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Steve Williams

For two decades, Steve Williams and Joe Pressley have acknowledged their love for each other. Unfortunately the state of New York did not recognize their love, their commitment or status as a couple, until July 24th, 2011, when New York became the sixth state to recognize same gender marriage.


On July 24th, same sex couples began applying for their marriage licenses at city hall-a social victory many gay couples have been fighting for throughout the country. And although the recognition is a political advancement, Steve and Joe believe it is a civil right.


"It gives us the ability to see each other in the hospital if we are sick...We have succession rights, if something was to happen to one of us," said Steve.


To read the ful story and watch the video, click HERE.

Fun Facts!


Wealth Gap Widens Between Whites, MinoritiesFeatured Article

Has the latest recession erased 25 years of progress? The wealth gap between whites and minorities is the widest it's been in a quarter-century, with white households having 20 times the net worth of Hispanic and black households. ($113,149 for whites in 2009 versus $6,325 for Hispanics and $5,677 for blacks.)


Read the full story at 

Final Thoughts...

"Once you have loved someone, you'd do anything in the world for them...except love them again." --Anonymous





Facts Friday

August 5, 2011

AHRC Announcements





EVOLVE Countdown! 330 Days


AHRC's RIC: Went Live August 1st!


On August 1, 2011, AHRC launched the Referral and Information Center, or RIC, which will centralize the referral process for all AHRC programs. The RIC will be the starting point of contact for individuals (individuals new to AHRC or already enrolled and seeking additional services) interested in AHRC programs. RIC staff will collect the basic information required to complete a program application. Once an application is complete, the RIC will refer the individual to their program(s) of interest so that an intake assessment can be conducted by program staff.

  • The RIC will provide families, professionals, and AHRC staff with:
  • One resource for information on AHRC services and supports
  • One contact number for all referrals
  • Simplified application process: basic information (ex: demographics, service needs, evaluations) will only be asked for and shared between appropriate departments
  • Ensure data integrity: making sure that individuals are only entered into the Evolve database once with all relevant information stored in one record that will be available to all appropriate program staff
  • Expert knowledge of services available throughout AHRC, not only those one department may be knowledgeable about

Go to the "Evolve Project" tab on the AHRC Intranet and click on the document "POSTED 07.05.2011.RIC Introduction". Questions or concerns? Email [email protected] 

AHRC Highlight


ShredAbility employees Daniel Ramnarain, Joseph Nardi, Ras Mclean, Desmond Hodge, Shantel Chestnut, Albert Papino, German Diaz, Christian Rodriguez, Igor Tabak, and Ori Grey take a break from work to pose in front of the company truck. Click on the picture to view more ShredAbility photos!

AHRC's New "Green" and Socially Concious Shredding Company! Please Help Spread the Word!


Unlike any other Secure Document Destruction company in New York City, ShredAbility,a subsidiary of AHRC NYC, is helping two different populations that have been affected by the recent economic downturn-individuals with developmental disabilities seeking employment; and community members of the South Bronx-while maintaining a "green" operation.


ShredAbilityis a secure document destruction company dedicated to the security of a business. It is fully compliant with all federal legislation such as HIPAA and FACTA.  ShredAbility's specialized chain-of-custody process, 24 hour video surveillance and ability to shred to the Federal Government standard of 5/18th of an inch will ensure that the sensitive documents you entrust to us will not be used in any identify theft scheme. ShredAbility is a member of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) and exceeds all national regulations for keeping your documents secure. The NAID Certification Program establishes standards for a secure destruction process including such areas as operational security, employee hiring and screening, the destruction process, responsible disposal and insurance.


80 percent of ShredAbility's workforce is made up of individuals with developmental disabilities. Research has shown that hiring employees with disabilities offers wonderful benefits to all parties involved. A three-year study at Washington Mutual, Inc. found a turnover rate of eight percent among people with developmental disabilities, compared with an overall rate of 45 percent in the general population, according to an article in Crain's Chicago Business (April 7, 2003). People with developmental disabilities are hard-working and dedicated employees. They take pride in their work and the organizations that employ them. Contracting with or utilizing a company that employs workers with disabilities reflects positively on your business-it shows customers/clients that you're socially conscious.


One of the first "green" companies to move into the south Bronx, employees at ShredAbility hope to set the standard for other businesses in the area. Maintaining that positive relationship with the surrounding community is vital to the company's mission. ShredAbility prepares paper for recycling into post-consumer products like paper towels and toilet paper. Additionally, to avoid emitting harmful toxic fumes, the company doesn't keep trucks idling on city streets to shred documents. All paper is shredded in their secure facility.


About ShredAbility

703 East 134th Street

Bronx, NY 10462



Current Clients Are Large Federal, State and Local Government Agencies, Law Firms, Non-Profit Organizations and Universities, and Healthcare Institutions in the Tri-State Area. They include for example:


The New York State Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD)

Baker Botts LLP

Brown and Rudnick LLP

Littman Krooks

Yeshiva University

ACCESS Community Health Center

New York Physicians

AHRC Department News


Reminders from AHRC's Family and Clinical Services: Please Send to Family Members/Caretakers of Those We Serve


Brooklyn Non-Medicaid Service Coordination- The service includes information and referral services, outreach, parent networking and service access assistance for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in Brooklyn. Service Coordinators are able to make connections with diagnostic, residential, habilitative, educational, vocational, medical and recreational services. In addition, Service Coordinators can assist with accessing benefits and entitlements, such as Medicaid and SSI. Criteria for program enrollment: Brooklyn Resident, No Medicaid, and Eligibility.


