News Brief 3-29-24

Chapter Programs

2024 Code Academy Continues with Programs

in April and May

For Registration Information

Chapter Events

Save the Date - Thursday, June 20th!

Join fellow members, associates and sponsors, and bring family and guests for an evening of fun - a delicious picnic dinner and ice cream, Udders and Putters Miniature Golf, fantastic games, and farm animals.


The large red picnic shelter is located between the Udders and Putters area and the Dairy Store. There is also a driving range, a 23' fast slide, a Kiddie Corral and batting cages,

We will offer discounts on admission to families. The admission price includes the picnic dinner and all activities from 4 - 8 PM.


Please share with your coworkers, colleagues, and consultants and we hope to see you there!

Registration Information Coming Soon!

Student Design Submissions on Display

A record 61 project boards and models from high school students from 8 area high schools were turned in last Thursday. A jury of architects/community leaders critiqued and judged the projects, and awards will be given out Saturday, April 13 from 10 am – 12:00 noon. The projects are on display in the opportunity space at the Dayton Metro Library - Southeast Branch, 21 Watervliet Avenue, from now until the Awards Ceremony on April 13. Stop by and see how the Miami Valley’s future architects envisioned an Accessory Dwelling Unit!

Other News

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Seeks 2024 Scholarship Applicants 

SAME’s scholarships encourage students from the Post’s region (Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky) to pursue careers in fields related to the Society’s mission including engineering, architecture, construction, facilities management and environmental management/science.

The program assists all levels of post-high-school education to include associate, bachelors, and graduate degrees. The Post awarded $18,500 in 2023 to deserving students.

Their Traditional Student Scholarships are provided for either students enrolled in, or high school seniors intending to pursue, a full-time accredited baccalaureate degree program. Non-traditional Student Scholarships are intended to aid students with at least one year full-time work experience who are returning to school to pursue a degree or to make a career change. 

Full details and applications for the scholarships are now available on their website at at the Scholarship tab.

Applications are due by April 1, 2024. For more information, please contact the scholarship POC, Ms. Tina Kuroiwa-Bazzan at or (347) 788-0626.

Become an AIA Dayton Annual Sponsor in 2024!

Thank you to all of our chapter sponsors who have supported AIA Dayton this year! It is through the support of our sponsors that AIA Dayton can continue to support the Dayton area architecture community and the development of future architects. Sponsorship connects you to the architect community through the services and experiences that make AIA so valuable to our members. 2024 annual sponsorships are available at the Platinum, Gold and Silver Levels. Contact AIA Dayton at for more information.

Learn More Here

Other Programs

Ohio Small Firm Exchange (SFx) 2024

As the Ohio SFx (Small Firms Exchange) enters its second year, we are continuing our morning Coffee Chats and mixing things up a little. In the even months, we will keep the half hour open for people to get to know one another, ask questions, and be open for general conversation. In the odd months, we will have hour-long meetings focusing on a topic around a featured guest with experience or expertise. There will still be time for introductions at the beginning, and lots of time for follow-up questions and discussion.

If you have expertise in any of our upcoming topics and would like to participate, or know someone who would, please let me know.


Submitted by Ohio’s SFx State Representative, Sarah Kleiner, AIA, LEED AP, Envisage Architecture LLC.


Join fellow healthcare professionals, facility managers, designers, architects, and engineers 

for a full day of expert insights, networking opportunities, and a keynote luncheon.

Co-hosted by HEAPY and the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), 

Held at the Sharonville Convention Center in Sharonville, Ohio.

Date: April 3, 2024

Registration: Opens at 9:00 AM

Location: Sharonville Convention Center (11355 Chester Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45246)


Learn More & Register

AIA Ohio News

AIA Ohio Conference: INTERSECT

The AIA Ohio Conference: INTERSECT is a unique way for architects, planners, and design enthusiasts to gather, learn, and discuss critical issues related to design, architectural resilience, business, and industry innovations. 

Planned for September 15-17, at Bridge Park in Dublin, INTERSECT will bring together more than 200 members of the design community from across the state for three days of tours, keynote speakers, educational programming, and other activities. The programming is intended to appeal to a broad range of AIA Ohio’s membership and allied professionals.

Kicking off with the Awards Celebration taking place at VASO Rooftop, the conference will be a celebration of design and a recognition of how the architectural community creates livable, meaningful spaces for all Ohioans.

A New Free Digital Lending Library for AIA Ohio members

The AIA Ohio Digital Lending Library is open and ready for patrons! This is a completely FREE member benefit for all current AIA Ohio members. To sign in, use your AIA number for your Card Number. This will give you access to the content curated specifically for AIA Ohio.

Click below to start reading!

Learn More Here

AIA News

A Free resource for AIA components and members

The AIA Trust Legal Network, a free member resource, is a searchable database to find experienced A/E construction lawyers by state. Enrollment is free for qualifying law firms. Encourage any A/E law firms not yet listed to enroll—or send their contact information to for follow-up

Learn More Here

Online Free CE Opportunities

Browse free courses for AIA members to support architects, design professionals, and architecture firms prepare for the future.

Learn More and Register

If you prefer live, interactive continuing education but prefer the comfort of your office, studio or home, webinars may be the perfect fit for your CE needs.

Learn More and Register

GreenCE offers live instructor-led continuing education webinars. The webinars can offer LEED Specific Hours, AIA HSW CE Hours, and ADA/Barrier-Free CE Hours.


Learn More and Register

Career Opportunities

Local Career Opportunities (updated February 15, 2024)

AIA Ohio Career Opportunities

AIA National Career Opportunities

Important AIA Resources

AIA Dayton Website 


AIA Ohio Website

AIA National Website

Your Transcript 

AIAU Website

AIA Dayton Contract Documents

AIA Trust

Coping with the Inevitable Firm Transitions

AIA National

AIA College of Fellows Submissions

Thank you to Our Chapter Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Jane Treiber 

(937) 280-4631  * NEW NUMBER!

Visit our website