Meet with the SWIFT Visiting Team
Dear CSD Families,
California School for the Deaf is hosting a visiting team from the SWIFT education center at Kansas University for a review of their Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) efforts at CSD on April 3-6th. As part of this process, a self-study visitation will be conducted to provide the school with insights and input on how to continue improving its intervention systems focusing on behavior, social emotional and academic interventions. The visiting team would like to meet with families to ask questions about what they think about CSD's intervention systems that are in place. AFTC was asked to provide that platform. We invite you to join this conversation on Wednesday, April 5th from 5:30 to 6:15.
**Views expressed in the meeting are solely the families, not AFTC.
Zoom Link Information:
AFTC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: AFTC- SWIFT Families Session
Time: Apr 5, 2023 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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