May, 2021
Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived! You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish. Please have a look. 
Next Meeting
The next meeting is Monday May 3rd at 6:15 PM. The meeting will be held utilizing Zoom software.
The Zoom e link for that meeting will be
From The Executive Director
David MacDonald
AHNA Strategic Planning Task Forces begin their work

AHNA’s Strategic Planning Task Forces are forming and beginning their work to develop plans and priorities to guide the revitalization of Asylum Hill for the next ten (10) years. AHNA has recent survey data to guide our work, thanks to the Hartford’s neighborhood survey of more than 300 members of the Asylum Hill community.
From The House

Making Batterson Park a Destination for Residents Again

By Rep. Matt Ritter

Batterson Park, the long-shuttered Hartford-owned former recreation area straddling Farmington and New Britain, is a lost gem and I have been working with Council Members and advocates to restore it into the regional attraction it once was – a recreational destination for Hartford and the region.

Exploring Asylum Hill - NINA Successes 
While the COVID pandemic hasn’t made anyone’s life any easier, it hasn’t stopped NINA from continuing their mandate to both restore historic homes and provide quality homeownership opportunities in Asylum Hill. 

Asylum Hill Then And Now
Tree 156
Volunteer Of The Month - The Asylum Hill Strategic Plan Task Forces
For everyone who has read David MacDonald’s monthly columns this year, you are well aware of the important effort underway to create a Strategic Plan for Asylum Hill. For those who have not, this is for you. It’s your opportunity to share your perspective, wisdom and knowledge to make Asylum Hill the best it can be over the next 10 years.  Eight task forces have been established, each to focus on areas identified as critical to the wellbeing of Asylum Hill. 

Marshall –Farmington Mural Party

When the mural on the wall of the Super Spin Laundromat at Marshall and Farmington was being planned last fall, some of the grant money was set aside for a celebration. It’s always good to celebrate success, and especially when the rest of the shopping center was painted as well. So on a beautiful Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago the promised party took place.
Youth Matter

By Michelle R. McFarland
Youth Matter.                                                                                               
The world has shifted.
 Youth are leaders.
The pandemic has forced youth to take the initiative, to learn new skills, becoming activist during the pandemic. 
 Unfortunately, our community is mourning the loss of two young people.
The killing of a 3 year old in broad daylight is tragic.
Children deserve to be outside and feel safe, especially during the day.
Our community is outraged with good reason but we need to keep advocating for our youth and their safety.
Youth are traumatized all over the country.
We MUST make sure this never happens again.
As we live in masks, social distancing and being kind on purpose we must keep youth engaged.
Youth Matter in all communities and their voices must be heard.
Respect Youth.
Youth Matter.
Let Youth Speak.
Support Youth Ideas.
Let Youth Lead.
Youth are The Future.
Youth will always Matter.  
Greater Hartford Legal Aid

You may be eligible for thousands of dollars in IRS rebates!
Events Calendar

Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

From the Editor

If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at [email protected] 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Stay Connected

Send emails directly to AHNA at [email protected]

To visit our website click on the following link. AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.