February 8, 2023 - Austin, Texas

Capitol Day Registration

AGC of Texas will host their Capitol Day during the 88th Legislative Session on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. This event will provide an opportunity for all AGC of Texas members to visit the Texas Capitol and discuss the need for continued transportation funding and other critical industry issues with elected officials serving in the Texas Senate and House.

During the registration process, you will be able to list any State Senators and/or Representatives you would like to meet with at the Capitol. AGC of Texas staff will schedule all appointments on your behalf and will do our best to accomodate the preferences you list in your registration.

After you register, you will be assigned to a group of 2-4 people that you will attend all office visits with at the Capitol. Each group will have a Team Lead. The Team Lead will be the point of contact for your group and will lead the conversation at each scheduled appointment.

RSVP is required to attend this important event. Registration for the AGC of Texas Capitol Day closes on February 1.

Register Here

Tentative Schedule of Events

Our tentative schedule (listed below) includes a morning session and lunch at the Hyatt Regency Austin, afternoon legislative office visits at the Texas State Capitol, and an evening cocktail reception with legislators and their staff at the Austin Club. A finalized schedule of events with full details will be sent to all registered participants ahead of the Capitol Day event.

9:00 a.m. - Registration & Welcome Reception

10:00 a.m. - Industry Briefing

11:00 a.m. - Luncheon with Special Guest Speaker (TBA)

12:00 p.m. - Board Buses for Texas Capitol

1:00 p.m. - Texas Capitol Office Visits

5:30 p.m. - Group Photo

6:00 p.m. - Legislative Reception

8:00 p.m. - Board Buses for Hyatt Regency Austin

Room Block Link:

A block of rooms has been reserved from 2/7/2023 to 2/9/2023 at they Hyatt Regency Austin for AGC of Texas members attending the Capitol Day at a reduced rate of $265 per night.

The room block closes on January 24.

Click here to reserve a room.

Virtual Orientation #2

AGC Staff will be hosting a second virtual orientation session for those interested in learning more about the Capitol Day. Join us on Zoom at 2:00 p.m. Central Time on January 20.

Click here to register for the orientation. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the Zoom.

Questions? Contact Tracey Mittnacht.