Please join us for the 12th Annual Symposium on
Sustainability in Health Care
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm EDT
Location: Sharonville Convention Center - 11355 Chester Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45246
Keynote: Andy Woommavovah CHFM, System Director, Facility Management, Construction, Energy and Infrastructure, Trinity Health
The SSHC is an education event for Healthcare providers and industry leaders. ACHE (American College of Healthcare Executives) joins the Symposium as an Education Partner.
A TRADE SHOW with exhibitors focusing on the Healthcare industry runs concurrent with the Symposium.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Healthcare administrators, medical practitioners, A/E/C professionals, nursing/clinical staff, medical students/educators, environmental health and safety professionals, and facility managers.