Conference: The future of codes and existing buildings
Earn up to 7 LUs—Join the Historic Resources Committee at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West for the 2020 Taliesin Colloquium. We will explore both the history of codes for existing buildings, and impact of new code changes that are coming.
Save the Date: State and Local Government Conference
We're updating this must-attend event to make sure we are providing the resources and training state and local chapters need to advocate successfully and help AIA members grow as citizen architects. Please mark your calendars for
July 8-10, 2020
, and join us in Omaha!
Best Practice: AIAU Small Firm Series
The AIA national Small Firm Exchange has selected the courses in this new AIAU series to make the most of your time by providing you actionable tools, resources, and knowledge to grow your small firm into the prosperous business you envision.
Grassroots 2020
is live on
. Visit the page to make your travel arrangements, hotel reservations and restaurant reservations.
Hotel deadline: January 20, 2020
Learn more
Structural Masonry
Special Inspectors Workshop
December 12 & 13 - 16 credits AIA/CES (HSW)
Register Today!
Share your Innovative Masonry Project or Idea for a Chance at $30,000 in Prizes
Do you have innovative ideas for masonry design and construction, or have you been involved in a groundbreaking project?
$30,000 in prizes is up for grabs across 3 entry categories:
- Young Architects/Engineers (under 40)
- Students
- A/E Firms, Individual Architects & Engineers, or Cross-Category Teams
2020 Honor Awards - Call for Entries
to register for the MIM M-Award, AIAMI Design, AIAMI Individual Recognition, and AIAMI Firm of the Year
to download submission requirements for AIAMI & MIM Awards
to upload your submission for AIAMI & MIM
AIAMI & Masonry Submissions due
January 27, 2020
- no extensions
AIAMI Recognition & Firm Submissions due
February 27, 2020
- no extensions
AIA Michigan has Brightwood's 5.0 Study Guides. Please call 313-965-4100 or email
Evelyn Dougherty
to borrow the study materials!
AIA Huron Valley
has the ARE 5 Review Manual and the ARE 5 Practice Problems available to loan out free of charge. If you are interested please email
AIA Huron Valley
AIA Saginaw Valley
has the ARE materials available for their section members to borrow! If you're a member of the AIA Saginaw Valley chapter please contact
AIA Saginaw Valley
to borrow the materials.
SDI Structures, Ann Arbor, MI
Oakland County, Waterford, MI
Tiseo Architects, Inc., Livonia, MI
Saroki Architecture, Birmingham, MI
Thomas Roberts Architect, Wyandotte, MI
Recent Graduate Seeking:
Professional with Marketing/Administrative experience in A/E/C seeking:
Emerging Professionals End-of-Year Party!
CANstruction Detroit 2019 at Noel Night
TAP | Dec Program: What's Next?
ARE Study Session at FTCH
COTE Planning Meeting
December designTHUNK
ARE Study Session at FTCH
GR | ASID Holiday Party
AIAGR December Lunch & Learn
Commercial Building Power Hour Creating a Path to Carbon Neutrality in our Commercial Buildings
Holiday Open House
Discover what you can learn AIAU brings the industry's best learning to you. Our
300+ instructors
are from leading firms, and they'll immerse you in in-demand topics that will boost your skills and portfolio.
Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship
Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents, Continuing Education, Membership, Sponsorship, Emerging Professionals
Administrative Assistant: Events, Membership, Documents, Continuing Education