Board of Architects Revised Administrative Rules
. Will go into effect on February 27th. Most of the changes had to do with clarifying the Continuing Education requirements. Please click
to read the Revised Administrative Rules
The revised Michigan Health Facilities Rules became effective Feb 21, 2020
. Any new healthcare construction/renovation submitted after April 1, 2020 to the Health Facilities Engineering Section (HFES) will be reviewed to 2018 Facilities Guidelines Institute guidelines (with some modifications per Michigan amendments that found in the revised Michigan rules). This includes all three volumes of the 2018 FGI (Hospital, Residential & Outpatient) applied to those types of health facilities covered under the revised rules.
to view the final document.
Here's the
to the Michigan Michigan Administrative Rulemaking System for the Health Facilities.
Once on the page click on Final Rule Language link.
AIA Conference on Architecture - registration is open! Click
here for more information.
Save the Date: State and Local Government Conference
We're updating this must-attend event to make sure we are providing the resources and training state and local chapters need to advocate successfully and help AIA members grow as citizen architects. Please mark your calendars for
July 8-10, 2020
, and join us in Omaha!
Along the Rhine River
Experience the beauty of the Rhine as you cruise through Germany, France, and the Netherlands on an eight-day journey with Architectural Adventures. Led by an architectural expert, discover remarkably timeless European architecture including the Notre Dame Cathedral, the gabled canal houses of Amsterdam, and Cologne's magnificent Dom.
Earn 18 AIA LUs
APAC Architects Political Action Committee
Our goal is $10,000 by August 2020
Only personal contributions allowed
Affiliations able to contribute: AIA/AIAE, FAIA, Associate AIA
Now Accepting Credit Cards!
Richard Fry, FAIA
- 1937- 2020
Not knowing it was his last week on earth, Richard Fry, FAIA, spent it doing many of his favorite things...he attended the reunion of former Michigan basketball players and watched his beloved team beat Indiana, he talked to distant kids and grandchildren on FaceTime, he had a lunch at Knight’s, he made sure his wife of 53 years got new tires on her car- and then he died peacefully at home of cardiovascular disease on Sunday, February 23 while taking a nap.
Read More
Design Retreat Committee - Call for Volunteers!
The Design Retreat committee is looking for volunteers to join the committee!
Please fill out the form if you're interested.
Risk Management Seminars - 4 HSW's
Grand Valley State University
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Michigan State University
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Masonry 101
Friday, Mach 6, 2020
March 2-4, 2020 | Intercontinental Los Angeles Downtown
Historic Masonry Restoration Day
April 2, 2020 Earn 6 LU/HSW
Rose Fellowship Call for Applications
- The Rose Fellowship partners community-engaged architects and artists with local community development organizations. Together, we facilitate an inclusive approach that creates and preserves sustainable, healthy and affordable communities.Applications due
April 10, 2020
Women in Architecture Books & Program
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Baldwin Pubic Library, 300 W. Merrill, Birmingham
dult Library Reference Desk: (248) 554-4650
Michigan Historic Preservation Network - 40th Annual Statewide Preservation Conference
“Preservation on the Frontline”
Thursday-Saturday, May 14-16, 2020
Fetzer Center, Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan
AIA Michigan has Brightwood's 5.0 Study Guides. Please call 313-965-4100 or email
Evelyn Dougherty
to borrow the study materials!
AIA Huron Valley
has the ARE 5 Review Manual and the ARE 5 Practice Problems available to loan out free of charge. If you are interested please email
AIA Huron Valley
AIA Saginaw Valley
has the ARE materials available for their section members to borrow! If you're a member of the AIA Saginaw Valley chapter please contact
AIA Saginaw Valley
to borrow the materials.
Integrated Architecture, Grand Rapids, MI
HKS, Inc., Northville, MI
PARTNERS in Architecture, Mount Clemens, MI
DesignTeam Plus, LLC, Birmingham, MI
Schley Nelson Architects, Oshtemo, MI
HopkinsBurns Design Studio, Ann Arbor, MI
Quinn Evans, Detroit/Ann Arbor, MI
NSA AE, Farmington Hills, MI
Yamasaki, Inc., Detroit, MI
Recent Graduate Seeking:
Professional with Marketing/Administrative experience in A/E/C seeking:
CKLDP 2019-2020 Session 6: Expanding the Definition of Practice
Donald E. Lee Architecture Scholarship
COTE Meeting
ARE Study Session at Fishbeck
Annual Bowling Night
March designTHUNK
2020 Scholarship Deadline
Tod Williams & Billie Tsien Keynote Lecture
Tour of the Michigan Union at The University of Michigan
Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program Scholars - AFTERGLOW - ALL MEMBERS INVITED
Co-hosted by AIA Mid-Michigan & AIA Detroit
Fri., March 6 -
for the Afterglow
[Re]Design Saginaw
Andrew's University - Architecture Career Fair
Project Tour & Networking Event - Record Box Loft
Thurs., March 26 -
Save the date!
Discover what you can learn AIAU brings the industry's best learning to you. Our
300+ instructors
are from leading firms, and they'll immerse you in in-demand topics that will boost your skills and portfolio.
Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship
Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents, Continuing Education, Membership, Sponsorship, Emerging Professionals
Administrative Assistant: Events, Membership, Documents, Continuing Education