News Brief 12-22-23

President's Outgoing Message

It’s been a busy but fun 2023. AIA Dayton provided our usual services, including continuing education courses, social events, and outreach opportunities. We are continuing to explore ways to increase attendance at events, post-Covid, so if you have ideas, please let us know! 

I am personally interested in outreach to young people (K-12 students) to encourage them to consider architecture and related careers in their futures. I believe AIA Dayton plays an important role in this outreach and can team up with Sinclair’s Built Environment department and Hatch Architects Design Center. Conveniently, I’m involved with all three! If you are interested in joining any K-12 outreach events, please let me know. This could be hosting a table at a career fair, going into classrooms for a presentation/activity, being a guest speaker, or hosting a station at a fair/festival. 

Thank you all for your support and participation throughout the year, and I’m happy to turn over the presidency to Becca Nikolai. I know we’ll be in good hands! Happy new year!

Alexandra Bohler, AIA

AIA Dayton President

Chapter Programs

2024 Student Design Competition Announced

The Student Design Competition planning is well underway, and we are looking forward to another great year! For the 2024 competition, the students will be designing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s) in the Oregon District. The competition will kick-off on January 20th for a design charrette at the Dayton Metro Library Main Branch. If you are interested in volunteering for the charrette and/or being a design reviewer in the coming months, please reach out to the co-directors Lauren McCarroll ( and Katie McCall ( As students that once participated in the competition, it means so much for professionals to invest their time and expertise into a student’s project. We hope you will consider volunteering this year!

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Chapter News

Become an AIA Dayton Annual Sponsor in 2024!

Thank you to all of our chapter sponsors who have supported AIA Dayton this year! It is through the support of our sponsors that AIA Dayton can continue to support the Dayton area architecture community and the development of future architects. Sponsorship connects you to the architect community through the services and experiences that make AIA so valuable to our members. 2024 annual sponsorships are available at the Platinum, Gold and Silver Levels. Contact AIA Dayton at for more information.

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Other Programs

BGSU 2024 Co-Op Fair

The annual Bowling Green State University AIAS Co-op fair is a professional development event that allows professionals and architecture students to network and find potential employment opportunities. This year we are excited to host our Co-op fair in two sessions. The first session will be in person from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It will be held Friday, January 19, 2024 in the Olscamp Hall Room 101.

The second session will be held via Zoom from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM to provide more accessibility for all members and firms. With the online platform, every firm will have its own individual Zoom breakout room, provided by AIAS BGSU. Students will be able to sign up for 20-minute timeslots to talk with you about who they are, their work, etc., which will give you an opportunity to get to know each other!


The Co-op Fair Registration Form can be found HERE and it will allow you to reserve a spot at our Architecture Student exclusive Co-op fair. The accommodation fee is $50. If you would like to register, please complete the form by no later than January 8th at 5:00 PM.


Lastly, if you would like any information on the BGSU Architecture Degree Options, please visit our program page! There is a lot of information about our curriculum, accreditation, student groups, etc. Your participation will be greatly appreciated. We are excited to meet you!  

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AIA News

A Free resource for AIA components and members

The AIA Trust Legal Network, a free member resource, is a searchable database to find experienced A/E construction lawyers by state. Enrollment is free for qualifying law firms. Encourage any A/E law firms not yet listed to enroll—or send their contact information to for follow-up

Learn More Here

Online Free CE Opportunities

Browse free courses for AIA members to support architects, design professionals, and architecture firms prepare for the future.

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If you prefer live, interactive continuing education but prefer the comfort of your office, studio or home, webinars may be the perfect fit for your CE needs.

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GreenCE offers live instructor-led continuing education webinars. The webinars can offer LEED Specific Hours, AIA HSW CE Hours, and ADA/Barrier-Free CE Hours.


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Career Opportunities

Local Career Opportunities (updated May 12, 2023)

AIA Ohio Career Opportunities

AIA National Career Opportunities

Important AIA Resources

AIA Dayton Website 


AIA Ohio Website

AIA National Website

Your Transcript 

AIAU Website

AIA Dayton Contract Documents

AIA Trust

Coping with the Inevitable Firm Transitions

AIA National

AIA College of Fellows Submissions

In the Media

Should Attorneys Use Artificial Intelligence to Draft a Construction Contract?

Generally, an attorney, construction or otherwise, who is not intimately familiar with construction contracts has no more business using something like ChatGPT than a layperson does. Mario used the example of an EPC agreement. As he said, a layperson has no business using something like ChatGPT to create an EPC agreement. But neither does an attorney lacking EPC experience. As authors of EPC agreements can attest, EPC agreements are highly specialized documents, and attorneys lacking specific expertise should be learning from trusted sources, not an AI bot.

Read More: JD Supra

The Future of the Office Is Cozy

It didn’t take long for Jon Race to diagnose the problem with his new office.

Race, the CEO of the London architecture firm MCM, moved his 50-some staffers to a small co-working space in 2020 — his previous office lease ended just as the Covid-19 pandemic wound up. The new open-plan digs were fine for a mostly remote workforce, but once people started returning to the office in earnest, staffers started to voice a now-familiar lament. “They rapidly found that making Zoom calls next to people in an open-plan office can be really distracting,” says Race.


Read More: BloombergCityLab

Dezeen's top 10 US architecture projects of 2023

From skyscrapers by SHoP Architects and BIG to the world's largest spherical structure in Las Vegas, we select 10 of this year's most talked-about architecture projects in the United States as part of our 2023 review.

This year's roundup of the biggest and best from the United States also includes some residential projects from New England to California, including a sculptural home in the Hamptons and a black-brick home in Washington.

Read More: Dezeen

Thank you to Our Chapter Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Jane Treiber 

(937) 280-4631  * NEW NUMBER!

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