September 2021
Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived! You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish. Please have a look. 
Next Meeting

The next meeting is Monday September 13th at 6:15 PM. The meeting will be held utilizing Zoom software.
The Zoom e link for that meeting will be
From The Executive Director
David MacDonald
AHNA seeks volunteers to join Board of Directors

AHNA’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Monday November 1st at 6:15pm, via Zoom. The elections for AHNA Board of Directors will take place at the Annual Meeting. AHNA will send out a notice to AHNA members asking interested people to send us their nominations. We are calling on all interested members of AHNA to consider being a Director for AHNA as well as take the time to learn about the candidates and attend and vote at our Annual Meeting. This is an exciting time to become an AHNA Director. AHNA is updating the neighborhood Strategic Plan and developing new programs and projects to help our neighbors. As a Director, you will have the opportunity to have a positive impact in Asylum Hill and help to improve the quality of life in our historic neighborhood. 
From The House

State Ups Investment in Special Education Services

By Rep. Matt Ritter

Ensuring all students have access to a quality public education is an important responsibility of the state, and $16 million in new funding is being made available to local school districts to help them enhance special education services to more than 80,000 children across Connecticut.

Exploring Asylum Hill - Pollinator Gardens 
A few years ago we wrote about a pollinator festival that took place at Trinity Episcopal Church and called attention to the variety and importance of these creatures in our lives. Then last year we wrote about the six pollinator gardens that were planted in Asylum Hill to help move the effort along. Now we’re here to let you know about the Northeast Pollinator Pathway. 
Asylum Hill Then And Now
85 Sigourney Street
Volunteer Of The Month - Christiane Pimentel
Christiane began her involvement in Asylum Hill in September of 2018 when she was hired by Wheeler Clinic to be the Community Health Outreach Coordinator. 
Marshall Street Block Party
After a year’s absence, not counting a few “pop-ups” the group of volunteers that have annually hosted the South Marshall Street Block Party returned in late August.
The weather was agreeable, (no rain), the music/entertainment was excellent and well appreciated, and the neighbors had a good time.
Events Calendar

Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

From the Editor

If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Stay Connected

Send emails directly to AHNA at

To visit our website click on the following link. AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.