In her capacity as board member, she has reviewed annual and event budgets and participated in strategic planning, both at the State and local level. As chairperson/committee volunteer for the Rose Awards (AIABR design awards) for more than a decade, she has worked hard to transform the program into a highly celebrated and publicized event. Recently her focus has been serving as the co-chair on the AIABR Public Policy Committee as well as co-chair for the Rose Awards Committee.
Candidate Statement:
As Secretary/Treasurer for AIA LA, I hope to serve our chapter not only as the financial officer keeping a close eye on budgets and spending, but also as a member of the executive committee. The task of the executive committee should be focusing the board’s attention to important issues that directly affect the architectural profession.
We need to raise public awareness of the profession while at the same time providing real value to our membership. Our annual goals must reflect current conditions such as health safety, disaster recovery, rising construction costs, a shrinking employment pool and legislative issues. A changing world economy dictates a change in the way we provide services to the membership. Considering the devastating effects of COVID 19, the AIA LA board will need to focus on short and long-term goals to help our members recover and learn to live in this new reality. The socioeconomic impact to our communities will be far reaching and as the leaders in our profession we need give guidance and expertise to our community leaders. I humbly ask for your support for the position and hope to continue serving AIA Louisiana to best of my ability.