Entering Breeding Data
Convenience is the name of the game and when it comes to registering calves, regardless of quantity. Whether you do it the minute they hit the ground or at the end of your calving season, the AGA Online Registry Service offers several ways to make the process quick and easy. The AGA requires the following data points to register a calf: dam and sire registration number, service type, calf date of birth, sex and assigned tattoo.

Entering breeding data on females helps make registering calves easy by already having the first two pieces of necessary information input in the registry. Additionally, entering breeding data into the registry helps producers monitor reproductive status and provides valuable information.

Breeding data should be entered on all females 13 months of age or older that are bred to have a calf in the current year. This can only be done by a member of the AGA with access to the AGA member account.

*To ensure members of your operation have access to the AGA Online Registry, be sure to add their name, email and phone number to the "Contacts" tab of your account profile. Changes can only be made by individuals currently listed on the account. For help, be sure to contact the AGA office.

Option A: During Herd Assessment Placement
  • When assessing females for the current year, under the "Assessment Age" tab, you'll find beside each female's detail (tattoo, name, DOB., etc.) a gray trash can, "PE" and "AI".
  • PE = Pasture Exposure
  • AI = Artificial Insemination
  • Before you select the "2023" button to the left or the "Complete yearly HAS Process - Assess all for" button, you'll want to enter the breeding information.
  • Doing so here prevents you from having to visit each female's detail screen individually,
Option B: On Animal's Individual Detail Screen
  • If you've already assessed your females for the current year but forgot to enter the breeding data before submitting the assessments, visit the female's individual animal detail screen.
  • To view an individual female, either enter her registration number (AMGV______) in the "Work Menu" or select "View" to the left of her information under the "Herd" tab of your general profile screen.
  • From the tabs running horizontally through the Animal Detail Screen, select "Breeding"
  • Two columns will appear:
  • Artificial Insemination on File
  • Pasture Exposure on File
  • Depending on the breeding program, members have access to enter both AI and PE data for the same female including "Bull Reg No" and "Date AI'd" for artificial insemination and "Bull Reg No" along with the beginning and ending date of exposure to the sire listed.
  • Be sure to select "Add" after each data point is entered to save it on the female's records.
Option C: Mass Uploading Breeding Data
  • Members can also mass upload breeding information via the integration feature on the online registry. This allows information to be put into the registry for multiple animals at one time using a spreadsheet upload.
  • On the left work menu, click tools then integration, and finally upload.
  • Across the top of the screen there will be several options to choose from for downloadable templates. Select the breed option.
  • Once you click breeding, an excel file will begin to download. The spreadsheet has columns for dam registration number, sire registration number, service type, breeding start and breeding end.
  • Be sure to type in "AMGV" before all sire and dam registration numbers.
  • For service type, enter NS or AI. "NS" being natural service and "AI" being artificial insemination.
  • Once all information is completed, save the spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file and upload using the prompts at the top of the page.
  • Contact the AGA office for any assistance using the integration screen.

Thanks to the convenience of the AGA Online Registry, breeding data can be entered at any time on an active female with your farm/ranch listed as the owner.
What if I don't submit breeding data before the calf is born?

No problem! Breeding data can be entered on the female's individual breeding tab at any point in her gestation, or in the birth recording queue during the recording process. The function of entering breeding data before calving season starts is simply a convenient option offered to the AGA Online Registry Service to assist the member in accurate record keeping during the breeding season and expediting the recording process by eliminating the need to type the sire's registration number for each individual female alongside the calf's registration details.
The "Did You Know" of the "Breeding" tab.

  • The Breeding tab allows members to enter both AI and PE data for any female for the same breeding season.
  • Requirements of the breeding tab include Bull Reg Number, Exposure dates (Begin/End for pasture exposure) and AI Date (for AI breeding).
  • Historical exposure is saved on each female for both AI and PE breeding and includes the result of each breeding.
  • "Resulted in AMGV______ born __/__/____" for successful matings.
  • "Open/Did Not Take" for unsuccessful matings.
  • Non-owners of a female can see the breeding data on a female by simply searching for her within the AGA Online Registry including historical exposure.
Viewing the Complete List of AI and PE Details
  • Log into the AGA Online Registry
  • Using the work menu found to the left of the screen select "Herd Mgmt"
  • From the dropdown menu, select "Breeding" followed by either "Pasture Exposure" or "AI Service"
  • This shows all unresolved breeding information.
For questions regarding the process of entering breeding data or recording calves, or otherwise please contact the AGA office at 303-465-2333 or email [email protected].
American Gelbvieh Association | 303-465-2333 | [email protected]