News Brief 7-21-23


AIA Dayton Achieves AIA National Recognition

AIA Dayton was recently recognized as an accredited component of the American Institute of Architects for going above and beyond to meet the core standards of member service within AIA. AIA Dayton met the standards of AIA Core Member Services in advocacy, communications, education, finance, operations, governance, and membership.

Components that successfully completed this accreditation process receive Nationally Accredited status for a three-year period and the right to be identified as a “Nationally Accredited Component” of AIA. Achieving accreditation demonstrates AIA Dayton’s commitment to excellence in providing quality service for the members and communities we serve.

Chapter Programs

Thursday, August 10, 2023

AC Hotel by Marriott Tour

124 Madison Street, Dayton

Come for the tour at 4:00 PM – stay for the Happy Hour on the Rooftop!

Tour the new AC Hotel Dayton by Marriott, located in the heart of the Water Street District, with over 3,500 square feet of natural light meeting space. The Foundry, the rooftop bar and restaurant where the Happy Hour will be held, overlooks the Day Air Ballpark. The tour will be conducted by Brackett Builders and Meyer+Architects. Participants will tour the new AC Hotel Marriott and learn about the exterior cladding system, urban design and context, interior design and guest experience, and the complexities of a sixth floor bar/restaurant assembly space.

Meet in the lobby by 4:00 PM for the tour by Meyer + Architects; the Happy Hour will follow in the Foundry Restaurant and Bar on the rooftop.

Applied for 1.0 AIA CES LU.

Register Here

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

AIA Dayton has secured 50 tickets for the Thursday, August 24 Dayton Dragons home game against the Lansing Lugnuts! Tickets are on sale for this event for $10 per person, with a maximum of 4 tickets per Dayton AIA member. It's a family event, so bring yours!

Thank you to our sponsors Kimley-Horn and Snyder Brick & Block for subsidizing the cost of the event!

Each ticket includes $5.00 in Baseball Bucks to use that evening. There will be a door prize drawing for two (2) tickets to Kings Island for a lucky member!

AIA Dayton Members are limited to four (4) tickets per family and tickets will be sold on a first-come first-served basis, so put in your reservation now. The seats are located down the first base line.

Come out and enjoy a great night of baseball with your AIA Dayton colleagues! Tickets will be distributed the evening of the event by AIA Dayton staff. The game starts at 7:05 PM.

Buy Tickets Here

Save the Date for the Focus on Design Awards Program

Thursday, November 9, 2023

The AIA Dayton Focus on Design Awards Program is now open for submission of entries! Click here to go to the OpenWater platform for more information.  

The awards program will be held at the Dayton Steam Plant on Thursday, November 9 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. We can’t wait to see you there!

Other Programs

Architecture and Design Camp 

Register Here

AIA News

Register for PSL Today


When: Sunday, August 6 - Monday, August 7

Where: Columbus Center for Architecture & Design 50 W Town St, Columbus, OH 43215

Keynote Speaker: Evelyn Lee, 2025 AIA National President

Cost: $25.00

The Practice Simulation Lab (PSL) explores the development of innovative business models for the architectural profession, by simulating the conditions of everyday architectural practice in a low-risk, encouraging environment. This programming will inspire early professionals to design, develop, and test a hypothetical firm of the future under the mentorship of seasoned Fellows and peers in pre-selected teams. Working collaboratively, they must learn how to navigate the financial, ethical, and technological conditions of the profession as they design their own firms and speculate on the future of practice.

The program aims to answers the following questions:

1. How do we create diverse and equitable firms?

2. How do we create tangible change in our everyday practice and built environments?

3. How does policy and legislation impact architectural practice?

How can we collectively build a sustainable future of the profession?


Registration Open for AIA Ohio Conference


Hosted by AIA Ohio, the Architectural Design Community Conference is a unique way for architects, planners, and design enthusiasts to gather, learn, and discuss critical issues related to design, architectural resilience, business, and industry innovations.

AIA Ohio Architectural Design Community Conference will bring together more than 200 members of the design community from across the state for three days of tours, keynote speakers, educational programming, and other activities right in the heart of Columbus. The conference features on Sunday, Sept. 10, the AIA Ohio 2023 Awards Celebration.


Call for Candidates


AIA Ohio Representative to the Strategic Council

A candidate will be selected to replace Yanitza Brongers Marrero, FAIA, Columbus, whose three-year term will be complete on Dec. 31, 2023. AIA Strategic Council members are responsible for establishing the vision and long-term goals of the Institute. The AIA Strategic Council serves an advisory role to the AIA National Board, but is not involved in governance. 

