I would like to start by applauding the success of the 2022 AFSA Convention and AGM this past month. The events committee chaired by Tracy McFee and assisted by Shauna Prokopchuk and her team at ManageWise really did an outstanding job in putting everything together for us.
It was so great to see you all in person again and I have to give a huge thank you to all the attendees, the incredible speakers, our generous sponsors, to all the deserving awards recipients and especially to the Executive and members of the AFSA board I have had the privilege of serving with both past and present. Your efforts and hard work are not unnoticed and are greatly appreciated.
This year is shaping up to be another full one for the board and membership. The Board has engaged a lobby group to assist with getting our concerns with the new CSS contract more traction within the higher governmental departments and ministers. We will also be beginning the discussions in regards to the Medical Examiner’s Transfer Contract which comes up in the beginning of 2023 to touch on a couple of the major issues we will be tackling this year.
And last but not least, as we seem to be coming out the other side of the pandemic now to this “new normal” I want to say to all of you: I see you. I see how you made it through these last two years. I see how you kept your head up while you may have had your own struggles and concerns. I see how even though you may have struggled, you may have suffered, you still stood up to serve those in need when called upon and that fills my heart with pride to stand alongside you as colleagues and friends.
Thank you all who have reached out to me with congratulations and kind messages. I look forward to the year ahead. It’s going to be a great year, so, let’s get to work.
Eden C. Tourangeau
Alberta Funeral Service Association
By now hopefully everyone has recovered from an amazing AFSA AGM and Conference IN PERSON!!!

It was wonderful to see everyone after so long and a wonderful time was had by all. On top of all the networking, socializing and celebrating we welcomed several top notch speakers. A huge shout out goes out to keynote speakers Gary Freytag and Todd Van Beck along with informative sessions by Jeremy Allen, Todd Reinholt and Dr. Balachandra.

We were able to celebrate and honour 20 Long Term Service Award recipients! A full list of recipients along with bio's and photo's will be listed on the website shortly.

The Robert Snodgrass Memorial Award was presented to Sheila Bartsch and I think it goes without saying that Sheila is an extremely worthy recipient!

We welcomed 18 exhibitors who are listed below. We could not hold this conference without the support and participation of our sponsors, exhibitors, speakers and attendees. We invite all attendees to complete a survey that will be going out to attendees next week.

We have put together a video recap of the Awards Gala below. The office has received all of the photos taken at the banquet and in the photo booth so feel free to request your favourites.
Alberta Wilbert Sales Ltd
Canadian College of Funeral Service
CFHC Social Media
Chancellor's Funeral Supply & Service Ltd.
Create-Mode Inc.
Dodge Canada
Eternity's Touch
Funeral Plans-Canada
Genelyn North America
Imperial Group
Last Post Fund
Legacy Private Trust
Life Celebrants International
Life Expressions
Platinum Emergency Services
Pyrox Industries
Summit Memorials
The 2022/2023 Board of Directors will consist of:

President: Eden Tourangeau
Vice President: David Root
Past President: Chris Jong
Treasurer: Tracy McFee

Alex Van Geest
Candice Anderson
Joelle Valliere
Kirstie Smolyk
Michael Cron
Bryce Laveck (Associate)
Welcome Aboard!
T 780 412 1310
F 780 413 0076