Election of Officers and Directors Happening at the AIA Dayton Annual Membership Meeting
Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Location: Moeller Brew Barn, 416 E. 1st Street, Dayton
Join us for Happy Hour and Free Food!
AIA Dayton members and sponsors admitted for free.
2023-24 Candidates for the AIA Dayton Board
The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of candidates to be voted on by the membership at its annual meeting. The slate of candidates:
* President-elect: Bryan Greene, AIA
* Secretary (2-year term): Cally Lange, AIA
* Director (elect two): Mike Duke, AIA; ONE POSITION OPEN
* Associate Director (elect two) : Lauren McCarroll, Assoc. AIA; Katie McCall, Assoc. AIA
* AIA Ohio Director (1st year of 3-year term): Joe Bissaillon, AIA
Fulfilling their previously elected 2024 positions:
* President: Rebecca Nikolai, AIA
* Past President: Alex Bohler AIA
* Treasurer (2nd of 2-year term): Erin McNicholl, AIA
The election of Officers and Directors will take place October 18 at 5:30 PM. All members are encouraged to attend. Sign up for the meeting will follow soon!
Thanks to our meeting sponsors Kimley Horn and Snyder Brick and Block!