October 2020
Congratulations to Our Newly Elected Officers
President Elect - Mischa Farrell, AIA
Mischa Farrell is principal of Mischa Farrell Architect, LLC. Her firm is celebrating its 20th year in business.

Mischa relocated from New Mexico in 1997, where she worked for Antoine Predock Architect as an intern and a project Architect. She is NCARB certified and is licensed in both Louisiana and California. Mischa earned her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Texas at Austin in 1989 with additional architectural studies at the Danish Institute for Study Abroad in Copenhagen. She worked in Boston during her University years with Machado and Silvetti and Associates. Mischa’s firm serves a broad range of public and private clients. Her works include Public Libraries, University Buildings, Historic Renovations and adaptive reuse. She focuses on creative design solutions embracing environment and client needs.
Mischa Farrell
Mischa has been active with the AIA at the local and state level for the past seven years. She has served on the Executive Committee of AIA at both the State and local level from 2013 to 2020. Mischa is a current member of the Board of Regents for the Louisiana Architecture Foundation. She interacts with the community by running monthly events, including, Sketch the City and local lectures about architecture. She is actively involved in LAF’s current movie project to highlight the modern architecture of the Wiener brothers from Shreveport and many other LAF events.

Candidate Statement:

We are facing some challenging times, perhaps unprecedented for 90 years. My experience with the Louisiana American Institute of Architects has prepared me to lead this organization through the next few years. I am aware of the many types of firms we have in this state and am ready to advocate for all through this difficult time.
You all know how time consuming our profession can be. I am grateful AIA LA continues to advocate for the architects at both houses of the state legislature so that we don’t have to have that task constantly on our to do list. Our state agency is doing a great job assisting our Louisiana architects. I am here to assist you and your firms to continue to energize our profession for the future.
Whitney B. LeJeune Treasurer
Secretary Treasurer - Whitney B. LeJeune, AIA, LEEP AP
Whitney is currently an Associate with RHH Architects in downtown Baton Rouge since 2007. Whitney received a Bachelor of Architecture in 1992 and was licensed in 1996. She has served as design/project architect on projects up to the $100 million range. Notable projects include Baton Rouge Magnet High School, The Advocate, Bullion Primary School and the 19th District Judicial Courthouse. Whitney has served on the AIA Baton Rouge Board beginning in 1999 holding the positions of delegate, treasurer (2-year term), president elect, president, past president, and state delegate.
In her capacity as board member, she has reviewed annual and event budgets and participated in strategic planning, both at the State and local level. As chairperson/committee volunteer for the Rose Awards (AIABR design awards) for more than a decade, she has worked hard to transform the program into a highly celebrated and publicized event. Recently her focus has been serving as the co-chair on the AIABR Public Policy Committee as well as co-chair for the Rose Awards Committee.

Candidate Statement:

As Secretary/Treasurer for AIA LA, I hope to serve our chapter not only as the financial officer keeping a close eye on budgets and spending, but also as a member of the executive committee. The task of the executive committee should be focusing the board’s attention to important issues that directly affect the architectural profession.
We need to raise public awareness of the profession while at the same time providing real value to our membership. Our annual goals must reflect current conditions such as health safety, disaster recovery, rising construction costs, a shrinking employment pool and legislative issues. A changing world economy dictates a change in the way we provide services to the membership. Considering the devastating effects of COVID 19, the AIA LA board will need to focus on short and long-term goals to help our members recover and learn to live in this new reality. The socioeconomic impact to our communities will be far reaching and as the leaders in our profession we need give guidance and expertise to our community leaders. I humbly ask for your support for the position and hope to continue serving AIA Louisiana to best of my ability.
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Sponsored by Hahn Enterprises.
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Sponsored by Southwest Terrazzo Assn
Save the Date for Future Opportunities
  • November 3: “Differential Movement and Expansion Joints in Brick Veneer” - Sponsored by Acme Brick Block and Tile
  • November 12: “Key Approaches to Commercial Bathroom and Show Design” – Sponsored by Inpro Corporation
  • December 3: “Introduction to Terracotta” – Sponsored by Acme Brick Block and Tile
Online Proctoring FAQs

Editor's note: NCARB has published a separate article explaining the move to a digital whiteboard rather than paper-and-pencil scratch paper. Read more. NCARB expects to launch online proctoring as an option for ARE delivery on November 16, 2020. ...

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On Demand Course
Transform losses into opportunities
It’s been a tough year, and the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Among all the negatives, there are also a few positives, including a new AIA event series designed to help women in architecture succeed. Reserve your spot at our inaugural session October 6, where you’ll learn how to transform a setback into your greatest comeback. Courtney Stanley, an award-winning speaker and creator of the Dare to Interrupt podcast, will walk you work through the five stages of a setback and show you how to increase productivity, nurture virtual relationships, build a powerful professional brand, and transform losses into opportunities.

Proposed energy bill supports AIA climate action priorities

WASHINGTON - Sept. 18, 2020 - The American Institute of Architects (AIA) commends the House Committee on Energy and Commerce's newly released energy package promoting a host of climate action initiatives. The Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act ...

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AIA Honors & Awards
Each year, AIA celebrates the best buildings and spaces—and the people behind them—with some of the most prestigious awards in the built environment.

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