January,  2020 

Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived!   You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish. Please have a look. 


             Next Meeting 1/06/2020

The next meeting is Monday January 6th, 6:15 P.M. at  The 224 Eco-Space, 224 Farmington Ave .  

               Parking at 224


                November Minutes


From The Director

From the Executive Director
David MacDonald
AHNA wishes you and your family a happy New Year. Our first General neighborhood meeting of 2020 will take place on Monday, January 6th at 6:15pm at the 224 EcoSpace on Farmington Avenue. Last month's meeting was cancelled due to a winter storm. The agenda for January includes presentations on the renovation of the campus of St. Joseph's Cathedral, in addition to the standing items such as public safety report, committee reports, and Voices of our Neighborhood.


From the House

Greetings to my friends and neighbors in Asylum Hill!


Mitigating the Dangers of Extreme Cold
By Rep. Matt Ritter
Extreme cold is a yearly reality in New England.  Dropping temperatures can be downright dangerous for people who may be struggling to pay their rent, mortgage or even heating bills.  Below is some information, which may be helpful during these winter months:


Exploring Asylum Hill

Exploring Asylum Hill - Churches Part 2

By Bernie Michel

As we continue to explore the various faith communities that are or have been here in Asylum Hill, we are finding more and more. For example, while the sign for Mohammed Mosque #14 was up above the door at 248 Farmington Ave for many years, they moved to 2550 Main St about four years ago, and were replaced by Masjid Salam, but more on that in a future article.

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Asylum Hill Then And Now


Woodland Street at Asylum Avenue

Volunteer Of The Month

Volunteer of the Month - 
Akeva Koulla

Akeva's path to volunteering is both interesting and telling. She lives in Asylum Hill, very near West Middle School, but her schooling began at Jumoke Academy and then after 4 th grade, through the Open Choice Program continued In the Avon Schools where she is now a high school sophomore.


An Asylum Hill Visit From Ivorian Ambassador

Early in December, Georges Annan Kingsley received a phone call from the Ivorian Consulate in New York. It seems that Ambassador CAPET BAKOU and vice consul ABOUI wanted to come to Hartford for a visit. 

Events and Opportunities

Carols In Sigourney Park

December 18 th was the 7 th annual Caroling in Sigourney Square Park. Despite the article in last month's News & Views and the posts on our website, Facebook page and Asylum Hill Living, it wasn't enough to overcome the challenging weather. 

Arts and Music on the Hill

Spectrum In Motion - Polar Express

Spectrum in Motion, the community dance company that has been "raising dancers and building community" for 38 years decided to do something different this year. They produced a new ballet based on the  Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg. 

Events Calendar


Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

From The Editor
If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at communications@asylumhill.org 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Contact Us
Send emails directly to AHNA at  info@asyluhill.org

To visit our website click on the following link.   AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.