AGI Alumni News

May 11, 2016

The Wolfpack Roundup

The fourth annual Wolfpack Roundup, the student-run auction, was held on Saturday, April 9. Forty students participated, including eighteen AGI students, and the sale brought in more than $28,000. This event is a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their hard work as well as give them invaluable real-world selling experience.

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Our Ambassadors' Adventures

As we told you about last fall, we have created a new program called the AGI Ambassadors. These students participate in a variety of activities: they represent the AGI at recruiting events across the state, they participate in community service projects and social events, and they meet every other week throughout the semester to learn about leadership and service.

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By the Numbers

We thought a numbers update was in order; click below for information on our current student population, including how many students are in each major, our impressive job placement rate, and more!

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Policy Updates

Over the last several years, there have been quite a few policy changes we thought you might be interested in. One big change has been a curriculum overhaul that has resulted in an easier transition for those students wishing to continue their education at NC State after graduating from the AGI. We have also instituted an attendance policy to help ensure that our students are getting the most of their education here.

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Reaching out to Veterans

The Agricultural Institute is a natural fit for many of our armed forces veterans. We offer a gateway to hands-on, dynamic careers that are well suited to the experiences and inclinations of veterans. As such, we have recently started reaching out more actively to the veteran population here in North Carolina. Our staff has received Green Zone training -- training intended to make staff aware of and responsive to issues specific to our veteran population -- and the rest of our faculty will receive it in the fall. We are also sending a representative to military recruiting events across the state. If you know of any veteran who might be interested in what we have to offer, please contact us at [email protected] or 919-515-3248.

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How You Can Help

We have many funds that accept donations, but our Agricultural Institute Enhancement Fund, which supports student activities, is our main source of program support. You can donate here. Or, if you are interested in your own named endowment, please contact Chris Wessel in the CALS Advancement Office via email or at 919-515-7678. .

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