, discussion posts, upcoming events, job opportunities, and other curated resources.
Let's Keep iLet's Keep in Touchn Touch
More on Age-Friendly North Jersey

An alliance of leaders strengthening
communities for all ages
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