News Brief 8-18-23

Chapter Programs

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Time is Running Out to Get Your Dragons Tickets!

AIA Dayton has secured 50 tickets for the Thursday, August 24 Dayton Dragons home game against the Lansing Lugnuts! Tickets are on sale for this event for $10 per person.

The limit of 4 tickets per AIA member has been lifted - you can now purchase as many tickets as you need to bring your office and/or family members!

Each ticket includes $5.00 in Baseball Bucks to use that evening, and there will be a door prize drawing for two (2) tickets to Kings Island for a lucky member!

The seats are located down the first base line.

Come out and enjoy a great night of baseball with your AIA Dayton colleagues! Tickets will be distributed the evening of the event at the Will Call window at the stadium The game starts at 7:05 PM.

Thank you to our sponsors Kimley-Horn and Snyder Brick & Block for subsidizing the cost of the event!

Buy Tickets Here

Submit Your Entries for the Focus on Design Awards Program

Entry Deadline for Design Awards: September 1

Entry Deadline for Photography: October 1

Entry Deadline for Student Projects: October 1

Focus on Design Awards Program: Thursday, November 9, 2023

The AIA Dayton Focus on Design Awards Program is open for submission of entries! Click here to go to the OpenWater platform for more information.  

The awards program will be held at the Dayton Steam Plant on Thursday, November 9 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. We can’t wait to see you there!

Save the Date! Five Rivers Health Center Tour

Date: Tuesday, September 19

Time: 4:00 PM

Location: 721 Miami Chapel Road, Dayton (Meet in the Main Lobby)

Fee: $5 for AIA Members; $10 for Nonmembers


Perimeter Security Planning, Products & Procedures

Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023

Time: 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM

Location: Hope Hotel and COnference Center (in-person)

Presenter: Tom Legerski, Ameristar / Assa Abloy

Approved for 1.0 AIA CES HSW/LUs

This presentation (1) outlines the role of passive and active perimeter security barriers and procedures in an effective holistic approach to blast mitigation and standoff distance for physical site security, (2) addresses recent developments and innovations with regard to design/build technologies, and (3) discusses the implications these products and procedures have on protecting critical infrastructure assets and facilities relative to homeland security.

Learning Objectives:

*Site Planning and Layers of Security. Highlights the elements involved in Site Planning Analysis, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), and the Concentric Rings of Security.

* Deny, Deter, Delay, and Detect. Go over this physical security methodology as it pertains to perimeter security.

*Vehicle and Personnel Access Control. Includes a virtual tour of a High Security Facility including offsite facilities and functions, vehicle access control points, personnel access control points, passive perimeter barriers, and electronic perimeter systems.

*Perimeter Barriers and Products. An overview of the types of physical security technology that is available.

Lunch: AIA members: $15.00

-Oven roasted salmon fillet (with orange, ginger, and honey glaze)

-Sesame Ginger Herbed Rice Asparagus

-Salad and Rolls

-Lemon cake

Register Here

AIA Dayton and Siebenthalers Announce Sponsor Appreciation Picnic

The annual Sponsor Appreciation Picnic at the Siebenthaler’s Cabin at the Garden Center is Thursday, September 28 at 5:30 PM. Hosts AIA Dayton and Robert and Jeff Siebenthaler are excited to continue the tradition of the picnic and the 50+ years of architects gathering with the Siebenthaler landscape design crew and chapter sponsors for an evening of good food, good drinks, and appreciation of great friends and design.

AIA Dayton’s annual chapter sponsors are invited as AIA Dayton’s guests, and AIA Dayton members are invited to attend free. The picnic is a benefit of membership, and the chapter’s opportunity to thank its annual sponsors with a steak dinner and recognition.

AIA Dayton members should RSVP below by September 25.

Register Here

Chapter News

Congratulations to the 2023 Team Building Night Winners

Congratulations to the AIA Dayton members who were winners at the 19th Annual Dayton Builders Exchange Team Building Night on August 10!

Masonry Institute of Dayton Awards:

-Wright Memorial Public Library

Contractor – Hagerman

Architect – LWC, Inc.

Owner – City of Oakwood

-Life Connection of Ohio – Dayton Location

Contractor – Hagerman

Architect – MODA4 Design

Owner – Life Connection of Ohio

-Bethel Elementary School

Contractor – PCC Masonry

Architect – Garmann Miller

Owner – Bethel Local Schools

-Northeastern K-12 School

Contractor – Gostomsky Masonry LLC

Architect – Ruetschle Architects, Inc.

Owner – Northeastern School District

AIA News

Hawaii Wildfire Recovery Donations

We are deeply saddened by the recent wildfires and are working closely with AIA Hawaii as recovery efforts get underway. AIA Hawaii recommends giving to the Maui Strong Fund. 100% of the funds will be distributed for community needs for immediate response and recovery. 

Learn more and donate >

Registration Open for AIA Ohio Conference


AIA Ohio Architectural Design Community Conference will bring together more than 200 members of the design community from across the state for three days of tours, keynote speakers, educational programming, and other activities right in the heart of Columbus. 

Full Conference Schedule

Applications Now Open for VISION Class 13


AIA Cincinnati VISION is excited to announce applications are open now through September 15 for this unique leadership development opportunity. VISION is designed for early professional architects on established career tracks who want to gain the skills necessary to advance to higher levels within the architectural profession.


