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Feb. 14, 2023

AHCCCS To Restructure Divisions to Align Business Functions

AHCCCS is a state agency known for innovation and continuous improvement, one that is never afraid to ask how it might better serve millions of members, providers, and stakeholders in Arizona. 

That’s why I’m excited to announce an upcoming reorganization of internal departments that take further steps toward delivering on our mission to serve members, increase stakeholder understanding of our business, and align teams for further efficiencies.

The New AHCCCS Division Structure

Aligning functions under three executive leaders for Clinical Operations, Business Operations, and Community Engagement and Regulatory Affairs will organize teams of people to support common ideas or processes. It will influence how we examine and find efficiencies, and how we address obstacles and barriers. 

The Chief Medical Officer will assume responsibility for the new Division of Health Care Services (DHCS), focusing on clinical aspects of our managed care delivery system and Managed Care Organization (MCO) compliance and oversight of contract deliverables, and will also include the Targeted Investments program. The renamed Division of Grants and Innovation (DGI), formally the Division of Grants Administration, will also fall under the Chief Medical Officer and will now include the Integrated System of Care team (overseeing child and adult behavioral health services) and the AHCCCS Housing Program.   

Under the current Deputy Director of Business Operations, all financial responsibilities will be aligned in the Division of Business & Finance (DBF), including actuarial oversight and rates management. The Information Services Division (ISD) will consolidate all data management, data reporting, and data governance teams. The Office of the General Counsel (OCG) and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) will be overseen by the Chief Legal Officer/General Counsel in order to strengthen the agency’s legal and fraud, waste, and abuse oversight and monitoring.

A new Deputy Director of Community Engagement and Regulatory Affairs will oversee all teams that support critical agency relationships for federal, stakeholder, legislative, and tribal affairs. This includes the Division of Fee for Service Management (DFSM), and the Division of Community Advocacy and Intergovernmental Relations (DCAIR). This new position will be posted in the next month. 

This realignment, effective March 6, is not an effort to downsize staffing nor eliminate positions. 

As we optimize our strengths in this new way, I look forward to the agency’s continued success and even more robust capacity to meet our stakeholder’s needs. 

Thank you,

Carmen Heredia, AHCCCS Director

AHCCCS Communications Office | 602-417-4729

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