AI Across the Curriculum:

Miller Faculty Fellowship Opportunities!

The Miller Faculty Fellowship is a competitive grant process that has funded over 230 faculty-led projects since its inception. The grants enhance scholarly work in the university’s undergraduate academic programs and allows recipients to develop innovative approaches to enhance student learning. Every college of the university is represented within the history of the program.


NEW for FY 24-25

CELT seeks proposals specifically focused on the use and application of generative AI in the classroom and teaching and learning environment. These proposals will be reviewed in the same manner by the CELT Advisory Board, however, considered separately. If you would like your proposal to be considered as part of this focus, please indicate this in your proposal form. Consider using our Miller Proposal Guide to help you through the application process.

Proposals are due December 11, 2023.


Visit our Miller Faculty Fellowship Program page for more information and updates on proposal criteria. New for 2024-25, the maximum request for funding has doubled from $25,000 to $50,000. There are also opportunities to receive summer stipend funding. Please contact Paul Hengesteg for questions,

January 19, 2024 Deadline

2023 CELT Teaching Briefs Call for Submission

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) and Parks Library are accepting proposals for teaching briefs to showcase the implementation of open educational practices into teaching and learning through the use and/or creation of open educational resources (OER) at Iowa State University (ISU). OER are free and openly licensed instructional materials that can be adapted for various teaching and learning contexts. Such materials are widely used around the world, providing equal access to free, high-quality educational materials.

This year, the teaching briefs are highlighting the 5-year anniversary of ISU’s Miller Open Education Mini-Grant Program, which supports instructors who incorporate OER into their courses by providing funding for the adoption, editing, or creation of OER. Over the past 5 years, many instructors have received mini-grants to enhance their courses, and even more have adopted OER without funding. The briefs will celebrate the work of these instructors and their impact on students by sharing their innovative teaching practices, from open pedagogy to open textbooks and other educational resources.

Tenure and non-tenure track faculty, teaching graduate assistants, and postdocs are eligible to submit their teaching briefs.

  • View 2023 Teaching Briefs submission guidelines.
  • Submission deadline is January 19, 2024. You will be informed about the decision to publish your teaching brief by February 2, 2024.
  • To submit your teaching brief, fill out this form. (The survey will include a link to a secure Cybox folder for you to upload your document as a Word or PDF file.)

Don't Forget!

Midterm Grade Submissions are

Due Friday, October 13 by 2:15 P.M.

CELT's guide to quizzes and exams provides information on assessment types, available tools and resources, and best practices surrounding the use of remote proctoring options. Then, review the key concepts for grading in Canvas before using ISU AdminTools to submit grades.


NOTE: SCANTRON BUBBLESHEET SCORING HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please select an alternative (such as Gradescope or the ISU Test Center for proctored online exams) for midterm assessments.

If you have questions about the grade submission process or incur problems, email to create a ticket in the ISU Service Desk, and one of our team members will work to assist you.


Important Information


24/7 Canvas Support

As always, Canvas support is available 24/7 for assistance while our offices are closed. Follow the "? Help" icon in your left navigation bar in Canvas for all the support options available.


CELT’s Media Production team supports students and faculty with accessible course delivery and digital education technology providing professional multimedia content production services to instructors for online courses and media services for various projects beyond academic coursework, including marketing initiatives and grant proposals.

Media Production Information

Media Classroom Request Form


ISU Test Center now has a phone number for client support should you or your clients have questions related to the Test Center.

Clients are able to reach us during business hours or leave a voicemail during non-business hours, which will be followed up on the next business day.


Prefer a print version? Click below to view our Teaching Tip as a PDF.

CELT Teaching Tip for October 12, 2023.

Stay connected by visiting our CELT website.

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