The VISION program supports participants with programming that addresses professional advancement, firm development, and community outreach—all framed with Millennial and Generation Z learning and leadership styles in mind. VISION graduates are future leaders of our profession! Learn more about the program and apply.

Call for Candidates


AIA Ohio Representative to the Strategic Council

A candidate will be selected to replace Yanitza Brongers Marrero, FAIA, Columbus, whose three-year term will be complete on Dec. 31, 2023. AIA Strategic Council members are responsible for establishing the vision and long-term goals of the Institute. The AIA Strategic Council serves an advisory role to the AIA National Board, but is not involved in governance. 

AIA Ohio Representative to the Young Architects Forum

A candidate will be selected to replace Seth Duke, AIA, Cleveland, whose two-year term will be complete on Dec. 31, 2023. Representatives to the Young Architects Forum serve as the voice of recently licensed architects and advocate for issues of particular relevance to them. The AIA Ohio Representative to the YAF serves as an ex-officio (advisory, non-voting) member of the AIA Ohio Board of Directors.

The Ohio Representative to the YAF shall be an architect registered for ten (10) years or less and a member of AIA Ohio at the time they are elected. 

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2023

Learn More

A Free resource for AIA components and members

The AIA Trust Legal Network, a free member resource, is a searchable database to find experienced A/E construction lawyers by state. Enrollment is free for qualifying law firms. Encourage any A/E law firms not yet listed to enroll—or send their contact information to for follow-up

Learn More Here

Online Free CE Opportunities

Browse free courses for AIA members to support architects, design professionals, and architecture firms prepare for the future.

Learn More and Register

If you prefer live, interactive continuing education but prefer the comfort of your office, studio or home, webinars may be the perfect fit for your CE needs.

Learn More and Register

GreenCE offers live instructor-led continuing education webinars. The webinars can offer LEED Specific Hours, AIA HSW CE Hours, and ADA/Barrier-Free CE Hours.


Learn More and Register

Career Opportunities

Local Career Opportunities (updated May 12, 2023)

AIA Ohio Career Opportunities

AIA National Career Opportunities

Important AIA Resources

AIA Dayton Website 


AIA Ohio Website

AIA National Website

Your Transcript 

AIAU Website

AIA Dayton Contract Documents

AIA Trust

Coping with the Inevitable Firm Transitions

AIA National

AIA College of Fellows Submissions

In the Media

California Adopts First-in-Nation Building Code Revision to Reduce Embodied Carbon

California is now the first state in the country to formally implement general code requirements for reducing embodied carbon in the built environment.

On Wednesday, August 2, the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) voted unanimously to approve two amendments to the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen), Part 11, Title 24, that will limit embodied carbon emissions in the “construction, remodel, or adaptive reuse of commercial buildings larger than 100,000 square feet and school projects over 50,000 square feet.”

Read More: Architectural Record

Thinking beyond AC: 7 ways architects are redesigning buildings for extreme heat

As heat waves get hotter, longer, and much more frequent, better air-conditioning alone isn’t enough to keep occupants comfortable—we also need to redesign buildings to help them stay cooler, and avoid millions of ACs straining the grid so much that the power goes out. Designs that have been proven in the Southwest in cities like Phoenix may also now make sense in the Northwest in cities like Portland, Oregon. Here are seven strategies that architects are using.

Read More: Fast Company

‘It’s already way beyond what humans can do’: will AI wipe out architects?

“The problem with architects is that we almost entirely focus on images,” says Neil Leach, author of Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. “But the most revolutionary change is in the less sexy area: the automation of the entire design package, from developing initial options right through to construction. In terms of strategic thinking and real-time analysis, AI is already way beyond what human architects are capable of. This could be the final nail in the coffin of a struggling profession.”

Read More: The Guardian (UK)

‘Architect Barbie’ co-creators explain impact of ‘Barbie’ movie

Designing a Barbie as a playful avatar for women in a male-dominated field was an important project for Hayes McAlonie and Stratigakos, who are passionate about expanding gender equity and representation in architecture. Hayes McAlonie authored a biography on Louise Blanchard Bethune, the first professional female architect. Stratigakos wrote “Where Are the Women Architects?” a book that explores the stagnating number of women in a male-dominated field. In 2011, they worked together with Mattel to develop Architect Barbie.

Read More: University at Buffalo

Florida historic buildings bolster tourism, quality of life. Why demolish them?

As when a hurricane shifts course and a direct hit is averted, Florida had a near-miss when the legislative session ended without final passage of the Resiliency and Safe Structures Act. Despite its title, which evokes notions of strength and security, the bill would have gutted many of the historic places that Floridians hold dear. 

Among other things, the bill as introduced would have allowed nearly unfettered demolition of thousands of historic buildings along over 1,350 miles of coastline. What’s worse, the bill would have also fast-tracked demolition of historic buildings outside of coastal communities if they were deemed “unsafe,” ignoring the fact that countless historic buildings once deemed unsafe have been spectacularly revived.  

Read More: The Palm Beach Post

Thank you to Our Chapter Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Jane Treiber 

(937) 280-4631  * NEW NUMBER!

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