Candidates must be a member in good standing of AIA Ohio. Current members of the AIA Ohio Executive Committee are not eligible. Members of the current Representative’s local component (AIA Columbus) are not eligible. 

AIA Ohio Representative to the Young Architects Forum

A candidate will be selected to replace Seth Duke, AIA, Cleveland, whose two-year term will be complete on Dec. 31, 2023. Representatives to the Young Architects Forum serve as the voice of recently licensed architects and advocate for issues of particular relevance to them. The AIA Ohio Representative to the YAF serves as an ex-officio (advisory, non-voting) member of the AIA Ohio Board of Directors.

The Ohio Representative to the YAF shall be an architect registered for ten (10) years or less and a member of AIA Ohio at the time they are elected. Members of the current Representative’s local component (AIA Cleveland) are not eligible. 

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2023

Learn More

Small Firm Exchange News

Join Ohio’s Small Firm Exchange (SFx) representative Sarah Kleiner, AIA Cincinnati for a virtual SFx coffee chats where small firm leaders can engage with one another, discuss issues facing small firms today, and see what the AIA can do to support Ohio’s small firms. Virtual chats will take place 8:30-9 a.m. monthly—even months on the third Thursday, odd months on the third Tuesday. 

The mission of the Small Firm Exchange (SFx) is to advance the mutual interests of architects practicing in small firms. SFx representatives connect small firm leaders in their local and state components to the national organization. AIA members practicing in small firms are encouraged to reach out to Sarah to discuss how the AIA could better support their practice. 

The next SFx is 8/17

Register for the calls to receive the virtual call information!

A Free resource for AIA components and members

The AIA Trust Legal Network, a free member resource, is a searchable database to find experienced A/E construction lawyers by state. Enrollment is free for qualifying law firms. Encourage any A/E law firms not yet listed to enroll—or send their contact information to for follow-up

Learn More Here

Online Free CE Opportunities

Browse free courses for AIA members to support architects, design professionals, and architecture firms prepare for the future.

Learn More and Register

If you prefer live, interactive continuing education but prefer the comfort of your office, studio or home, webinars may be the perfect fit for your CE needs.

Learn More and Register

GreenCE offers live instructor-led continuing education webinars. The webinars can offer LEED Specific Hours, AIA HSW CE Hours, and ADA/Barrier-Free CE Hours.


Learn More and Register

Career Opportunities

Local Career Opportunities (updated May 12, 2023)

AIA Ohio Career Opportunities

AIA National Career Opportunities

Important AIA Resources

AIA Dayton Website 


AIA Ohio Website

AIA National Website

Your Transcript 

AIAU Website

AIA Dayton Contract Documents

AIA Trust

Coping with the Inevitable Firm Transitions

AIA National

AIA College of Fellows Submissions

In the Media

Beat the Heat This Summer Using Downtown Design

As one of the Four Points of the Main Street Approach, design is a fundamental element of a thriving downtown district. Main Streets emphasize people-centered design, which ensures that the physical elements of a place reflect the needs and desires of the community. Weather conditions play a significant role in how we interact with downtown spaces—it can encourage people to explore or keep them in their cars and homes. A well-designed Main Street takes weather into account to create an environment that welcomes everyone. This summer, look at the design of your Main Street and consider implementing some of these changes to beat the summer heat.

Read More: Main Street America

NCARB Releases Annual Data Report on State of Architectural Licensure

The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards’ (NCARB) twelfth annual data report, NCARB by the Numbers, provides a current look into the health of the licensure pipeline and offers key insights into data shaping the architecture industry. 

The 2023 edition also builds on the enhanced demographic reporting launched the previous year and includes an expanded examination section that allows readers to explore the impact of NCARB’s recently launched practice exams on pass rates for various demographic groups.

Read More: NCARB

Is This New York City Office the Future of the Workplace?

When you arrive at the 15th floor of Publicis Groupe’s 375 Hudson Street building, there is no formal signage or reception introducing Le Truc. Instead, you enter through a simple Sheetrock entryway, ribbed with an almost lenticular system with a gradient that transforms from purple to orange. The cumulative effect is dramatic—a portal between the standard offices that surround it and the vibrant world of Le Truc. “It’s a transformation. It’s not your home. It’s almost this spaceship,” joked Knutson during our walk-through. “It sets you apart from where you’ve been, puts you in a different mindset.”

Read More: Metropolis

Thank you to Our Chapter Sponsors!

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Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Jane Treiber 

(937) 280-4631  * NEW NUMBER!

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