The Nicosia Family Reimbursement- The service provides the opportunity for families to be reimbursed for purchased services and goods, and the possibility of purchasing services and goods that are not funded through any other sources. The Nicosia review committee will need to have deemed the goods and/or services appropriate to meet the needs of the person being served. Criteria for a grant: Individuals must reside in one of the 5 boroughs and have a developmental disability. Note, funds are limited and the Nicosia review committee meets several times a year to select grant recipients.


ISAAC Submission


Edward Sheppard, a 42-year-old individual who attends AHRC's Bush Terminal, entered the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication's (ISAAC) contest this year for people around the world who use communication devices. Below is Edward's story:


"I'm 42 years-old. I live in Brooklyn, New York. I go to a program called AHRC Bush Terminal. I am in the work-readiness program. I'm working as a messenger to the Main Office in Manhattan. I travel around the city by subway on my own.


I've been using an iTouch [with Proloquo2Go] for about 1 � years. I use it not just for communication, but for my appointments, keeping lists of birthdays, websites and movies. I use my device for when I'm stuttering on a word. I also use my device for keeping a journal when I'm happy or sad or just feeling angry. The most important thing about a journal is that it keeps your secrets. At first I got real anxious about using the device, but the more I use it, the more confident I feel.


To all the people in the world, if you don't have a voice, use a communication device. It will make you feel more comfortable and have more confidence in yourself. Just don't be nervous or embarrassed because you'll feel more confident."


Good luck Edward!


Art Exhibition at the Long Island City Branch Library


weinberg art


weinberg art 2
Artists served at AHRC's Cyril Weinberg ADC

 say "cheese" outside of their art exhibit.


 "Open Hearts & Creative Hands," the art and photography exhibition that took place at the Long Island City Library, was a great success! 10 out of 13 artists-all served at AHRC's Weinberg Adult Day Center, were present at the event.


"I believe that it was very gratifying and rewarding for the artist and their families that attended to see for themselves their art work displayed and to know that their creativity, talent and vision is appreciated," said Program Supervisor, Jason Schneider.


A number of guests attended from AHRC's neighboring Weingold Adult Day Center. Jason is also looking into volunteer opportunities for Weinberg's art therapist to teach art techniques to the public with assistance from individuals served at the center. This will not only be a beneficial learning opportunity for the individuals involved, but will serve as a way to integrate AHRC with the surrounding community.


Albert Einstein College of Medicine Students Visit Mayflower Adult Day Services Facility


AHRC's Mayflower Avenue Adult Day Services facility is in its seventh year of Community Health Education in cooperation with Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Individuals served at Mayflower enjoy the health lessons provided by the medical students and have learned about exercise, food choices, diabetes and safety both at program and in the community.


Weingold Achilles Club participated in Achilles Hope & Possibility 5 Miles Run

achilles club

Achilles Club members Jaymarck Manicdao, Jameeka Anderson, Stephen Showalter, Adil Sanai, Theotonious Gomes, Margaret Sexton and Munni Gurung, Program Psychologist smile after finishing the race!


Seven individuals served at AHRC's Weingold Adult Day Center, participated in and completed the Achilles Hope & Possibility five mile race in Central Park this June!


Weingold ADS, part of the Achilles Hope & Possibility Queens' branch, has been participatingin the race for three years. This event brings together athletes with disabilities and able-bodied athletes in celebration of running.


The team enjoyed this experience and hopes to continue to maintain this wonderful relationship with Achilles Club. Weingold ADS staff organizes an Achilles Club walk/run every Tuesday from 10:45 -- 11:45 am at Doughboy Park in Woodside, Queens. If you would like to join this circle, please contact Yelena Akbasheva at 1.718.639.1200 x 237.

AHRC Staff News
  • Tarlach McNiallias is now Director of AHRC's Mayflower Adult Day Services Facility. Eamon O'Tauma is now the Director at AHRC's New York League Program C.


  • Welcome Albert Snowden, MSC, into the Family and Clinical MSC Program!


  • Congratulations to Claudine (aka Nikie) Bryan, Assistant Manager at AHRC's Chicquor residence, on the birth of her son, Dedon who was born July 16 weighing 6lbs 14oz. Both are happy and healthy!


  • Condolences' to Maria Rodriguez, Manager at the Fairfield residence, on the loss of her Grandmother.


  • Please welcome Anthony Zosherafatain, new Community Support Professional (CSP) at AHRC's Bronx TBI Services. Tony enters the TBI family with a great deal of college event organizing experience. His passion for social services and self advocacy will be a perfect fit for the team. Welcome Tony and Good Luck!  


  • Bronx TBI would like to add an extra special thanks to AHRC's Recruiting Department for sending many brilliant resumes over the years to choose from.


  • Congratulations to Irene Pagonis from AHRC's Entitlement Unit for completing her Masters degree in Industrial Psychology. Good luck Irene!


  • Congratulations to Darlene Davis, a Community Support Professional (CSP) at AHRC's Mayflower Adult Day Services Facility on her new assignment as a Medicaid Services Coordinator (MSC).    


  • Hats off to Randi Anderson, Social Worker for AHRC's Family and Clinical Services Department, on her marriage to her now spouse, Maureen Anderson! The couple was married on July 24th, and was one of the first groups of Lesbian and Gay couples married in New York City!


  • AHRC's Real Property Department is pleased to announce that Christine Bishara joined AHRC on August 1, 2011 in the position as its new Project Manager. Christine comes to AHRC with experience as an architect and has a strong background in environmental management and sustainability.  


  • Congratulations to Lillian Santiago, who has been promoted from a Direct Support Professional (DSP) to Assistant Manager at AHRC's Wilson Residence. Lillian has worked as a DSP at Wilson for 10 years. The staff looks forward to working with her in her new position!


  • Cheers to Patricia Daniels-Hannah, Community Support Professional at AHRC's Rockaway Parkway Center, who is celebrating 30 incredible years working for AHRC NYC!