Chapter Update
October 22, 2020
Philanthropy, Justice and a Chance for Change
On November 10, this year’s National Philanthropy Day takes a new focus
We fundraisers are committed to philanthropy. But some things are even more important, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us: "Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary."

What You Need to Know NOW for National Philanthropy Day
October 30 deadline to submit your Partners in Philanthropy
National Philanthropy Day provides a unique opportunity to publicly celebrate two of your organization’s most valued donors or volunteers through AFPSEWI. New this year, we're collecting photos and names of your Partners for an AFPSEWI social media video reel spotlighting our amazing supporters.

Q: What’s more important than fundraising?
A: Ethical fundraising
Ethics is essential to fundraising because everything we do pivots on public trust. During its Ethics Month, AFP illuminates our path to the highest standards of practice. Reflect on these resources from AFP Global, and register for TODAY’s FREE WEBINAR TODAY - "Ethics: It's Not Just About the Money"

Why I Give
BE the CAUSE, the annual campaign of the AFP Foundation, gives us the chance to offer a helping hand to fellow fundraisers in Southeastern Wisconsin and beyond. Immediate past president Nancy Seidel Nelson reflects on her reasons for giving.

It's Time for White Women to Step Up for Racial Justice
AFP Global webinar provides thoughtful call to action
Do white women have a responsibility to initiate in conversations about race? On October 6, AFP Global’s webinar confronted this question with a compelling webinar and a candid conversation among participants.

National Philanthropy Day
"The Role of Philanthropy in Racial Equity and Inclusion"
Each of these panelists can tell a personal and organizational story about their journey toward racial equity and systems change – stories that can inspire similar journeys for each of us.

More chances to learn and connect...Register today!
Not a Member? Now is a Great Time to Join AFP!
Invest in Yourself
AFP is offering $50 off the Professional or Associate membership dues.New members at this level can take advantage of the savings and join our chapter for $290! Young Professionals (30 years old or younger) can join for only $95!

Already a Member?
Help Us Tailor to Our Membership
AFP is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, equitable and accessible community. In order to cultivate and create a diverse environment, we ask that you take just a few moments to update your demographic information in your AFP member profile. Together with your help, we can continue to provide you with tailored resources, statistics and reports, and create an environment that fosters inclusion for all.

Welcome to Our New Members

Asia Carter
Karen Cohen
Jana Gedymin
Rebecca Owen
Thank you to our Renewing Members

Diane Grace, CFRE
Joseph Maddalena, CFRE
Sarah Malchow
Elizabeth Meyer
Shavonn Montgomery Brown
Leif Nordstrom
Jean Opitz
Chelsea Ostrov
Erin Richardson
James Van Hoven
Michael Wos
Association of Fundraising Professionals, Southeastern WI | 414-399-0281 | |