September,  2015 

Your copy of the Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association 'News & Views' has arrived!   You will find that you can easily go to any subject in the table of contents by just clicking on it or just browse through the articles as you wish.  Please have a look.


Next Meeting 09/14/2015

The next meeting is Monday September 14th, 6:15 P.M. at Asylum Hill Congregational Church, 814 Asylum Avenue.   

From The Chair
The flowers are in bloom, the grass is green and beautifully manicured, the potted plants that are placed on Farmington Avenue and spotted on other corners of Asylum Hill has helped to create a lovely landscape and a peaceful presence in our neighborhood.

HouseFrom the House
I want to highlight an important event that will take place this fall and I hope you will attend and mark your calendars now.  On Wednesday, October 7 at 5:30 PM at the Artists Collective on Albany Avenue, I am co-hosting a "Second Chance Society Conversation" with Senator Coleman. 


Hawks Eye View

It's back to school time at West Middle Community School!
Dr. Kathleen Mueller
Exploring Asylum Hill:
Integrative Medicine
 at Saint Francis
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center is well known throughout the state and beyond as a first-class medical institution with a full array of specialties available to those who need them.


Volunteer of the Month: Lynn Lake
At one point, early in our conversation Lynn confessed the obvious " I'm addicted to it" she said. Of course she was referring to picking up the trash on the street and in front of her home on Ashley St.


A Busy August for Sigourney Square Park
It was a wonderful summer evening on Friday August 7th.  A perfect night for families to watch a movie in Sigourney Square Park. 


Garden at 33 Ashley
Ashley St, especially east of Sigourney St has a lot of gardens, many of them "vest pocket gardens" small beautiful, decorative gardens of shrubs and flowers from a contest several years ago.

Green Apple Day Of Service

 This year the 4th annual Green Apple Day of Service for the students at Hartford High will be on September 26th beginning at 8:00 am. 



PARK(ing) Day Hartford
Save the date for Hartford's third annual PARK(ing) Day - a global movement to transform metered parking spots into creative pop-up parks. Take a break from work on Friday, September 18 and head downtown to discover a greener Hartford full of visual art, music, dance, and even improv comedy at the 13 park locations designed by local artists.  Asylum Hill artist Louisa Barton Duguay will have a spot in front of the library.


Hartford Blooms Foliage Tours


As a first for Hartford, this fall, October 13th and 17th, Hartford Blooms has arranged to provide tours on a Double Decker Bus.

Peruvian Dance    
The Hartford City Ballet is offering free dance classes.  Learn traditional dances from Peru, ranging from its Coast, Mountains, and Jungle regions.




5th Annual Town Hall Meeting on Health Disparities
The Curtis D. Robinson Center for Health Equity will be holding a 'Town Hall' meeting on November 5th.  The topic is "Unconscious Bias", what it is, how it impacts our health and what can be done about it. 

Events Calendar


Please click on the following link to go to our online Events Calendar.

Committee Briefs
The Communications Committee met on August 17th and in addition to planning the September News & Views, discussed changed to the AHNA website and greater coordination with the News & Views and the Asylum Hill Living facebook page.

Friends of Sigourney Square Park
The Friends of Sigourney Square Park met on August 10th in the park and spoke with both committee members and residents there enjoying the park. Questions were asked about what features of the park were most appreciated and those needing improvement. Responses were noted, and a follow-up meeting is planned again in the park to discuss individual concerns with appropriate City officials. Those present were asked to bring two friends to the next meeting.


Quality of Life 
The Quality of Life Committee met August 19th both at noon and at 5:30 pm to begin discussions on the goals and strategies put forth at the August 3rd General AHNA meeting. The noon meeting focused mostly on the public safety issues especially regarding Farmington Ave. The addition of a CSO assigned to Farmington Ave from Broad St to Woodland was welcomed news. The 5:30 meeting focused largely on coordinating the educational institutions in Asylum Hill to work more closely with the community and one another.

Welcoming Committee
The Welcoming Committee met July 30th and first reviewed the S. Marshall Block Party, which was successful despite the rain. A number of connections were made with residents there. Next the AH Artists Presents event was reviewed. Everyone was very positive about this first effort and there were many suggestions to make next year's event even better. The NEPR program Words in Transit will feature Asylum Hill residents Georges Annan-Kingsley, Naomi Dissanayake, and Fouad Abood, and can be accessed at Also Georges announced that he has been commissioned to create a work of art to be displayed on The Hartford's new parking garage when completed.

From The Editor
If you have any comments, suggestions or submissions please contact me via email at [email protected] 
Paul O'Mara Communications Committee Chair
Contact Us
Send emails directly to AHNA at  [email protected]

To visit our website click on the following link.   AHNA Website

To visit our Facebook page go to 'Asylum Hill Living' group page.



Hawks Eye View