April 14th - AGM Notes #1
Annual General Meeting Format
The Annual General Meeting this year will be held in two ways simultaneously.

There will be the usual in-person meeting, but with limited seating. We will also try a Zoom meeting from the Dining Room in the Center to the screen of each participating member.

The AGM will be held on Wednesday, April 28 at 1:00pm.

Reservations are required if you want to attend in person. Please leave a message at 250-914-4401 that you want to reserve a space at a 1-person table or at a 2-person table and if a 2-person table which other member will be reserving, or already has reserved, a space at that table.

An invitation to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to members by April 26th. The invitation will contain the meeting link and password.

Voting for this AGM will be by show of hands which can be counted just as easily for in-person attendees as for Zoom attendees.
Annual General Meeting Agenda
12:00 Seating of in-person attendees.
12:50 Connecting with Zoom attendees.

1:00 Call to Order: Past President and AGM Chair Doug Vater
Establishing a Quorum
Approval of Agenda

Acceptance of Minutes from the February 26, 2020 AGM

Board Report for 2020

Financial Report for 2020

Budget for 2021

Bylaw Changes
At a duly convened board meeting on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, with a quorum in attendance, two motions were made to amend the Campbell River Seniors Centre Society Constitution and By-Laws which was last amended on December 5th, 2018.

  • Motion One: Under Article 3, Board of Directors, a new paragraph will be inserted to be titled: Article B, Attendance. If a board member misses three (3) board meetings throughout the year, then the board as a whole, can discuss the issue with one result being that the board member could be expelled from the Board. A board member must contact either the President or the Secretary at least 24 hours before a board meeting indicating that they cannot attend. The current article B (Vacancies of Office) will be renamed to C (Vacancies of office). The current article C (Duties) will be renamed article D (Duties).

  • The second motion indicates that under the renamed Article D Duties which currently states: "The general management of the Society shall be vested in the Board of Directors. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be at least 6 members of which 2 must be Executive Officers." This new amendment would change the number 6 to 4 and would read: " The general management ..... A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be at least 4 members of which 2 must be Executive Officers.

Election of Officers from Nominating Committee Report
To Be Elected:

Two-year Term
  • Executive Officers
  • President - Marcia McKay
  • Secretary - Laura Ritchie
  • Directors
  • Activities - Open
  • Communications - Open
  • Special Events - Open
  • Fundraising - Open
One-year Term
  • Directors
  • Kitchen Liaison - Dos Mancell
  • Facilities - Open

Nominations can be made at the meeting. Nominees need to state their acceptance and have the declared support of 3 other members.

New Business
  • any New Business item is to be added at the beginning of the meeting when approval of the Agenda is under consideration

2:00 Adjourn
Membership Extension - Genevieve Hambalek
Just a reminder...

Each membership that was paid in 2020 has been extended to May 31, 2021.

This means that the membership you paid for last year keeps you in good standing as a member with voting rights for the April 28th AGM.

New members are welcome - membership fee is $25.

The membership application form is on our website and can be seen here.