In 2019, I visited Africa for the first time. And I was prepared…we had our scripts ready for the filming of JFYM Online in Swahili. People back home were praying for our team. I was up to date on the immunizations that were recommended. And I had Toto’s “Africa” on my trip “playlist.” 
David Paich, the Toto band member who wrote “Africa,” said in 2015 that it was “about a man’s love of a continent” and that he based the lyrics on the impact that viewing a late-night documentary of Africa’s suffering had on him years ago. He said, “the pictures just wouldn’t leave my head...I tried to imagine how I’d feel about it if I was there and what I’d do.”
While David never mentioned what documentary captured his attention, my prayer is that this newsletter captures your attention. And that by the end you are asking God the question…Because Reach Out IS there, what can I do?
And today, our Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training is used to train leaders in 15 African countries.

Here are a few highlights from the last couple of months showcasing how God is using Reach Out to reach the younger generation of Africa with the gospel of Jesus Christ…

In Botswana...
Our leaders threw a party!
Last month, two leaders trained in JFYM organized a “Matthew’s Party” in Molepolole for drug addicts and alcoholics whom they invited to come and eat with them. Seven young people placed their faith in Jesus Christ for their salvation!

And they planted churches!
Apostle Chimombe Kabuoruno, an Eagle Leader in Botswanna, has now planted four churches in Mmanoko, Suping, Gamodobu, and Lethogonolo using JFYM principles. He said that the JFYM principles of building leaders, creating outreach opportunities, penetrating the culture, and discipling students helped him establish these new congregations. His strategy was simple: reach and disciple the youth in these communities, and then the students will reach out to their parents. It worked! Cumulatively, there are now 240 people in these churches who are now saved and being discipled (youth AND their parents)!

In Malawi...
62 leaders from 10 denominations participated in a JFYM training in the southern part of Malawi. 
A testimonial from that training: Pastor Holman Kaliwamba leads the God of Possibility Church and said that he had never received any formal pastoral training to prepare him for his role. Following the Forum, he told our trainer that he enjoyed every part of it, and felt as if it was like a day of “seminary” for him. He said he knows that the training will “help him in his ministry.”
31 people (mainly youth) were baptized as a result of the JFYM training and church leaders then penetrating the culture and creating outreach opportunities!

In Mozambique...
Over the last three months, they have seen 27 leaders trained, two churches planted, 315 saved and baptized, and have helped students establish seven Bible study groups in seven schools. They also graduated 23 pastors from the Bible school that also trained and certified each one as a JFYM Eagle Leader!

In Zimbabwe...
The government is asking for our Country Leader, Reuben Zivagwe, to train government school teachers in JFYM so that students are reached and discipled in the rural schools!

In Kenya...
600 young people were saved in school evangelistic rallies that were held last month in Homa Bay!

Charles Okoth is a student who was robbed and left for dead earlier this year when walking home from choir practice.

The doctors did not expect him to live more than a few days. But God has done a miraculous work in his life! 
God at work in a warrior tribe near the Tanzania border!
A bit of history first…the young people of this tribe are taught to take advantage of others at a young age…maiming, killing, raping, stealing. Over the years, individuals and teams have attempted to do ministry there, but left discouraged due to belongings and money that had been stolen from them. But Charles Juma was convicted that Reach Out should continue to pursue inroads into this tribe, and not allow the evil influence of the witch doctors to win.
After much prayer and planning, in August, Mark Juma and Christopher Ochieng, two of our Eagle Leaders, provided JFYM training in a church located within this tribe. Sixty people attended the training.
That church had been established years ago. Sadly, the culture of the tribe had overshadowed the church in many ways.
But, on the day of THIS training, God moved!
The people were captivated!
Christopher said that the people stood before Mark and him asking God to forgive them for what they had done. They were repenting for their sins and for the sins of the tribe. They asked God to forgive them for the way that they had failed their young people. Please pray as this training takes root, and God uses it to do a new work in this tribe!

Back to "Africa" by Toto...
In 2018, David Paich gave a bit more insight into his song that has captivated many generations of music lovers. He said that he grew up attending a Catholic school and that several of the teachers had done missionary work in Africa. That became the inspiration behind the line, “I bless the rains down in Africa.”
While I’m sure there is great intent behind blessing “the rains down in Africa,” will you join with me in praying that the entire African continent is blessed? And as God RAINS down His presence there through trained pastors and parents and leaders, that they reach the younger generation with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ?
Will you join us in this mission?

We are in the process of raising funds for our budgetary needs in Africa for 2024. 

God continues to expand our territory there, as we have been invited to help train and equip youth leaders and pastors in SEVEN additional African countries!

Your monthly gift of $50, $100, $250 or more, will help us provide additional resources and training in current and new locations next year!
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions