Dayton Canstruction Invites you to Form a Team
The Associated Builders and Contractors Association is organizing Dayton Canstruction for an October 16 Build Day at the Dayton Mall.
Dayton Canstruction is an event at which local companies design and build sculptures created entirely out of canned/dry goods. After Build Day at the Dayton Mall, the sculptures are left up for the public to enjoy and vote on; they are then deconstructed with 100% of the items being donated to The Foodbank of Greater Dayton. Last year, there were nine teams whose sculptures combined for a donation of over 26,000 canned goods.
General details:
• Open to all companies and organizations in the Dayton area
• Teams are usually 5-10 people. Time commitment relatively minimal
• No fees; only cost to teams is for their canned goods. Average spend $2000-4000
• Signup deadline flexible as long as order form can be submitted by week of July 15
o Once order form is submitted, OVABC coordinates all ordering + delivery of the items to venue for Build Day
• More info available on and pictures available on Dayton Canstruction Facebook
Important dates:
July 1 – Signup deadline (sign up by emailing
July 15 – Can orders due to
July 18 – Kickoff event
October 16 – BUILD DAY at the Dayton Mall
Early Nov. – Celebration & Awards event