AGUA Masters Weekly Newsletter
A Note from Coach John
Over the last month, I have been developing a vision statement for AGUA Masters that compliments Asphalt Green's broader mission – and I need your help. This statement will reflect who we are as swimmers and what we aspire to as a club. Please take a few minutes to answer this survey.
Staying on track with fitness goals while practicing social distancing has been a challenge for all of us.  Legendary writer Ray Bradbury once said, "jump off the cliff and learn how to make wings on the way down.” Sometimes, in the course of trying to reach a goal, you have to launch yourself into the process and be ready to improvise. One thing that has helped me stay goal-oriented during this strange time is an idea wall. I've shared an example of one of mine below. What is your goal?
Work Out at Home
Goal Setting: Build an Idea Wall
Physical reminders can help you stay goal-oriented. Use post-it notes or tape index cards in the shape of a pyramid to help visualize your way to success. At the top is your primary goal. Beneath it, list the main action items you will need to do to reach your goal. At the pyramid's base, list the things that will make executing your action items easier, or the challenges you know you will face.
We need your help.
Asphalt Green will be back on the other side of this crisis, but we need your support to face the challenges ahead. Please consider making a donation to help us continue to serve the community.
TYR Gear for Open Water Swimmers
Our pools may be closed, but outside temperatures are rising and the oceans and lakes are calling. Click here to check out TYR's collection of wetsuits, caps, and more to keep you warm when the water is not. Don't forget to use coupon code ASPHALTG19 for a 40% discount.

Stay Connected
Join the AGUA Masters Facebook Group
Practice physical distancing, not social distancing. Join our AGUA Masters Facebook group to stay connected with your teammates, and share photos and fun stories.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
In order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Asphalt Green is closed. All programs and classes are suspended. We look forward to reopening as soon as possible. Visit for updates.