123rd Session of the Indiana General Assembly - The 123rd session of the Indiana General Assembly began on January 9 and is scheduled to conclude no later than April 29. This year’s session is referred to as a “long session” due to the biennial state budget that must be adopted.
There will be significant challenges during this long session for AIA Indiana. Negative proposals regarding building codes and professional licensing matters are expected. Also, there will be debate regarding housing and Indiana’s current tax structure. One of the Indiana Senate Republicans’ top priorities this legislative session is a bill that would create a commission to study the feasibility of eliminating Indiana’s state income tax which could equate to the state implementing a tax on services. AIA Indiana will be front and center for these debates.
AIA Indiana will also be busy lobbying in favor of at least two proactive bills. One calls for reinstating and updating the state historic preservation tax credit. The second bill would direct the Indiana Fire Prevention & Building Safety Commission to provide rules for construction inspection.
The current Indiana Building Code explicitly omits nationally recognized building inspection requirements for “Class 1” structures, creating a great risk to public safety. “Class 1” structures are buildings occupied by the general public and/or three (3) or more tenants. Indiana is one of two states with a statewide building code that currently does not incorporate Chapter 17: Special inspection into its Building Code. The other state is Wisconsin.
The omitted requirements are a critical part of the quality assurance standards of the International Building Code (IBC), the model upon which the Indiana Building Code is based. The purposeful deletion of these inspection requirements has put Indiana out of step with national construction practices and has left Indiana without a defined minimum standard for structural inspection of building construction.
I am confident other legislative challenges and opportunities will arise during this session and AIA Indiana will be there to meet them!