Reopening Safely: Guidance for Architecture Firms LIVE EVENT -
Earn up to 4.25 LU (2 LU|HSW, 2.25 LU|Elective)
Getting hired during COVID-19: Tips for new grads
Join four architecture professionals as they discuss how their firms navigate the job market during the pandemic. You will hear from three firm leaders and one emerging professional that was hired and onboarded remotely.
Register now
What architects need to know: AIA Master Agreements and Task Orders
Does your design firm perform repeat or similar work for the same client or from a consultant? Would you like to manage risk and streamline the contract process for these projects? This free webinar provides an overview of the AIA Master Agreements and Task Orders geared towards architects.
Harnessing the passion of our Members and the broader design community,
AIA National
is taking steps to advance racial justice and equality in our organization, in our profession, and in our communities.
As we work to break down barriers, the AIA recognizes we don’t have all the answers. To succeed, our action must be guided by greater understanding. AIA National has begun to put together
which represent just a few tools to help bridge the gap – the gap between complacency and knowledge, between knowledge and action, and between action and progress. Through listening sessions with internal and external stakeholders and partner groups, we’re further exploring concrete ways to effect change.
We invite you to contact AIA National at
to suggest additional resources.
COVID-19 Re-opening tools & resources
AIA convened a virtual charrette with architects and experts in public health, engineering, and facilities management to develop guidance for building re-occupancy. Input from the charrette led to a new Building Risk Management Plan Worksheet, enhanced Re-occupancy Assessment Tool, and expanded ArchMap.
AIA Re-occupancy Assessment Tool
which provides a framework of strategies for re-opening buildings. Informed by authoritative sources (CDC, WHO, OSHA, etc.) and public health experts, the tool includes baseline parameters for re-occupancy, architectural and engineering strategies, and administrative policies that promote the health, safety, and welfare of the public while creating opportunities for non-essential facilities to provide services.
How AIA contracts address the COVID-19 pandemic
For the foreseeable future, the design and construction industry may experience considerable disruptions, such as material shortages, construction delays, work stoppages, and suspended and terminated projects due to the coronavirus pandemic. This article provides some tips on how to handle project delays, suspensions, and terminations with AIA documents, and also provides a list of some insurance issues to consider.
The Whitney M. Young Jr. Award
This award distinguishes an architect or architectural organization that embodies social responsibility and actively addresses relevant issues, such as affordable housing, inclusiveness, or universal access. Please nominate candidates who continuously advocate for societal equity through our profession. Nominations for this prestigious award are open now through
September 1
Submit nominations
Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship
Applications are now open through
August 14
for the 2020 Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship. Apply today for this grant covering the full costs of the Architect Registration Examination, as well as study materials and access to ArchiPrep®.
Apply now
Richard Morris Hunt Prize
Applications are open now through
August 14
for the 2021 Richard Morris Hunt Prize. Apply today to receive a $20,000 research fellowship for emerging trends in historic preservation.
Apply now
Mackinac Island is ready for visitors… read more
. Michigan is safely re-opening. The Grand Hotel is opening and AIA Michigan and AGC of Michigan are planning another great conference for 2020.
Many of you may be wondering how we stay safe, in the era of Covid19. AIA, AGC and the Grand Hotel are working on safe social distancing options for the conference. If you have been to the hotel in the past you know that they run a tight ship and 2020 will be even tighter. The hotel will be operating at a smaller capacity. Tables will be removed from the dining room to safely distance. Cocktail parties will be in open spaces or on both sides of the porch. The dueling pianos will be in the Theatre room so we can spread out and enjoy the evening. Meeting rooms will be set for distancing. Registration will be streamlined with more space. See
Grand Hotel FAQ about Covid19
for details about how the hotel will be keeping us all safe.
Grand Hotel pricing and conference registration is the same as last year!
Discover what you can learn AIAU brings the industry's best learning to you. Our
300+ instructors
are from leading firms, and they'll immerse you in in-demand topics that will boost your skills and portfolio.
Free AIAU courses for AIA members
We're in the midst of a pandemic and the business environment is rapidly changing. Many of our members are already feeling the impact. To help you navigate these uncertain times, we're making some of AIAU's best business and tech courses available to AIA members for free. Learn valuable skills about virtual practice, successful business strategies, risk management, and more from some of the most innovative architects, firms, and design professionals.
Browse Courses
Capital Development Board
is pleased to announce the publication of a Notice of Intent for an exciting new project in conjunction with
University of Illinois and the Discovery Partners Institute.
•. The design team for this significant new project will be selected through a multi-stage QBS selection process under CDB’s new
Excellence in Design Program
that will include a conceptual design competition.
•. All interested firms must be prequalified with CDB prior to the Stage I submittal deadline.
Michigan Historic Preservation Network - 40th Annual Statewide Preservation Conference
“Preservation on the Frontline”
Fetzer Center, Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan
RESCHEDULED! September 20-23, 2020
AIA Michigan has Brightwood's 5.0 Study Guides. Please call 313-965-4100 or email
Evelyn Dougherty
to borrow the study materials!
AIA Huron Valley
has the ARE 5 Review Manual and the ARE 5 Practice Problems available to loan out free of charge. If you are interested please email
AIA Huron Valley
AIA Saginaw Valley
has the ARE materials available for their section members to borrow! If you're a member of the AIA Saginaw Valley chapter please contact
AIA Saginaw Valley
to borrow the materials.
COMcheck Fundamentals with the BCRC
Basic Elevatoring with VDA - HSW Webinar
Golf Outing
Honor Awards Project & Recognition Submission Deadline
Annual Golf Outing
2020 Honor Awards Celebration
Thurs., Oct. 29th -
Save the Date!
City of Ann Arbor Webinar on Proposed Floodplain Regulations
Virtual Membership Meeting - Webinar
Learning in Lockdown: ATAS - Metal Cladding
Learning in Lockdown: Lixil - Water Efficiency Strategies
Learning in Lockdown: Genesee Ceramic Tile - Atlas Plan
Learning in Lockdown: Crites-Tidey - Sound Off!
Learning in Lockdown: Pella - Understanding Window & Door Performance
Learning in Lockdown: Cambria - Color's Impact
Partners in Architecture, Mount Clemens, MI
NSA Architects, Engineers, Planners, Farmington Hills, MI
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI
6.29.2020 Ferris State University is seeking an
Architecture Faculty
(Full-time 9 mos. Tenure Track) . To learn more about Ferris State University visit
Grand Rapids Public Schools District, Grand Rapids, MI
Kohler Architecture, Monroe, MI
Seeking Architectural Designer position:
APAC Architects Political Action Committee
Our goal is $10,000 by August 2020
Only personal contributions allowed
Affiliations able to contribute: AIA/AIAE, FAIA, Associate AIA
Now Accepting Credit Cards!
Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship
Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents, Continuing Education, Membership, Sponsorship, Emerging Professionals
Administrative Assistant: Events, Membership, Documents, Continuing Education